Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
Hey guys
you fuckin guys
hi Dauntless!
Nope Im in work but will rattle the Mrs later as I have been most week.Dauntless wrote:
you fuckin guys
I'll pay 20p to watch.
Hay dauntless
:----> Look Mummy I did a winky
Hey Burnzz and Surgeons
How's your day been?
How's your day been?
Average, trying to recollect last nights events, me and my utd fan mate got fucked up playing fifa with vodka shots for goals conceded, yellow/red cards, offsides just anything you can think of, we finished a litre bottle before going the pub to watch the match then went clubbing after. Head is killing.
jesus its already thursday? i love my life. now someone needs to tell me why im awake at 10am
October! I get my first driving lessons this month aka I turn 18 this month.
imma workin. it's time card day, so i get to help users.
only drug dealers and IT call their customers users . . .
only drug dealers and IT call their customers users . . .
thats what she saidjsnipy wrote:
I'm just doing sweet fuck all in the office, and then I'm gonna go home have a shower get changed, and go see Michael MciIntyre at Wembley Arena.
What up rockafeller skank?ICCULUS wrote:
thats what she saidjsnipy wrote:
I seen him at Cardiff not long ago, it was awesome.Dauntless wrote:
I'm just doing sweet fuck all in the office, and then I'm gonna go home have a shower get changed, and go see Michael MciIntyre at Wembley Arena.
man i love crackberry
Fixed for common waste of my timeICCULUS wrote:
man i love snozberries