ive never registered but after reading this forum and having laughs and surprises, i figure it was about time. i just have 2 quick points because we're beating a dead horse here.

1.) Does anyone think it might be possible that someone hacked into the rank server and simply deleted his stats?

2.) this thread for the past page or 2 has turned into nothing but fuck you and fuck you and my stats are better than yours and lets see who has the biggest cock. im sure im not the only one that has realized this. if we want to get anything accomplished, lets discuss maturely. i realize its hard sometimes.

oh and i lied my third point) i only found out that there was even an ROE (AFTER) i read this thread. i will admit that ive played on a knife and pistols only server and its a lot of fun, i didnt know it was illegal until i read some posts, you learn something new everyday. does that mean i should get my stats wiped? time will tell. nonetheless i play the game fairly and enjoy it, despite its shortcomings.

my personal opinion, this thread should be closed.

(and in case anyone was wondering, i like moongamers and firestorm is a good guy. im sure anyone that has played with him will agree. (not saying whether or not his stats should have been wiped)


try a spellcheck people lol
I simply don't have the time to read every single post in this thread, but want to say to those who think it's petty that someone cares about peeps glitching/cheating.....

I don't know about you, but I work pretty damn hard for the things I enjoy as hobbies.  This stupid game has sucked me in along with everyone else and, frankly, it flames me pretty hard when some pathetic kiddie comes into a game and starts owning by cheating.  I mean, go play CounterStrike 1.6 where cheating is common....oh....sry......I forgot....if everyone else cheats too, they can't feel like their lives are worth something......oh well.  Geez.....get a life......

And the only people who come close to being as pathetic as cheaters are those who think cheating doesn't matter.

I don't know Firestorm....and wouldn't disrespect him.  Only he knows if he cheated or not.  Me, personally....I wouldnt' think the game worth playing if I couldn't win fairly.  And if someone is gonna discredit him in a public place like this, you should really post your proof right up front and let others judge for themselves.  Not doing so just makes your motives come into question....

And lastly, I agree....would an admin PLEASE close this ridiculous thread....

Last edited by [SC]freQ (2006-04-11 23:11:57)


Kolhozik wrote:

Joined Dec 13th, played only 366hrs and i'm already First Sarg, w/1.43SPM. ohh, i almost forgot, i have almost more points then you. Hahaha, dude, give me a break.
Don't care about stats...sure you don't

You should not be talking about stats at all fella, 1.43SPM lmfao

Looking at your stats your are completely useless at every aspect of this game... did I hear inf kdr .5?

And your one of those clowns who just play the 1 map, oh and a ban, nice...

keep on enjoying the game tiger
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6992|Cologne, Germany

[SC]freQ wrote:

I simply don't have the time to read every single post in this thread, but want to say to those who think it's petty that someone cares about peeps glitching/cheating.....

I don't know about you, but I work pretty damn hard for the things I enjoy as hobbies.  This stupid game has sucked me in along with everyone else and, frankly, it flames me pretty hard when some pathetic kiddie comes into a game and starts owning by cheating.  I mean, go play CounterStrike 1.6 where cheating is common....oh....sry......I forgot....if everyone else cheats too, they can't feel like their lives are worth something......oh well.  Geez.....get a life......

And the only people who come close to being as pathetic as cheaters are those who think cheating doesn't matter.

I don't know Firestorm....and wouldn't disrespect him.  Only he knows if he cheated or not.  Me, personally....I wouldnt' think the game worth playing if I couldn't win fairly.  And if someone is gonna discredit him in a public place like this, you should really post your proof right up front and let others judge for themselves.  Not doing so just makes your motives come into question....

And lastly, I agree....would an admin PLEASE close this ridiculous thread....
agreed. we are beating a dead horse here. Time will tell wether Firestorm is reinstated. Until then, any discussion about it doesn't really make sense.

closed. nothing to see here, folks, get on with your lifes...

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