No grey does not equal compromise. Like I said it equals indecisiveness and inconsistency which leads to inequality on rules and laws, and you know this. One standard for all. THAT is equality.Varegg wrote:
Grey=Compromise ... most often a good mix of our and your views
And on what grounds do liberals fail in life lowing? ... most people I know are liberals and they have excelled in their lives, good jobs and steady families ... on the other hand most die hard conservatives I know have poor jobs, are usually single and reap the welfare system more than average ... then again I do know some very decent cons and some bad apple libs ...
Hm ... guess that means your political views doesn't really reflect failure or success does it?
I never said liberalism equals failure or success. I maintain leeches benefit from liberal ideology. I say liberal ideology rewards failure and punishes success. I also maintain that on average liberals are less giving of their own money while more than willing than share other peoples money.
and I never said my political views are a gauge to success or failure. My political views are a gauge of acceptance of personal responsibility for the decisions one makes with their lives. I am not rich, far from it, however I do not endorse taxing the rich more to cover my short falls, in order to make things more "fair" for me. It is my life and I will continue to endorse self control over it rather than govt. dictation. thanks anyway.
Last edited by lowing (2009-10-22 04:20:48)