
']['error wrote:

all the people that can't fly a plane, don't like em etc...are ALWAYS whining about "the overpowered" planes....
just stfu up man, your whining was heard by EA, they made 1.2 with the "always hitting rockets"... well if u cant take a plane down with  the new aa or an other fighter you just suck at it... search for an 24/7 karkand server, yea there you are save, no planes, no helis's....only noobtubers, pkm-snipers and claymore spammers, i bet you totaly like it!
i got 127 hours aviator, 5.38 K/D ratio, and i know where im talking dont start whining that im a noob with ni experience etc...
You missed the whole point of the thread. We're discussing how the J-10 overpowers the JSF. Not about air units overpowering ground troops..

I feel Ajax on this one. Although it's impossible to completely balance the game, I think the gap between J-10 vs. JSF is significant enough to call for a fix. Here's why. Air power can have direct impact on the outcome of the game. I wouldn't whine if there was a imbalance in some infantry rifle, sucks to be him but it doesn't affect the game as a whole.
The fact is, most of your army relies on your team's air support. Infantry rely on armor for cover, which in turn rely on the team's air support to stay alive. I painfully know this because I'm a chopper whore, and it can be impossible to stay airborne when our jets aren't doing their job. Say you have two players with equal skill level. If you're in a J-10 and a F35 starts tailing you, shaking him off is a breeze, but in the opposite situation, it's pretty hard to shake him if skill level is equal, and more often than not, you will get shot out of the sky.
This is a pretty significant performance gap, and is a problem because air support is a key role in the game.
All that needs to be done is bringing the JSF up to a competitive level in maneuverability. Remember, we're not interested in hearing how you can own the J-10 in the JSF.. stories like those would only count if both pilots had the exact same skill level, which is impossible.
+630|6686|The Netherlands

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

']['error wrote:

all the people that can't fly a plane, don't like em etc...are ALWAYS whining about "the overpowered" planes....
just stfu up man, your whining was heard by EA, they made 1.2 with the "always hitting rockets"... well if u cant take a plane down with  the new aa or an other fighter you just suck at it... search for an 24/7 karkand server, yea there you are save, no planes, no helis's....only noobtubers, pkm-snipers and claymore spammers, i bet you totaly like it!
i got 127 hours aviator, 5.38 K/D ratio, and i know where im talking dont start whining that im a noob with ni experience etc...
LOL, I have less than half the time in planes and a better K/D ratio than you bud. PWNED!!! If you were good at jets you would also know that the J-10 can avoid any missle, jet, stinger or whatever without flares.
ofcourse i know that...after 127 hours you know witch plane is best etc.. but indeed nice K/D
i have an 11+kd ratio in planes and as i stated in my first post, the only problem i see is that when you lock on to a plane...pretty much no matter what he does...hes dead.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|6848|Orlando, FL - Age 43

tF-afrojap wrote:

This is a pretty significant performance gap, and is a problem because air support is a key role in the game.
All that needs to be done is bringing the JSF up to a competitive level in maneuverability. Remember, we're not interested in hearing how you can own the J-10 in the JSF.. stories like those would only count if both pilots had the exact same skill level, which is impossible.
This the solution....not nerfing. I have noticed that EA/Dice tends to be a little heavy-handed when it comes to applying 'nerfs' to weapons.
Dropped on request

Hyper wrote:

i have an 11+kd ratio in planes and as i stated in my first post, the only problem i see is that when you lock on to a plane...pretty much no matter what he does...hes dead.
I've noticed missles missing a lot more since 1.21 and 1.22 in comparison to 1.2. 11 K/D is a good ratio but I'm surprised you haven't noticed the J-10's awesome ability to avoid any missles. All you have to do is turn in any direction and hit afterburners.
yes it can evade, but it is also not the hardest plane to take down.
stealth goes a long way for that.
if the plane could actually be taken down more often then ppl wouldnt be freaking out so much.
If a good pilot is flying it then its easily(relatively speaking) taken down, if a GREAT pilot is flying it then your basically fubard.
The thing about that is is that goes for ANY plane.
+5|6729|Pennsylvania - Hershey!

sheggalism wrote:

a way of balacing dogfights against J-10 : add the F-22 Raptor !
lol amen!
seriously put the LMAOplanes in the game they pwn the j-10 1 }OMG) missle can take out a J-10, LMAOplane FTW!!! and maybe ROFLcopters and LOLLERskaters later


its goes WTFMACH infinity has infinite }OMG) missles and ]WTFbomb> 's , 5 gatlin guns with infinite ammo too, and 1 TTYLnuke kills everything on map expect you beat that j-10??? what pwned again stfu n00b pilot eat LMAOplane

Last edited by ?? (2006-04-10 15:31:33)

Dropped on request

Hyper wrote:

yes it can evade, but it is also not the hardest plane to take down.
stealth goes a long way for that.
if the plane could actually be taken down more often then ppl wouldnt be freaking out so much.
If a good pilot is flying it then its easily(relatively speaking) taken down, if a GREAT pilot is flying it then your basically fubard.
The thing about that is is that goes for ANY plane.
How is it not the hardest plane to take down? It has superior air speed to any plane. Higher air speed = sharper turning. Therefor it IS the hardest to take down.

When you got these down there won't be any worries anymore about some J-10....
+65|6734|las vegas

sheggalism wrote:

a way of balacing dogfights against J-10 : add the F-22 Raptor !
I just want my missles to hit the J-10 when they do no evasive manuvers. Half the time the missles decide that they just would rather be somewhere else, and veer off at the last moment.

I would also like the F35 not to be a flying boat that can't dodge missles, but you can't have everything.
Dropped on request

Sorrenart wrote:

I just want my missles to hit the J-10 when they do no evasive manuvers. Half the time the missles decide that they just would rather be somewhere else, and veer off at the last moment.

I would also like the F35 not to be a flying boat that can't dodge missles, but you can't have everything.
lol, emo missles don't like the J-10.

Ya, yesterday all the guy did, in the J-10 I was after, was barrel roll. No sharp turns or nothing.
+2|6783|United Kingdom

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Hyper wrote:

i have an 11+kd ratio in planes and as i stated in my first post, the only problem i see is that when you lock on to a plane...pretty much no matter what he does...hes dead.
I've noticed missles missing a lot more since 1.21 and 1.22 in comparison to 1.2. 11 K/D is a good ratio but I'm surprised you haven't noticed the J-10's awesome ability to avoid any missles. All you have to do is turn in any direction and hit afterburners.
Agreed. It might just be bad luck on my part, but I'm still finding that my missiles while fly past the plane I'm locked onto and wipe out a friendly air unit. Or, they'll just miss completely, so completely I won't even see the white trail infront, because they've gone in a perfect straight line. I'm still getting missiles from AA veer off target to take out a friendly that was actually quite far away from what I was aiming at. The latest patches seem to have mucked something up IMO.

Back to the topic of the J-10 though...leave it be. Please, I pray to any divine being that listens, do not form this idea in EA's head. Why? Because they'll fuck the game up even more by changing things not even related to the J-10. 'Oh, it's a bit overbalanced. Let's make AA fire nuclear missiles, and Artillery drop fluffy bunnies. That'll sort the problem.'
The missile hit rate isn't bad at all in vanilla.. wait until you try shooting at the euro fighter... holy crap man, I've seen my all of my missile slip away from that thing. The missiles will track him just fine, but right before impact it goes shooting off to either his top of bottom side. Feels almost like it's lubed up in oil or something.
BF2s' little helper

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

I don't know how many people have noticed but the J-10 is by far the best plane in BF2. It is the best because of it's small size and it's super fast air speeds. Every time I fly one of these I spend the rest of the round in that jet, and I'm not even that great at jets. If you look at the other vehicles(tanks, and choppers) they all have an equal chance of beating one another. J-10 wins every time. Balance it out EA, seriously.
Fuck you. We all know that whiner's get their way with EA now. So get bent.. They will rape the J10, and then I will rape you, got it? If you don't have the skill to take a J10 down, you don't deserve to be in a jet.
Look at any other vehicle in the game. Any tank from any side can beat any tank. Any chopper can beat and chopper. Hell, any transport car can beat any transport car. Now with J-10, nothing beats it if the pilots are of equal talent.

Heaven forbid anyone ever complain when something is wrong. From now on if I notice that I'm being screwed over I will bend over and take it in the ass in stead of standing up and saying something.   Do you realize how fucking dumb you people are? You will not be getting very far in life I can tell you that.

On a side note nothing I have said has been to make one side or the other better than the other. Why does anyone flame someone when they are arguing for balance? Do you all want a game where one side clearly has the advantage over the other? I don't know about you flamers but I want a game where both sides have an equal advantage to win, and the better man comes out on top.

Be a man. Stop arguing for your damn super weapons you pussies.
Ok, here we go.

I have to agree with d4rkph03n1x on this one.

1. I'm an experienced pilot, with around 12K kills, 146 hours and +11/12 kd ratio. So I should know what I'm talking about here.
2. I know you must think "hey that guy is just another J-10 fanatic", sorry to disappoint you here, I hate it and I find it the worst plane in the game. thats right, I perfer the typhoon (which btw is teh best fighter) or SU-30 in a dogfight.
3. Its not imbalanced, I have my air time to back me up here.
4. Any plane can take it down, trust me. most people hardly ever use guns/bombsight any more, a shame really.
5. This is exactly as with the v1.2 patch. AA's were just fine, like every other weapon in Battlefield 2 PEOPLE HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO USE IT. e.g. like TV guided missiles. 99,5% of all people never really knew how to use them against plane/chopper. most people just bunnyhopped into the stinger get a crappy lock, fire 2 missiles *aircraft drops flares/turns* they hit 'j' and whines about underpowerd AA.
and on a little side note here, 'yay' they got rid of the tubing but gave us the PKM -_- thx.
6. and yea d4rkph03n1x, its sad that EA gives into most of the whining now.
7. I dont hate you because I dont agree with out, so please dont reply in a condescending tone as above. I'm not stupid... almost forgot, you too d4rkph03n1x, try to keep the 'fuck's to a minimum

And on a side note:

Shadow_OwNz wrote:

i wanna go back to patch 1.12
.. who dosn't? or even better: Battlefield 2 v1.0

back to the happy fun days of a game called Battlefield 2. That game was truely awesome.


ComradeWho wrote:

they made different vehicles for the different armies have different strengths.
now that the babies have bitched and made the blackhawk crap, the MEC attack helo is no longer the greatest, and things are pretty much equal for vehicles across the board.. might as well nerf the j-10.
I like you. don't know if I even dare add input to this but here it goes.
I agree the vehicles are so similar I'm starting to wonder if there is 1 tank with 3 skins, F-18 and MIG-29 is the same, SU-30 and SU-34, Z-10 and AH-1Z, MI-17 and MI-7.. everything is becomming a skinned version of the same vehicle. I'm afraid thats where we are heading whit all this 'whining' about the differences of the armies and their unique'ness'es.

Thats why I really like Euro Forces. EA stepped out of the box on this one. The tiger is a awesome gunship (which btw eliminated the single TV option people are starting to whine about... -_-), The typhoon actually handles differnet than any of the other planes (whis is the exact same controles, reaction times and so on). Most people fly it once or twice and dismiss it as being the worst plane in BF2. I challange ANY one of you to a dogfight. MIG vs Typhoon (or even J-10, if you custom a map).
The same goes for the tanks. Sure they made the challenger 2 "overpowered"?! and sure thats why they win smokescreen every time as people, yet again, is starting to complain about. But look at it this way, the tank is almost 2,5 times taller than the T-90. Do you realize what this means?
Ok just to make sure I'll explain: the tank crews in the T-90 can take it out long before the Challenger gets in a resonable fireing range (cuz its kind of hard to aim aswell). In other words: If only the MEC's were a little smarter and used its advantages against the enemy, it would win. Instead of driving up real close to the Challenger and get wasted.

Ok you might be sitting there wondering "What the fuck" is this idiot talking about (maybe you dont even own EF)... but here comes the "money shot":
Everything has its good quialities, as well as its bad qualities. I say just about any plane can out-bomb a J-10. The J-10 is build for one thing, and one thing only. Air to Air combat. Ask any J-10 pilot how they get their kills and I almost guarantee you that 70% of them will answer guns, 20% AA missiles and the rest kamikazi.
This is exactly the same situation as with the tanks on Smoke Screen. If you drive up in CQC with a Challenger you'll add "1 tank-death to your stats" aka. go into Air to Air combat with a J-10.
You have to play on the enemies weakness's. I'd say 50% of J-10 guys spend their time in the cockpit raping carriers (am I not right? admit it losers - get your points the legit' way ). Use your brains and sneak up and kill it before it tried to do that to you. Use the element of surprise (one well placed zap of the gun and they are flying toast). Use stealth, its the latest thing in aviation, why not put it to use in BF2?.
As a bonus most J-10 'whores' wont mess with you again if you manage to take them down with guns. Trust me, you'll increse your plane credibility/e-penis with this.

Last edited by Z-trooper (2006-04-12 21:29:59)

The bf2s eunuch

Z-trooper wrote:

don't know if I even dare add input to this but here it goes. I like you.
get a room...this belongs in brokeback mountain. lol
BF2s' little helper

Encoded wrote:

Z-trooper wrote:

don't know if I even dare add input to this but here it goes. I like you.
get a room...this belongs in brokeback mountain. lol
Oh so you like messing with quotes do ya, ey?

Encoded wrote:

I have real kinky sex with barn yard animals
Good to know Encoded.

Don't mess with the quote master (aka. me ) now get your ass back to the IRC channel and annoy someone else! try getting Trigger to kick you again
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6851|Marathon, Florida Keys
yes, all planes should be more manuverable to match the j-10, thats all.
+108|6785|In the hills
Eventually infantry will probably be stronger than vehicles if the rate of nerfing stays constant.
Dropped on request

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

yes, all planes should be more manuverable to match the j-10, thats all.
Yes, thank you.

Except bombers.
BF2s' little helper
Read post #42 if you've missed it.

Thats my opinion, and I think most of you can agree with the points I present. And try read it with a open mind, you might actually learn something / change your mind.. you'll never know..

(if you arnt fond of reading, just skip the first quote and go from there. however I think its worth reading through, because it took me a long time wo write)
Dropped on request

Z-trooper wrote:

Read post #42 if you've missed it.

Thats my opinion, and I think most of you can agree with the points I present. And try read it with a open mind, you might actually learn something / change your mind.. you'll never know..

(if you arnt fond of reading, just skip the first quote and go from there. however I think its worth reading through, because it took me a long time wo write)
Bombing in a J-10 is just as easy and any other fighter. Also I never carrier camp in a J-10. Why? Because I have no worries of being shot down by another plane. Therefore, I have no need to camp. I'm too busy owing boats and choppers. Then when a USMC jet gets behind me, gets a lock, all I do is keep turning until I am behind him. It's simple, easy and broken.
"whine whine J-10 kills me lotz whine whine"

Its the pilot. Good pilot = hard to kill. Idiota pilot = not hard to kill.

Oh, and btw, faster jets have a higher turn rate, but a larger turn radius. In low alt dogfight, its the turn radius that counts, not the turn rate.

And if you are playing wake, plan on dealing with J-10 lovers. just....its going to happen. there is no question to it, it just will.
Dropped on request

blacksheepcannibal wrote:

"whine whine J-10 kills me lotz whine whine"

Its the pilot. Good pilot = hard to kill. Idiota pilot = not hard to kill.

Oh, and btw, faster jets have a higher turn rate, but a larger turn radius. In low alt dogfight, its the turn radius that counts, not the turn rate.

And if you are playing wake, plan on dealing with J-10 lovers. just....its going to happen. there is no question to it, it just will.
"dumbass dumbass dumbass, im always a dumbass lotz, dumbass"

I can pointlessly flame too.

Wider turn or not, it doesn't matter if you can't catch up to it.

I'm going to say this one last time so everyone gets it:


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