What a dummy.. he ran into it.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
This is why drug lords run rampant in South America
Oke that wasn't really smart, but he was agitated
Did anyone else notice that the lady in the purple shirt easily opens the door right before they ripped it off, narrowly escapes being crushed by it and then has almost no reaction?
Holy shit, didn't notice that until you mentioned it. That thing slammed shut so hard, probably could've been seriously fucked up.El Beardo wrote:
Did anyone else notice that the lady in the purple shirt easily opens the door right before they ripped it off, narrowly escapes being crushed by it and then has almost no reaction?
That's what I'm sayin. This video is chock full of win!
wow, yeah, that could have sliced her pretty goodmtb0minime wrote:
Holy shit, didn't notice that until you mentioned it. That thing slammed shut so hard, probably could've been seriously fucked up.El Beardo wrote:
Did anyone else notice that the lady in the purple shirt easily opens the door right before they ripped it off, narrowly escapes being crushed by it and then has almost no reaction?
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously. ♥
I was gonna comment this, I saw only that first time, watched it a second time and only then saw the guy getting slammedEl Beardo wrote:
Did anyone else notice that the lady in the purple shirt easily opens the door right before they ripped it off, narrowly escapes being crushed by it and then has almost no reaction?

Am I being captain obvious here but I think the guy who got nailed by the door was trying to save the woman who politely opened it for them....
I didn't think of it like that. I thought he was trying to cover the side.Ec0li wrote:
Am I being captain obvious here but I think the guy who got nailed by the door was trying to save the woman who politely opened it for them....
He wasn't sprinting at the door so either he wasn't trying hard to save her, or he was approaching the woman expecting the truck to notice her and halt ripping off the door13/f/taiwan wrote:
I didn't think of it like that. I thought he was trying to cover the side.Ec0li wrote:
Am I being captain obvious here but I think the guy who got nailed by the door was trying to save the woman who politely opened it for them....
God. Damn. lol
When the dude got slammed by the door and just stood back up like nothing happened, I lol'd.
People wonder why it's so easy to get away with drug dealing. Until now...
Pahahahaha holy shit. That could have quite easily killed that woman. Swat guy is a total tool as well though hahaha
AgreedEl Beardo wrote:
That's what I'm sayin. This video is cock full of win!