cpt.fass1 wrote:
If that's it then it wasn't raciest at all, it was depicting an ignorant person for a positive goal and the fact that the person was black had nothing to do with it..
If its just about being black and ignorant then its not racist... but good thing its just for the purpose of teaching children that blacks are ignorant and can't do math. ""NO WA" that's not racist"
Seriously??? you're blinders must wrap so tightly around your head that its cutting off the oxygen to your brain.
Next you're going to say that Jesse Jackson or AL Sharpton should STF out of it because they're the racists.
Putting a racist cartoon on a math assignment = fail... as in the teacher failed. Making excuses for this kind of crap doesn't help anyone and it shows that the OP doesn't know what they are talking about when they want to follow that neo-rascist rhetoric that raising an issue of racism is racism. What a poor attempt to try to cut of debate over racial issues, do you seriously think its working? Do you really think that dropping the debate over racial equality is going to lead to less racism? becuse I doubt it, what it looks like to me are racists wanting some breathing room because its getting uncomfortable for them but the don't want to change their attitudes.
As to the other point, of course racism is bundled up with other issues like socio-economic status, but if you were to raise an issue of class or economic status and call for equality you'd be called a communist or socialist. So people stick to calling for racial equality and equal access to the market system and equal interfacing with the govt. Which of course the haters of the the poor hate because its pretty tough to call a person raising a racism issue a communist, though I'm sure some retards would like to try. And I'm sure that people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and others are too smart to fall into that trick.
IMO thank god for video cameras, the internet, and other technology that capture the moment and spread the information like a virus. Its when the public gets to see the crap that is really going on that we get past the lying and the excuses and get a chance to fix things.... If its getting uncomfortable for these racists, then that's a good thing and its definitely not time to stop.