Nowadays,he usually plays SF,but if he is playing BF2,he is in PTG city maps only server.NTADarwin wrote:
I can also try be a middle man,so you two can have a go! Damn,that would be fun match to watch!
Nowadays,he usually plays SF,but if he is playing BF2,he is in PTG city maps only server.NTADarwin wrote:
Yea that really doesnt mean shit, read my other posts and you will find out. Knife KPM comes from the amount of time using knife against the knife kills and I have been commander and kept knife equipped, its just a way of playing, keeping the knife as a primary weapon.NTADarwin wrote:
Trel, I used BF Recorder, which shows America usually as Blue, and MEC usually as Red. There was no 'other guy in on it'. The 50-9 can be proved to a degree if you look up the stats for the name that was used, most of the kills were done with a knife.
Janis_Petke, I have yet to find someone who could beat me in a knife fight, I'm in no way saying I am the best with a knife, just I haven't came across a better person. I would love to be hooked up, and in a dual between you and your buddy. His ammount of overall knife kills is impressive, I give him that. I would like you to compare though
My Account Names: Knife 17:22:05 2,250 Weapon, Time, and kills
Knife 06:24:13 452
Added together Knife 23:46:18 2,702
Your Friend: Knife 110:50:22 4,987
So I have a higher kill per time used ratio. It doesn't say I have more skill, i'm saying that if I had that ammount of time, it is very possible, I would have that ammount, if not more, with the knife.
Aww how these vids reminds me of the good old times before 1.2 no movement restrictions. Well Bladerunner you are lucky that you didnt see me pre 1.2, I was much worse. Well in direct combat I used dolphing so I guess I wasnt worse as a bunny.BladeRunner wrote:
jeezus you have to be one of the biggest bunnyhoppers I've seen
Yup using knife while doing everything non dangerous makes your knife SPM dig a tunnel to china.NTADarwin wrote:
Inhis, thank you for the e-mail alert that you posted here. As for the commander knife thing, I never had knife equipped while commanding, from my commander time you can tell I wasn't commander a lot. When I was commander, I used Support, and sat on a Mounted MG most of the time.
I dont get why didnt you get any respect if this did. Enjoy if you can. I havent seen any other vids yet but this is the main reason why ppl should give some credit. Your vid only showed the accuarcy so there is much to improve, such as tactics and working more on the vid timeline. Maybe I will make one someday, I really dont have any inspiration right now, I just did another video project about throwing playcards, yes I can throw a ordinary card over 40 m and I can slice a cucumber, a banana or papers with it.NTADarwin wrote:
I also would like to thank you for giving me some degree of respect, which I did not get very much from this. Most of the time because they were on the wrong end of my pokey stick.
Hallelujah well said. Now you need a squad like I have, because only way to "avoid" claymores is to make someone go first and collect those claymores, I dont understand how developers failed to see this as a problem. The most horrible way to remove exploiting: make everybody pay with every jump they make. So many other solutions and yet they didnt figure that out.NTADarwin wrote:
In response to your question about the post 1.2 knifing. I did not play BF2 much after that, it pissed me royally off, because I don't like to use a tank, support camp, throw grenades, or use claymores.
What is the game you like to knife in? Are you really meaning BF1942/DC? It wasnt good for knife because opponent walking away from you could not been killed with a knife unless he stopped. I still knifed in DesertCombat everytime I had a chance and there is a lots of tactics to knife in DC. For instance sneak in Blackhawk in the map LostVillage, you can do this by going in water and putting your head down, it looks like diving and if you have specop your backpack wont be seen by the enemy. Yea it can be labeled as exploiting but its not like its a horrible way to own ppl. Its just good for the sneaking. In BH pray that no-one will see you, use smoke screen if possible and when people are in and flying: there is absolutely nothing they can do against you. Knifing in airborne, thats so much fun. Its even possible to knife the pilot if you jump on top of the BH and crawl to the glass and knife through it. We had so much tactics for DC unfortunately BF2 is much more restricted in the way of being clever/inventive. Another tactic was to keep stingers on top of the blackhawk, really hard to master but boy was that fun/hysterical. We protected lostvillage by tanker BH 2 stingers on top of it repairer inside gunner and pilot.NTADarwin wrote:
I have yet to install any recent BF2 patches, I went back to playing a game which I enjoy the knifing in, and playing in, much more. I play the Desert Combat mod for BF1942, thank you for your post, hope this clears some stuff up.
This game was excellent, its too bad people started quitting it when BF2 was released. It had its downsides like playability wasnt as great as BF2 before 1.2 patch, but it was much better than BF2 after 1.2 patch.NTADarwin wrote:
The game is BF1942/DC, I love it.
This irritated me too to the end. I think you dont have to be a great knifer to make a bf2 vid but atleast choose the most succesful knife kills to the vid. There was a few so horrible knife kills that I could barely watch it. And after the horrible noob vs noob match : "KOWNED!!!".NTADarwin wrote:
Another thing that irritated me was the guy's attitude.
Well I found this link in a thread that was much longer, so not many take a notice of it (I doubt ppl read the whole thread before posting crap on this forum) so only a few ppl noticed it and only few of those commented about it. Its true it had better quality etc, but thats not all that defines the video quality. And I dont know the whole story about this video and too lazy to find out.NTADarwin wrote:
Maybe he got more respect for this is because he did better filming
Yea I thought too that the music in the videos sucked hard. That was the most horrible piece of crap I had ever heard and I really hope that NTADarwin placed it just for the joke and doesnt actually listen to that kind of music...that would make him a really scary man.R0lyP0ly wrote:
w..t..F is up with the song on the first vid?? HMOG that was psychotic!!!! ACK!!