They've killed the Call of Duty franchise with this.
They have catered to the console crowd, who think pc players are nothing but hackers and pirates who ban them for no reason and hold dedicated servers to keep them from playing in a server with fair rules and if you complain about getting owned you're banned it's not fair wah wah wah.
So IW have decided thus:
Everyone is to equal.
Death streak rewards. If you get killed a lot, you get from the guy who killed you, his perks.
If you are a good player then you can't play with your friends due to the balance of match making which will dump you in a random group of people with "your skill level". You can't learn from playing against better players, you won't be able to join them.
You can't have dedicated servers because not everyone can set one up. This is so the casual gamer feels warm and fuzzy about hosting a game themselves.
You can't get a whole clan into a match any more because the IWNet servers don't have enough slots. Player numbers allowed thanks to p2p drops. Your clans international members can no longer play because their pings will be extreme. No dedicated servers to join, so they lag and the whole server faces ping problems.
And if you think the single player is going to be great, how's this look to you:
Single Player shooting unarmed civilians at an airportThere's no challenge to shooting unarmed civilians with an RPD. But there's a mission there to really make you think about how bad the terrorists are... Shooting civilians at an airport. I'd love to see the classification they give that. But wait, if you don't want to play as a terrorist - there's a skip button.
And there's a nice new game mode available since FPS are so tricky... You can now play in 3rd person view on MP! But only if you join a host who allows for that game mode and if they do
everyone plays in 3rd person...
And on top of all of that, IW have taken away Hardcore servers. Yes it's true. HC is only available for TMD, S&D and HQ.
No other game types even have the option of hard core available. And even then, you can't totally play HC because a new player may be confused.
Available game modes:
Capture the Flag
Headquarters Pro
Search and Destroy
Team Deathmatch
3rd Person Team Deathmatch
(Hardcore) Team Deathmatch
(Hardcore) Search and Destroy
(Hardcore) 3rd Person Team Deathmatch
(Hardcore) 3rd Person Cagematch
Basically since HC is not popular with consolers they are trying to get rid of it. As well as any other feature you may have enjoyed from Cod4. I guess wanting to play Sabotage in Hardcore is not a game mode they see often online enough to let you do it...
I can't believe how retarded the decisions of IW have been. And this is just what we know about through the limited info they are given us.
There's no demo - for a reason.
Last edited by AussieReaper (2009-10-28 22:54:10)