Macbeth wrote:
Right, I'm biased to the point that I voted for him, I'm so biased
Then what are you complaining about
Macbeth wrote:
I actually am, is still kinda funny.
How are you at the receiving end?
Macbeth wrote:
Governor was a leadership role.
How did he end up being Governor? What did he do prior to that to make him governor material so to speak?
Macbeth wrote:
Yeah his dad totally bought him the election and he wasn't voted in at all.
O ok so his father being the President had nothing to do with him being voted in... Ooook...
Macbeth wrote:
No because his dad totally did all his school work
He didn't have to, there probably was no schoolwork
And didn't that oil company go bust?
Macbeth wrote:
Um you know aside from the Watergate thing Nixon was actually one of the better Presidents we've had, but whatever, I mean ending Vietnam, opening up relations with China and a bunch of other things.
lol ok then that's the kind of president you deserve...