JohnG@lt wrote:
Vilham wrote:
John, people have used your arguement so many times. The simple fact is in countries where handguns etc are banned have hardly any gun related crime. In America any thug or thief can get access to a gun. In the UK it is very hard to get access to a gun and ammunition so your regular thug or thief is very unlikely to own one.
Ok, so instead of using a gun they use pipes, knives, bricks, fists, and chains. Instead of fearing for their safety when entering a persons home they can enter freely, knock the person over, tie them up and rob them blind. Guns level the playing field between the old and young, the sick and healthy, and the tall and short. What would you do if my 6'3, 250 lb military trained self walked into your home and demanded all of your valuables?
That isnt the argument you making against Dilbert.
But ill answer anyway.
1. You would first have to make entry, security systems are far more effect at that than a gun.
2. I have insurance on my property so even if you do steal my stuff, so what, most of it is invisibly marked/registered and therefore traceable by the police.
3. Police response times are <10 mins here and I live in the middle of the country side, good luck trying to make entry and then steal my possessions in that time.
4. Community spirit is particularly strong in my village. I could just pop out the back door, go to the pub and 20 or so people would be on their way.
5. I have plenty of cricket bats/strong objects that are perfect weapons if it came to that. Also im 6'6" although not as heavy as you, I wouldn't be petrified.
If you happened to have a gun, which is incredibly unlikely, I would avoid confrontation with you by removing myself from the house, see 1,2 and 3, in that case.
Whenever people bring up the argument you just made it really does make it seem like America is a shit place to live as if it was all like incredibly poor areas of Manchester or something, like you need a weapon to protect yourself. Sounds like a pretty shit way to live, always in fear.
Btw just so you know. The UKs regular crime levels are pretty much level with the US. So guns haven't made you safer in anyway. Because if they had the US crime levels would be significantly lower than the UK.
In no way am i suggesting they be banned, its far too late for that. However making getting a license harder, ie making sure the owner has a gun safe and then enforcing that is very important to lower gun crime.
Last edited by Vilham (2009-10-02 08:07:00)