
Wow @ this thread...

mcminty wrote:

ozghost wrote:

its shit...privacy has gone out the door a bit more...

now i can see whoever my friends become friends with...stupid...
This information has been available forever. Sure, it wasn't surfaced to YOUR news feed, but you've always been able to go to a person's profile and see the friend'ing info.

TheDonkey wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

TheDonkey wrote:

Although the Highlights thing on the old site was pretty shitty/broken, I very much like the separation it gave between photo's/notes and status's/news.
Can't you do most of this now?
Highlights are gone in the newest update.

And you can't get "More from"/ "Less from" you can only eliminate completely.
Firstly, the highlights before weren't that cleanly separated. Sure, they showed only a subset, but that subset did also show up in the feed. "Hightlights", for those who still haven't figured it out, IS the "News Feed" now. They tweaked it a bit, but it's the same concept.

I can't figure out why this is apparently so immensely difficult for people to grasp:

News Feed -- Highlights from recently
Live Feed -- everything without exception

Granted, their launch was shit: the live updater is failing and the news feed it out of chronological order, but I am sure they'll have that fixed in a few days.

Also, you can still chose to treat some users more importantly than others -- it's in the "Edit Options" at the bottom of the feed.

DesertFox- wrote:

Still, it's not like they NEEDED two modes anyway. The previous version basically was a news/live feed in itself that would get updated when people did shit.

=NHB=Shadow wrote:

It doesn't really bother me, i'm only on it like 10 minutes a day to see whats new, talk a bit, PLAY FARMVILLE LOL!!!!, but in a way its kind of ghetto, I rather see all the feed in 1 page instead of having to click news/live
I think the two feeds make perfect sense. The news feed for people like Shadow who only check once a day or less, and the live feed for people who incessantly live vicariously through the updates of others.


Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Hitler had a lot of followers. Just sayin', y'know.
I hereby invoke Godwin's Law and you may no longer post to this thread.
+1,338|6325|Sydney | ♥

chuyskywalker wrote:

This information has been available forever. Sure, it wasn't surfaced to YOUR news feed, but you've always been able to go to a person's profile and see the friend'ing info.
Sure we COULD go and find out who became friends with who..... but it wasn't the SIZE OF A STATUS.... it was small and out of the way. Who gives a rats bum if some mother of a friend i met in the outback is now friends with rod stewart.... same with the groups and fan spam....

I'm not saying to get rid of it... but please, for the LOVE OF GOD, add the option to make a different sub group the default:


Last edited by tazz. (2009-10-24 17:03:51)

everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously.
I think the new facebook is okay, I mean some hate it but in a way it's kind of cool
+1,338|6325|Sydney | ♥

Also this
everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously.

tazz. wrote:

chuyskywalker wrote:

This information has been available forever. Sure, it wasn't surfaced to YOUR news feed, but you've always been able to go to a person's profile and see the friend'ing info.
Sure we COULD go and find out who became friends with who..... but it wasn't the SIZE OF A STATUS.... it was small and out of the way. ... I'm not saying to get rid of it... but please, for the LOVE OF GOD, add the option to make a different sub group the default:
I wasn't arguing the design, but against the fact that FB has some how started a massive privacy invasion because of this design change.

I am, however, on board with most people's base assumption here that there's a seriously lack of control in the information presented.

Most people's gripes would be covered if you could:

* Whitelist or Blacklist applications and types of updates in your feeds
* Exercise exceptions for either cases by friend or application
* Create different feeds with custom setups of the above

etc. IE: implement more granular control than the two current modes of "live deluge" and "who-knows-how-it-is-ranked news feed".
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6640|Gogledd Cymru

You can choose to hide peoples/applications from showing up in your news feed.

The Sheriff wrote:

You can choose to hide peoples/applications from showing up in your news feed.
Namely: All those fucking quizes
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6751|132 and Bush

=NHB=Shadow wrote:

I think the new facebook is okay, I mean some hate it but in a way it's kind of cool
Isn't that kind of inevitable with a few hundred million members?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+1,338|6325|Sydney | ♥

chuyskywalker wrote:

tazz. wrote:

chuyskywalker wrote:

This information has been available forever. Sure, it wasn't surfaced to YOUR news feed, but you've always been able to go to a person's profile and see the friend'ing info.
Sure we COULD go and find out who became friends with who..... but it wasn't the SIZE OF A STATUS.... it was small and out of the way. ... I'm not saying to get rid of it... but please, for the LOVE OF GOD, add the option to make a different sub group the default:
I wasn't arguing the design, but against the fact that FB has some how started a massive privacy invasion because of this design change.

I am, however, on board with most people's base assumption here that there's a seriously lack of control in the information presented.

Most people's gripes would be covered if you could:

* Whitelist or Blacklist applications and types of updates in your feeds
* Exercise exceptions for either cases by friend or application
* Create different feeds with custom setups of the above

etc. IE: implement more granular control than the two current modes of "live deluge" and "who-knows-how-it-is-ranked news feed".
You can hide your stuff from coming up on other peoples feeds....
everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously.
Was ist Loos?
I see the live feed as their answer to twitter?
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6306|Vancouver | Canada
Call me dumb, but I can't figure out what the difference between the two feeds is.

They both have mostly the same stuff, except one of them seems to have more useless shit.
I hope Hell has wi-fi.
+150|5610|Yeah, there :)
It sux.
The live feed gives you everything: who became friends with who and stuff, every little thing they do is on the live feed.

Last edited by LittleBitchy (2009-10-29 02:06:58)

Fall seven times. Stand up eight.
+778|5853|London, UK
I don't mind it, stop fucking whining you bunch of pricks!

Adapt or die

So then you get used to it, and in 3 months, it changes slightly again, and you start groups called "bring the old facebook back!", which of course refers to the one you are whining about now.
I need around tree fiddy.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

tazz. wrote:

It's fucking shit.

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