The Rich are going to stay rich.... when they get squeezed they either move to a different state in the US with lower taxes and better conditions or they go overseas...
The Rich are the doers in the world.... they are the ones that have ideas and go out in the world and do them .. and with their efforts comes success.... and there also is a need for people to help them in their goals and quests.... and those people work hard also and get paid... and so on
Tax them stiffly and they don't buy new equipment and they don't expand or hire new workers...
Does anyone think that the US is one of the most desirable places to live in the world is because of our free cheese for poor people?
No... it's because you can come here and decide your own destiny... You can be an Iranian immigrant that comes here and works your ass off and 10 years later you have a huge carpet and flooring business like a friend of mine does...
You can be a Vietnamese guy who comes here hardly able to speak english and work your heart out and own the 7 eleven or dry cleaner you started working at 3 years before
nobody owes anyone anything... Would you rather give someone 20 bucks for nothing or offer them a job and pay them week after week for their efforts...
We have a huge entitlement issue in the US... somewhere along the way some people started believing that because they live and breathe they are owed something... I am for helping the truly needy and i pray nobody suffers... but let me decide how i give my money and time.... Don't have the govt tell us we have to... Obama and his stimulus was a joke... just payback for votes in 08... If he is smart he will do the right things to help small businesses grow and kickstart the economy....? If he doesn't than he is finished... The American people are moderate to right people and our votes will stop him... had a few beers so i hope this makes
Last edited by Catbox (2009-11-18 02:09:10)