k1l|er_0f_m3n wrote:
lowing wrote:
k1l|er_0f_m3n wrote:
lowing why do you hate liberals so much? what bad things did they do to you? i think its ok to have different opinion as long as they dont harm anyone!
Unfortunately, the liberal opinion that MY money is some how OUR money, beyond normal taxation does harm me and my efforts to support my family.
really? tell me more. im still undecided between republican(conservative) and democrat(liberal). i want to know which one is the one that hurts america more and which helps america.
Truth be told it is not a matter of good or evil but, a lesser of 2 evils.
Traditional conservstives, believe in freedeom and personal responsibility to solve personal problems. They believe in small govt. with individual choice to determain ones destiny. They beleive in equal opportunity not equal results. As a conservative you believe you have absolute freedom to succeed or to fail.
Bottom line if you are going to work for a living and try and build a high quality of life, you should be a conservative.
A liberal believes it is the govts. job to take care of its citizens. They believe in order to accomplish this, a huge central govt. is needed with huge funding. This funding is taken through various tax programs that remove individual wealth and place it in control of the govt for redistribution to the masses. Problem with this ideology is, it removes all incentive to achieve. Why work so hard if the govt. is going to take it anyway?
This syatem also drives big business out of our country and takes their (reasonable) taxable profits with them.
Bottomline this is a system that is a setup for failure, andlike my quote says, eventually you run out of other peoples money. CA. and MD are perfect examples of this. Google millionaires leaving MD, and CA speaks for itself.
However, the Republican party has been no better than the Denocrats. This is something that will be resolved Voices are being heard.
Last edited by lowing (2009-10-14 16:00:31)