oug wrote:
It's not a fallacy, it's an ideal. It's what things should be like and it's what we should be striving for. And of course it's something that can be regulated and controlled. The laws of society weren't given to us by fucking god, we make them and we see them through. Unless of course you think that we're not all equal, in which case I'd love to hear your logic on that.
It's a fairy tale. If you choose to believe in fairy tales that's your problem. Don't sit around and talk like it's a viable alternative to our current society. It's not. It has a gajillion holes in its theories.
oug wrote:
Define success and failure. Value is relevant. What's considered valuable now is worth shit tomorrow etc.
Success is defined differently by different people. I will define my own life as a success if I leave my kids better off than I was as a kid.
Value is relative, yes, to a point. In our current society your value is determined by your wages and wealth. It's imperfect, but the more valuable you are to your company, the more money you will make. The better the company does, the more you will make. If you're not useful you will be replaced or you won't get promoted, or receive pay raises. It's very simple, and very logical. It also is dictated by supply and demand factors. If a job can be performed by many people, or many people wish to do the job, the lower the wages because there are many replacements to be found. Example would be advertising and journalism jobs. They make a pittance for wages because so many people graduate college with degrees in english and journalism. On the converse side, the fewer the people in a given industry, the more wages they make (generally). An example here would be professional athletes. Very few people on the planet can do their jobs, it's an industry with a lot of profit, and athletes then make high wages. I wouldn't necessarily place more value on a professional athlete versus a kickass newspaperman but society has dictated their relative values.
oug wrote:
So you're saying that if for example I'm a less intelligent person than you or weaker in bodily strength then I don't get to have the same rights as you? Are you insane?
I said they had the same rights. They also have the same opportunities. If one fails and another succeeds the one that succeeds has a higher value for society. The failure is a dime a dozen.
oug wrote:
Communism is not interested in your character or anything that differentiates you from others. The goal is to make a society viable for everyone and then move on to other things. What you're saying is that peoples' wants and desires are more important than their lives. You're prepared to sacrifice lives to get what you want, all in the name of perfection as opposed to mediocrity. Well if capitalism is perfection then I'll take communist mediocrity any day so long as everyone's basic needs are being met. Like I said before, the primary goal behind every society is that all its members survive.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me.