Marconius wrote:
As easy as it is for most of us to see Fox News as an infotainment channel, the truth is way too many people use it as their only source of news and information and believe absolutely everything that's brought up by them. It's rather disconcerting that the entire channel can spread so much fear and ignorance/misinformation, plus actively celebrate bigots and hatemongers on all of their shows, not to mention the nearly constant lying/twisting of the truth in any major story in order to plant their agenda amongst their viewers. Willingly misguiding the public, especially generally irrational people who lack basic critical thinking skills, just seems dangerous. They definitely know how to rile people up, and will just keep on doing so, pushing it as far as they can to drive up the reactionary sentiment in the populace. They really need to start scaling back their rhetoric...
Pot... meet kettle.
I caught a documentary on HBO or Showtime (I forget which) a few months back that was directed by none other than Alexandra Pelosi. She apparently went and filmed a bunch of rednecks at a NASCAR event and made them all look as ridiculous as possible with every question she asked. Now, I understand that this is the typical liberal view of the right wing, especially in northern California... I guess it's revenge for William F Buckley making them look stupid for so many decades.
As bad as those rednecks looked, I've encountered many more liberals who don't really understand the words that come out of their mouth. It's just regurgitated second hand crap that they read in a book or heard in a class and they have no idea what they are based on. They just know that it makes them appear 'intelligent' to mouth the words.
Last edited by JohnG@lt (2009-10-23 16:01:59)