Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6925|Great Brown North
he's currently married
Iconic Irony
Bare Back Rough Rider
+189|5421|San Angelo, TX

Zimmer wrote:

Everyone acts around girls different man; you can't force a general rule on every guy. Not every person has balls of steel or balls for that matter.

Let them learn and get good and bad advice. There isn't any point in getting angry about the situation.
I'm not angry, I'm absolutely floored by the lack of intestinal fortitude.  You either ask her out or you don't.  If you don't, but want too, you're a coward and/or stupid.  It's like being in a desert and really, really wanting a glass of water but your too afraid to go in the roadside diner and ask for a glass because they might tell you no.  You ain't gonna know unless you ask, so whats the point of pussy-footing around the elephant in the room?

TSI wrote:

Are you single or taken? I can guarantee your approach will work at getting one night stands, but no stable relationships.

Then again, maybe that's all North Americans look for. Meh.
Worked on picking up my future wife.  Saw her at a party, walked up to her and introduced myself, made small talk for about 10 minutes then asked her if she was single.  She said yeah, I asked her on a date and 5 years later we're married.  What's sad is that when we met we lived 300 miles away from each other and I still made that shit work.  I was only in Dallas for the weekend when I met her, do any of you think I would have hooked up if I was to scared to go ask her a question?  How far would I have gotten driving back to Oklahoma wondering if she was "into me" or "if next time I should say hello"?  No where.

This shit is not science.  You ask, they say no, move on.  You ask, they say yes, you run with it.  Sitting around be nervous and feeling sorry for yourselves will get you nothing at all.  It is simply put, THAT SIMPLE.
+2,382|6823|The North, beyond the wall.
It's decent advice, however what works for some women doesn't work for others, what with them all being different and all. The only thing they share is an ability to cook and suck.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5934|Catherine Black
Well me and Jenni are talking again. She's coming around tomorrow to talk, I guess I'm gonna fess up to the whole thing.

Last edited by Finray (2009-11-26 13:34:17)
Iconic Irony
Bare Back Rough Rider
+189|5421|San Angelo, TX
*stays tuned for tommorows giant, redundant, emo, teen-angst fest*
+3,611|6766|London, England

Mekstizzle wrote:

Iconic Irony wrote:

This is the bit where everything usually falls apart for most
Getting back on the horse is a bitch
The X stands for
+1,813|6251|eXtreme to the maX

Finray wrote:

Well me and Jenni are talking again. She's coming around tomorrow to talk, I guess I'm gonna fess up to the whole thing.
Some girls like the 'OMG I'm sorry I made a terrible mistake can you forgive me?' thing, some will think you're a wimp.

In my, limited, experience if a girl knows she has you round her finger she'll keep you on ice while she scouts for a better offer.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
+3,611|6766|London, England

Dilbert_X wrote:

In my, limited, experience if a girl knows she has you round her finger she'll keep you on ice while she scouts for a better offer.
Well put Gilbo, well put
[√] Flameworthy
+76|5446|Baile Atha Cliath, Éire

Finray wrote:

Well me and Jenni are talking again. She's coming around tomorrow to talk, I guess I'm gonna fess up to the whole thing.
Jesus man. You must be something special to her if she's coming back after what you did to her.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5934|Catherine Black

Irishpride<3 wrote:

Finray wrote:

Well me and Jenni are talking again. She's coming around tomorrow to talk, I guess I'm gonna fess up to the whole thing.
Jesus man. You must be something special to her if she's coming back after what you did to her.
What did I do that was so goddamn bad? o.O

Said a few things on a forum I shouldn't have? It's not like I slept with another girl or something..

Oh wait..
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

Finray wrote:

Irishpride<3 wrote:

Finray wrote:

Well me and Jenni are talking again. She's coming around tomorrow to talk, I guess I'm gonna fess up to the whole thing.
Jesus man. You must be something special to her if she's coming back after what you did to her.
What did I do that was so goddamn bad? o.O

Said a few things on a forum I shouldn't have? It's not like I slept with another girl or something..

Oh wait..
quoted so she sees this.

If you don't know what you did wrong then you're clueless
[√] Flameworthy
+76|5446|Baile Atha Cliath, Éire

I'm Jamesey wrote:

Finray wrote:

Irishpride<3 wrote:

Jesus man. You must be something special to her if she's coming back after what you did to her.
What did I do that was so goddamn bad? o.O

Said a few things on a forum I shouldn't have? It's not like I slept with another girl or something..

Oh wait..
quoted so she sees this.

If you don't know what you did wrong then you're clueless

A) I didn't sleep with another girl/woman.

B) You told us shit that should of ALWAYS been kept between you and her, maybe a really really good friend... But not fucking BF2s...

Last edited by Irishpride<3 (2009-11-26 14:59:26)

Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5934|Catherine Black

Irishpride<3 wrote:

I'm Jamesey wrote:

Finray wrote:

What did I do that was so goddamn bad? o.O

Said a few things on a forum I shouldn't have? It's not like I slept with another girl or something..

Oh wait..
quoted so she sees this.

If you don't know what you did wrong then you're clueless

A) I didn't sleep with another girl/woman.

B) You told us shit that should of ALWAYS been kept between you and her, maybe a really really good friend... But not fucking BF2s...
Pretty sure you told us you did. Telling stuff is not as bad as sleeping with someone.
+3,611|6766|London, England
It doesn't matter that he told us shit, what matters is the fact that she found out he told us. That's what really matters. You can talk shit, you can lie cheat and steal, just don't get caught otherwise you're fucked. Should've never let her find out about this place in the first place, then you could've bitched all you want innit

That's why it's good to keep Real Life and Internets apart from each other
Support fanatic :-)

Zimmer wrote:

Ok, the discussion about Finrays problems is over. No more posts about it. We're done here.
Last warning ... this issue is done debating, if you learned anything from this Finray it's to not let others trigger you into doing something ultra stupid like yesterday ...

Talk it out with her when she comes over ... listen to her and admit your mistake ... and don't fucking interupt her, chikas hate that ... you need more than gaffa to repair this tbh ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
[√] Flameworthy
+76|5446|Baile Atha Cliath, Éire
Lets not talk about women problems then, nor anything interesting for that matter.

Lets go count to xxxxxxxxxxxx in EEChat.

I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
stop helping him you're ruining my fun
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
Okay let's get this thread rolling, I'll add my own girl problems post and probably sperg out and reveal details about her fanny and show her where to find it and insist I did nothing wrong afterwards.

My girlfriend wants a threesome with another girl, she's bi, problem is she is the very jealous type. If I go ahead with it will it end badly? y/n?

Last edited by I'm Jamesey (2009-11-26 15:07:54)

Un Moderador

This isn't a problem anymore. This is just taking the piss.

He can update us on what happens tomorrow. But as of now, the discussion about Finny ends here.
+3,611|6766|London, England
If it does end badly at least you can just start life with that other chick in the three way, especially if it was nicer fucking her than your chick was
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5934|Catherine Black

I'm Jamesey wrote:

Okay let's get this thread rolling, I'll add my own girl problems post and probably sperg out and reveal details about her fanny and show you guys where to find it and insist I did nothing wrong afterwards.

My girlfriend wants a threesome with another girl, she's bi, problem is she is the very jealous type. If I go ahead with it will it end badly? y/n?
Sorry Zimmer, but I really fail to see where you're getting "details" from. It was a very undetailed post. Very undetailed. It was about 6 words long, ffs.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
probably won't be, my girlfriend is awesome, her friends are hot but she's the nicest, which is why I've held back so far.
[√] Flameworthy
+76|5446|Baile Atha Cliath, Éire

I'm Jamesey wrote:

probably won't be, my girlfriend is awesome, her friends are hot but she's the nicest, which is why I've held back so far.
I wouldn't.

I've never had done it but I definitely wouldn't like to put my girl in a position where she feels shes not as good as one of her peers, especially sexually related.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6867|Sydney, Australia

For the benefit of those who failed to read Varegg's and Zimmer's posts.

Zimmer wrote:

This isn't a problem anymore. This is just taking the piss.

He can update us on what happens tomorrow. But as of now, the discussion about Finny ends here.
If Finray wants to discuss the situation, that is fine. However as Zimmer mentioned, it seems most of you are now just "taking the piss". I'll remind you all of what I said when I reopened this thread after deleting 100 posts of this non-sense..

mcminty wrote:

But here's the kicker. If this thread relapses into juvenile insults and hostile commentary towards ANY member, I'll dole out temp bans without hesitation. To rehash - if you say something and I receive a legitimate report about it, your ass is mine. Capiche?
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5934|Catherine Black

I'm Jamesey wrote:

Finray wrote:

I'm Jamesey wrote:

Okay let's get this thread rolling, I'll add my own girl problems post and probably sperg out and reveal details about her fanny and show you guys where to find it and insist I did nothing wrong afterwards.

My girlfriend wants a threesome with another girl, she's bi, problem is she is the very jealous type. If I go ahead with it will it end badly? y/n?
Sorry Zimmer, but I really fail to see where you're getting "details" from. It was a very undetailed post. Very undetailed. It was about 6 words long, ffs.
HOLY SHIT are we pretending last night didn't happen?
Holy shit, are you seriously that stupid? Last night was about me trying to get her to put out more. Not solely about our first time. That was covered in ONE POST, which I deleted shortly after.

You, however, are going on about it like I wrote a fucking essay describing every single second.

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