
Bevo wrote:

I'm just kind of frustrated. I feel like I've been on "the edge" for a few years now.

FFLink wrote:

Then a good one's right around the corner.
Oh FFS, will you stop the excessive positivism, the world doesn't work that way.

Bevo wrote:

FFLink wrote:

It runs thin. My parents bug me about it weekly, even grandparents as well. I just don't know what to do.
You need to calm down. Not that you shouldn't be looking for a date but rather, if you're that edgy about it, fat chance it will turn out a huge dissapointment when you finally do meet a girl.
Un Moderador

Lai wrote:

You need to calm down. Not that you shouldn't be looking for a date but rather, if you're that edgy about it, fat chance it will turn out a huge dissapointment when you finally do meet a girl.
This man speaks the truth.

Just go out there and do it. Just don't look for an instant relationship.
+718|6666|Austin, Texas
You need to calm down. Not that you shouldn't be looking for a date but rather, if you're that edgy about it, fat chance it will turn out a huge dissapointment when you finally do meet a girl.
I'm not edgy, just... annoyed. I don't know really. I try not to let it affect me.

Zimmer wrote:

This man speaks the truth.

Just go out there and do it. Just don't look for an instant relationship.
I'm not, but after such a period of time I just feel apathetic to the idea of it all and I want that to change.

Last edited by Bevo (2009-11-29 14:59:30)

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Bevo wrote:

You need to calm down. Not that you shouldn't be looking for a date but rather, if you're that edgy about it, fat chance it will turn out a huge dissapointment when you finally do meet a girl.
I'm not edgy, just... annoyed. I don't know really. I try not to let it affect me.
Then don't let it affect you. Go out there. Don't think about it. Just do it. Once you've done it, you'll realise what an idiot you've been about it.

Stop putting barriers where there are none. Start flirting with a girl, then make a move. You know, I make it sound easy because it IS. Now, the relationship part and the getting laid isn't as easy (unless she's a major slut), but making the first move is always a good start. Girls like it, and although they have more hold over what we do, they don't realise it. So just go do it. What's the worst that can happen? You get pushed away? You apologise and move on.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
It's easy to get laid by girls who aren't major sluts sometimes too. If a girl's 18 or over chances are you won't have to try very hard at all.

I'm Jamesey wrote:

If a girl's 18 or over chances are you won't have to try very hard at all.
that is the closest post to the truth in this whole thread. the truth is women are just as freaky nasty as men, and have the same itch they need scratched. i don't shyly, timidly scratch an itch - i dig that fucker out. confidence
+718|6666|Austin, Texas
I did move well out of my 'comfort zone' last night when I was out clubbing - met two of my friends and they brought a bunch of girls - grabbed a pretty cute one (didn't ask ) and we danced for a bit. meh.
Un Moderador

Bevo wrote:

I did move well out of my 'comfort zone' last night when I was out clubbing - met two of my friends and they brought a bunch of girls - grabbed a pretty cute one (didn't ask ) and we danced for a bit. meh.
Just make your move then man. It's not hard. Seriously. Grab her and kiss her. Simple as.

I know you're thinking "but I just can't do that.".

But yes you can. That's how it works. Pull yourself together and do it.
+718|6666|Austin, Texas
She wasn't "into it" though. I have no issues reading body language - or making a move if I know she was either. Kinda brings me back to square 1 - bad breaks.
Un Moderador

Bevo wrote:

She wasn't "into it" though. I have no issues reading body language - or making a move if I know she was either. Kinda brings me back to square 1 - bad breaks.
Nu uh. You're wrong.

Human behaviour can read, we all know that, but when it comes to you reading someone else that could potentially be interested in you, your head goes a bit off. It's a fact. Girls/Guys can be awesome at reading people like books and predicting relationships and shit (I know I can), but when it comes to your own relationships and feelings, everything goes bottoms up.

Don't fool yourself by thinking "she's not interested in me" because that isn't usually the case. You can be an awesome reader and all that, but you're usually wrong about yourself. Trust me. I've been in too many an occasions where I'm like "oh, you liked me? Fuck" but when it comes to my friends I'm like "She likes you. Do it." and next thing I know they're in a relationship.

Our brain likes to do shit like that because we aren't naturally confident, we need to push ourselves sometimes.

So next time; don't think about it. Just fucking do it. The consequences are completely null and void. The worst thing that can happen is you get slapped.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

burnzz wrote:

I'm Jamesey wrote:

If a girl's 18 or over chances are you won't have to try very hard at all.
that is the closest post to the truth in this whole thread. the truth is women are just as freaky nasty as men, and have the same itch they need scratched. i don't shyly, timidly scratch an itch - i dig that fucker out. confidence
it's the preconception that any girl who is easy to sleep with is a slut that makes them hard to sleep with, unless they're virgins/only sleep with awful guys the girl is going to enjoy/want it just as much as a guy
Cholera in the time of love
No probs to report.

/useless post
I like pie.
There is.
+1,380|6836|Devon, England

I'm Jamesey wrote:

burnzz wrote:

I'm Jamesey wrote:

If a girl's 18 or over chances are you won't have to try very hard at all.
that is the closest post to the truth in this whole thread. the truth is women are just as freaky nasty as men, and have the same itch they need scratched. i don't shyly, timidly scratch an itch - i dig that fucker out. confidence
it's the preconception that any girl who is easy to sleep with is a slut that makes them hard to sleep with, unless they're virgins/only sleep with awful guys the girl is going to enjoy/want it just as much as a guy
Unless the guy looks dirty.

You can be bad looking and still get the girls, so long as you look clean.
+718|6666|Austin, Texas

Zimmer wrote:

Bevo wrote:

She wasn't "into it" though. I have no issues reading body language - or making a move if I know she was either. Kinda brings me back to square 1 - bad breaks.
Nu uh. You're wrong.

Human behaviour can read, we all know that, but when it comes to you reading someone else that could potentially be interested in you, your head goes a bit off. It's a fact. Girls/Guys can be awesome at reading people like books and predicting relationships and shit (I know I can), but when it comes to your own relationships and feelings, everything goes bottoms up.

Don't fool yourself by thinking "she's not interested in me" because that isn't usually the case. You can be an awesome reader and all that, but you're usually wrong about yourself. Trust me. I've been in too many an occasions where I'm like "oh, you liked me? Fuck" but when it comes to my friends I'm like "She likes you. Do it." and next thing I know they're in a relationship.

Our brain likes to do shit like that because we aren't naturally confident, we need to push ourselves sometimes.

So next time; don't think about it. Just fucking do it. The consequences are completely null and void. The worst thing that can happen is you get slapped.
If I had time to analyze the situation, or I knew her at all, I'd agree.

But I didn't/still don't know her name and really had nothing to lose.
Un Moderador

Bevo wrote:

If I had time to analyze the situation, or I knew her at all, I'd agree.

But I didn't/still don't know her name and really had nothing to lose.
You don't need to know a girl to make your move. Or to be able to analyze anything. Quit thinking about shit.

Example: Met a girl for about an hour last Saturday. Got her number. Spent the whole day with her yesterday.

It's as simple as that. Not knowing the girl makes it that much easier, because you can create a new identity.
Bevo, there's a few small tips you should bare in mind. Its all about escalating smoothly.
From the very first moment you meet the girl, make touching them normal. You want them to be used to you touching them so you can escalate to more intense stuff easily. A good way to tell if its appropriate when you first meet them is the "gay test". In other words, would it be gay if you touched a man like that. For instance, a short light touch on the back of the arm or forearm or even front of the stomach. Touch on key words or emphasis so it seems completely natural.

This prrovides a perfect base for you to escalate the touches, but in such small ways it doesn't cause a shock to the system and she is unlikely to exhibit the instinctual recoil that just diving in for the kiss will cause. The most important thing when you escalate your touches is that your voice and facial expressions are jokey and not sleazy. You want to be making her feel good while you appear completely normal and as though you are not benefitting from it. Give them an experience no other guy will. And make them want to kiss you, casue sexual tension between the two of you until she is dying for you to kiss her. If it is loud, whisper in her ear to talk while maintaining eye contact. The proximity alone can cause huge sexual tension. You'll know when the time is right to go for the kiss, she'll start to slow down look deeply into your eyes and blink slower. Then go for it.
+718|6666|Austin, Texas
@zim: that's not what I'm saying - im almost positive she just wasn't into it. we were grinding and she was just kind of half-assing it (she was a dancer in HS) and never got close or looked back.

also i really appreciate the help guys, even if I sound like I'm not being receptive.

Last edited by Bevo (2009-11-29 16:24:06)

bennis sounds like he could write a how-to book for date-rapists
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Northern numpty
+194|6593|Boulder, CO
Damm man, reading through this thread makes me realise just how crap at all this sort of thing i am. i definitely need to get more practice, if only the girls i liked weren't taken.

Uzique wrote:

bennis sounds like he could write a how-to book for date-rapists
yes.... "could" write a book... ha... ha...

Play it cool Joe, play it cool and no one will know
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6862|Riva, MD

bennisboy wrote:

Bevo, there's a few small tips you should bare in mind. Its all about escalating smoothly.
From the very first moment you meet the girl, make touching them normal. You want them to be used to you touching them so you can escalate to more intense stuff easily. A good way to tell if its appropriate when you first meet them is the "gay test". In other words, would it be gay if you touched a man like that. For instance, a short light touch on the back of the arm or forearm or even front of the stomach. Touch on key words or emphasis so it seems completely natural.

This prrovides a perfect base for you to escalate the touches, but in such small ways it doesn't cause a shock to the system and she is unlikely to exhibit the instinctual recoil that just diving in for the kiss will cause. The most important thing when you escalate your touches is that your voice and facial expressions are jokey and not sleazy. You want to be making her feel good while you appear completely normal and as though you are not benefitting from it. Give them an experience no other guy will. And make them want to kiss you, casue sexual tension between the two of you until she is dying for you to kiss her. If it is loud, whisper in her ear to talk while maintaining eye contact. The proximity alone can cause huge sexual tension. You'll know when the time is right to go for the kiss, she'll start to slow down look deeply into your eyes and blink slower. Then go for it.
That's a lot to think about during every part of everything with a girl.

It seems to me like if you do even one thing out of place or say one weird thing accidentally(which I do a lot) then you're done for.

There's this hot girl in my gym class that I think might like me so as long as I've got that I'm content.  I don't honestly see anything coming out of it though.  She seems to find me interesting because I'm the only introvert/person that isn't up playing basketball.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6768|Little Bentcock

_j5689_ wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

Bevo, there's a few small tips you should bare in mind. Its all about escalating smoothly.
From the very first moment you meet the girl, make touching them normal. You want them to be used to you touching them so you can escalate to more intense stuff easily. A good way to tell if its appropriate when you first meet them is the "gay test". In other words, would it be gay if you touched a man like that. For instance, a short light touch on the back of the arm or forearm or even front of the stomach. Touch on key words or emphasis so it seems completely natural.

This prrovides a perfect base for you to escalate the touches, but in such small ways it doesn't cause a shock to the system and she is unlikely to exhibit the instinctual recoil that just diving in for the kiss will cause. The most important thing when you escalate your touches is that your voice and facial expressions are jokey and not sleazy. You want to be making her feel good while you appear completely normal and as though you are not benefitting from it. Give them an experience no other guy will. And make them want to kiss you, casue sexual tension between the two of you until she is dying for you to kiss her. If it is loud, whisper in her ear to talk while maintaining eye contact. The proximity alone can cause huge sexual tension. You'll know when the time is right to go for the kiss, she'll start to slow down look deeply into your eyes and blink slower. Then go for it.
That's a lot to think about during every part of everything with a girl.

It seems to me like if you do even one thing out of place or say one weird thing accidentally(which I do a lot) then you're done for.

There's this hot girl in my gym class that I think might like me so as long as I've got that I'm content.  I don't honestly see anything coming out of it though.  She seems to find me interesting because I'm the only introvert/person that isn't up playing basketball.
He made it seem overly complicated, but most of it does come naturally, and if you aren't that good with girls, it will come naturally after a couple drinks.

Seriously girls aren't that confusing until you actually have a relationship, then you can throw anything you want out the window.

Talk to her, be entertaining, but don't look like you're trying. Start slow, when you walk past her put your finger tips on the small of her back as in  "I'm just moving by" but make it a little more sensual. Make everything seem casual but with that subtle little edge and she will start to respond. If you are out and talking to her, get close so she can feel your breath on her neck, but don't scream in her ear and drown her in spit. put your hand on her lower back or arm while you talk to her, again in that subtle "its loud in here and I need to be close to talk". If you decide to dance, put your hand on her hips and pull her in close.

Just try not to do it in a smothering way, if she keeps pulling back she probably feels like you are getting to close without needing to, but that won't happen if you are playing your cards right and not coming in to hard and fast.

Subtly is the key gentlemen. It can go out the window when she knows your game and is all over you.

Half the fun in early life is being single and picking up, I'm just a sucker for relationships
+778|5849|London, UK
hmmm what happened to ecilop murof

girl problems got the best of him
bye Raphi, you'll be missed

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