lowing wrote:
NooBesT wrote:
What's wrong with free education?
Because it isn't free. Just because you don't have to pay for it does not mean it does not have to be paid for.
It would appear, liberals are have tossed off personal responability so much, they actually think everyfuckin'thing is now "free".
Ohhh Lowing /facepalm. Here we go again first you polute up the thread about garbage "I hate all liberals" because there were a couple of friendly jabs about spelling. Hardly worth a page of spewing crap.
Then you come back to worn out I hate welfare crap. This has lead very nicely into the point I was making in an early thread
1. you yourself receive govt paid training, correct? sure you put in your time and "paid" for that training with service.
2. Well there is absolutely no difference between that and a person receiving govt assistance or govt student loans or grants or whatever where
a. they can get their training and become more beneficial to society, AND
b. they might even get into a higher tax bracket so the govt would be gaining increased tax revenue OR
c. it could be that govt policy sees fit that society and the economy need a well educated and well trained workforce.
So you see there is a type of govt service in being a good productive taxpayer. And there is a recognition that without such programs that society would be worse off, just like the military would be worse off if recruiting were not incentivized with "free training."
So while you rant and rave about welfare this and welfare that, and people taking advantage of the system, I'm going to point out the fact that that is exactly what you did because its only a matter of policy that you received your govt paid training, it did not have to be that way you could have paid for your training at a tech school but you chose to path with free training because it was available right? So you took advatage of a program that was available to you. BTW how much does it cost to go to a tech school to become the type of mechanic that you are. I bet a real fiscal conservative hard ass could rightly ask why shouldn't you have had to pay for your training at the same time they say govt subsidies for post secondary education and welfare are all wastes on taxpayer money.
Since I paid for my post secondary education, here is my best
Fake Conservative whine "I know I had to pay for my post secondary education, so why should you have gotten free training?"
Now I know you want to write about "how dare you attack me I did my time" "how dare you attack the service of all those brave men and women over there in Iraq" But don't, I'm not attacking your service, I'm not attacking the necessity to train military personal. what I am doing is pointing out is the shaky moral foundation that you have so strongly planted your "I hate welfare" soap box. The very thin line you have drawn to expalin your benefit as being more worthy than a benefit to someone else can be best summed up in a simple moral "What's good for the goose is good for the gander." If govt money was good enough for you, its good enough for Macbeth, education of the youth is a benefit to society. Same with food stamps and welfare, if it keeps kids fed so that we don't have all sorts of problems later then it goes a long way to ensuring that the future generation will be productive taxpaying citizens rather than drains on the economy.
Now, I am all for fiscal conservatism, low taxes and smaller govt are all great, but the way I see it when the GOP is in power we get corporate welfare, large monay going to the military industrial complex and welfare for the rich. When the Dems are in, its welfare for the poor, education money, healthcare. IMO both parties are hopelessly corrupt, and I fail to see any difference between the two when its the taxpayers who are footing the bill. So until there is a significant change towards cleaning this whole mess up on both sides, I see nothing wrong with alleviating the suffering of the poor and protecting our future citizens. I do however call into question those who would want to start the clean up of DC by starting with the poor when we should be starting with those who practice graft, patronage and corruption at the highest levels of govt.
To Macbeth
Take care of yourself first. Do what you need to do. Think through it logically and crunch the numbers, don't try and be noble and forgo all funding options based on some elses ideas of how the world should be ordered because in my estimation they are probably a hypocritical POS. My advice, University is a cool place to be, so enjoy it, get in and get your piece of paper as fast as you can. My first degree I got it in three years by going through the summers. not really recommended but it saved me a lot of money.