that's all a fucking joke, man. this year there probably won't be any gas scandals with ukraine, but elections are approaching so those ukrainian fuckwits of polititians had to come up with something to stir public attention - like... plague! this could have actually been funny hadn't it been so idiotic.
anyway, no reliable medical organization has confirmed that there's swine flu, mamont flu or some kind of new super-flu in ukraine - the only people, who said that yet were polititians and bureaucrats. one of my ukrainian friends told me how her cousin, who works in public clinic in kiev had been ordered by her superriors to diagnose ten cases of swine flu a day or be fired - all that because who has the most cases of this bullshit would reseive the most budget funds.
this is what it's all about i recon: provoke public hysteria and profit from it.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.