still no word from Ea.
you guys can think what you want,i know i didnt cheat,hack or exploit,you act as if Ea cant be wrong or make a mistake.
and if i knew what i did i would fess up to it since there would be no point in lying.
but since i didnt do anything and since Ea has not responded to my posts and still hasnt sent out a email and all these small minded look at me i busted firestorm posting noobs still have not produced and evidence to verify there claims to fame,i see
no reason why you still continue to view someone guilty befor the trial.
every person that has come to our TS has been answered and responded to with respect,instead of flaming me perhaps a 30 second log in and a chat to get more then one side of the coins story would be more productive then he said she said claims.
if there is proof post it,if you are afraid to post your evidence it is a simple concept to do the math and see that just because i was #1 many would love to claim the lime light and infact are worse then any padder,glitcher or exploiter out there.
lets see all this proof,all these links to the Ea"this is what he did posts".... its just a simple fact that this evidence just point blank doesnt exsist.
moongamers TS is open to the public and i have been on it non stop since this happened hoping to get a reason for this madness and i have yet to get any sign from anyone anywhere that this is soon to be given.feel free to log on ask your questions but as i said without the proof,there is no pudding.

moongamers TS:

{TA}FireStorm wrote:

still no word from Ea.
you guys can think what you want,i know i didnt cheat,hack or exploit,you act as if Ea cant be wrong or make a mistake.
and if i knew what i did i would fess up to it since there would be no point in lying.
but since i didnt do anything and since Ea has not responded to my posts and still hasnt sent out a email and all these small minded look at me i busted firestorm posting noobs still have not produced and evidence to verify there claims to fame,i see
no reason why you still continue to view someone guilty befor the trial.
every person that has come to our TS has been answered and responded to with respect,instead of flaming me perhaps a 30 second log in and a chat to get more then one side of the coins story would be more productive then he said she said claims.
if there is proof post it,if you are afraid to post your evidence it is a simple concept to do the math and see that just because i was #1 many would love to claim the lime light and infact are worse then any padder,glitcher or exploiter out there.
lets see all this proof,all these links to the Ea"this is what he did posts".... its just a simple fact that this evidence just point blank doesnt exsist.
moongamers TS is open to the public and i have been on it non stop since this happened hoping to get a reason for this madness and i have yet to get any sign from anyone anywhere that this is soon to be given.feel free to log on ask your questions but as i said without the proof,there is no pudding.

moongamers TS:

R0lyP0ly wrote:

Actually, my friend, this thread involved complaining about whether or not you, the player, thought Firestorm should've been reset. For me to have been a hypocrite, I would have flamed all those who cared about his "resettedness", and THEN said yes, he should have been reset, or NO, he "shouldn't've". i actually was wanting this all to stop, bc his account does NOT affect yours. Just play on.

PS. Next time you wanna throw around hypocrite, make sure you know what it means
so in the end there is no point in your posts since 1) you dont care about stats and 2) you are flamming others.
If the guy was smart enough to take a FRAPS video, then he would be smart enough to play the video on his machine, hit the printscreen button, hit control v, and paste a screenie into paintshop.  Makes me suspicious that he can't even produce a screenie of "the video".  Firestorm's stats always made sense to me.  20 minutes per round as commander on the USMC on Karkand = 50-65 points per round guaranteed.  Multiply by thousands of hours and that is his score.  Until I see a screenie or video, I suspect Firestorm's wife of paying EA to erase his stats.  My wife would do it if she could and I spend half the amount of time Firestorm does on the game.  Wives are like that.  They don't understand that this is practice for real life.  If we are ever invaded by real enemies I am gonna be spawn killin' like crazy and Firestorm is gonna be dropping arty on their sorry heads like you ain't never seen before.

And weren't you a beta tester or had some contact with the guys at EA?  And they still ignore you?  For some reason I thought you did.  Ignoring you goes hand in glove with the way they react to people making constructive posts on the crap they have done in patches 1.2+ with stupid programming to eliminate unwanted moves, but as a consequence negatively impact other aspects of the game.  I feel like we all got hosed with 1.2+, but you must feel doubly insulted.  Like I told my wife the other day, I feel ready to give up BF2 and all the crap EA does.  When she shouted with glee that I would spend more time with her, I had to correct her:  "The aliens will invade next and I must be prepared!  Thank god for Quake: Enemy Territory coming out this fall !!!"

Last edited by VidSicious (2006-04-11 08:59:52)

If this continues I shall be forced to pot another recipe

Chocolate Galettes or a smoothie to go with the curry maybe.

-=|BW|=-Hollow_Moon wrote:

If this continues I shall be forced to pot another recipe

Chocolate Galettes or a smoothie to go with the curry maybe.
curry smoothie... eww.

{TA}FireStorm wrote:

still no word from Ea.
you guys can think what you want,i know i didnt cheat,hack or exploit,you act as if Ea cant be wrong or make a mistake.
and if i knew what i did i would fess up to it since there would be no point in lying.
but since i didnt do anything and since Ea has not responded to my posts and still hasnt sent out a email and all these small minded look at me i busted firestorm posting noobs still have not produced and evidence to verify there claims to fame,i see
no reason why you still continue to view someone guilty befor the trial.
every person that has come to our TS has been answered and responded to with respect,instead of flaming me perhaps a 30 second log in and a chat to get more then one side of the coins story would be more productive then he said she said claims.
if there is proof post it,if you are afraid to post your evidence it is a simple concept to do the math and see that just because i was #1 many would love to claim the lime light and infact are worse then any padder,glitcher or exploiter out there.
lets see all this proof,all these links to the Ea"this is what he did posts".... its just a simple fact that this evidence just point blank doesnt exsist.
moongamers TS is open to the public and i have been on it non stop since this happened hoping to get a reason for this madness and i have yet to get any sign from anyone anywhere that this is soon to be given.feel free to log on ask your questions but as i said without the proof,there is no pudding.

moongamers TS:
The man himself speaks!

Before, when this thread first came up I had no doubt in my mind that Firestorm was doing something illegal, but then after I looked at his stats and the graphs of his commander scores on the bf2s stats page....it didn't look any different than mine.  Go look at his commander points graph.  It makes a steady and smooth path from top to bottom, which it wouldn't do if he had been performing the glitch, there would be bumbs and sudden rises in it.  This is not the case.  It's as smooth as silk, and being a long time commander myself, I know that the amount of points he is pulling between time periods is perfectly legit.

At this point in time, I am starting to believe that someone used the recent commander glitch and the idiots doing it, added that problem with Firestorms commander score and taped them together and went crying to EA so they could say they "owned" the number one guy in the world.  It's pretty sad, especialy considering the amount of time and effort Firestorm obviously put into this game, only to fucked over by the game producers themselves.

As far as this video goes, I'll beleive it when I see it.  Personally, at this point I think Rouje is full of shit.  If he really has this video then show it too us NOW.  So what if someone sees it and does the glitch, thats one person who has there stats wiped and more more rank I move up by default, not to mention the amount of access you need to a ranked server to pull it off and the fact EA is suppossedly fixing the problem in the next few days.  I'm calling Rouje out on this one.  Lets see it.

Firestrom......sucks to be you man.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
You claim this was known since BF2 was released, but Firstorm wasn't an admin till after the 1.12 patch?  Something doesn't sound right here.....
+53|6893|Omaha, Nebraska
Still waiting for this guy with the Fraps video to post proof.. A easy Screenshot can be made out of your so called Fraps video. Post it already... I keep looking over his commander scores and see no jumps in scores that would point to him using this commander glitch.

VidSicious wrote:

I suspect Firestorm's wife of paying EA to erase his stats.  My wife would do it if she could and I spend half the amount of time Firestorm does on the game.  Wives are like that.  They don't understand that this is practice for real life.  If we are ever invaded by real enemies I am gonna be spawn killin' like crazy and Firestorm is gonna be dropping arty on their sorry heads like you ain't never seen before.
ROFLMAO.....if they only understood. I'd be willing to believe that before I believed he cheated.

Facts are this, his stats show nothing in common with the rest of the exploiters, at all. If he did indeed cheat and there is indeed proof then show it! Otherwise stfu and let this man battle with the stupidity that we know as EA.

I'm sure you're all aware, but whether or not proof is provided to the community, has no bearing on his guilt in the eyes of EA or whoever reset his stats. You could see the video, shoot all kinds of holes into it, but the simple fact here is that EA has the last say, and EA chose to reset them. You think some people whining in a forum because they don't agree with the findings are going to change their minds?

Ever considered the video isn't being released because it reveals how to use the exploit? Maybe after the exploit is fixed, it will be.

But regardless, the only people that need to see it are the people in charge of resetting stats. No one is entitled to see it other than them. Complain all you want, but there is no reason the community needs to see the video. Draw your own conclusions based on that, but ultimately your opinions don't matter for shit.
Pope Picard II

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

All I can say is his stats history point that he didn't use the commander glitch:


Note the consistant earning rate that is feasible - He is obviously a good commander. There are no huge discrepancies like the OP suggests of huge leaps made in single rounds in the middle of the night. The only leaps are where the stats were not updated in several days (rest your mouse on it to see).

Now you may say, perhaps he idled all day and then commander glitched one round at night and went to bed. But if we look at his kill stats (including artillery) - he would have low deaths as a commander:


We see a consistant and non-zero kill rate. Eg. he is not idling away and then jacking 2k points at night and going to bed.

Compound this with the fact that hundreds of people have played with him to scout him out and see if hes a wanker or not says that he did not get reset for what the OP said and what he did get reset for we do not know.

Edit: also note the consistant SPM you'd expect of a good commander with his own server (E.g. he almost always gets commander due to his rank, and the player base stays similar so that there are no huge peaks or dives in his commander score which is what you would expect in this scenario):

I'll say it again because you morons obviously did not read this. Stop thinking there even is a video of him padding points, hard data says there isn't. If he did something else we don't know, but why do you accuse the guy with no evidence?

It's not like EA is perfect...they just want to be seen as doing something, and that means getting a message across, e.g. they won't reset hundreds of 20,000 point noobs that have been reported and flagrantly padding, as they are too low to indicate anything to the community. Reset Firestorm, and that sends a huge message, for what specific reset reason we don't know, but it's not like EA cares...the cost of one persons stats to enforce a message to the community, right or wrong I think Firestorm is fucked end of story.

They won't roll it back, they will send a form mail, and that will be the end of it. Once a company gets that big, they stop specifically caring about the customer (e.g. delivering a real reason) because it costs money. At the same time they don't want to bruise their image and seem uncaring to the community as a whole - so they will do things like arbitrarily reset stats to "protect" the community, but if you get reset, your fucked end of story. Whether you were a loyal EA customer means nothing in this new economy.

At any rate, maybe Firestorm got reported for being abusive, for stat padding for 5 minutes once, for going on a team killing rampage one day in his noob days, who knows, everyone has something that can be construed as illegitimate and with EA's current system one strike and you are gone should you be in the top 10-20.

Everyone saying serve you right fucking cheater etc. is an ignorant SOB. This stats system has made the worst of people - it is no longer about a good time, its about accusing everyone of being armor whores and noob tube whores, and spawn killing stat padders. Salt on the regular accusations of cheating that occur in every other game, and you have a regular old mud brawl, except its not fun with hairy men in uniforms. Maybe he did stat pad, maybe a million of you have stat padded, but unless it is flagrant 200K points, honestly nobody cares, not even EA cares until you get into the top. But for God sake, you don't have to turn on someone like a rabid dog when they have been known to be a good team player - what more can you ask for? It's not like all of you are good Christian virgins refusing to fight and only playing medic.  Anyone of you I could screenshot some bad moments from your "careers" and report you too, and if you were in the Top 10, you'd probably get reset.

I wish EA did something about actual cheaters of which they are multiplying like no other. They are the fucking cheaters and I hate them, but the community can't fight back against them, because punk-buster has done nothing against the main hack, and neither has EA. So the community burns up over "stat-padders" while those douches with wall hacks walk around BF2 suprising even the best of us. Thats what burns me up and should burn you up too. Instead of focusing your attention on so-called stat-padders, start ranting about cheaters and maybe EA will listen like they did to your whining (not holding my breath).

Last edited by [CANADA]_Zenmaster (2006-04-11 11:45:38)


Ordinarily, I wouldn't care about something like this, but all the n00bs going "LIK OMG WTF, GUD JOB EA FUR RESTTIN TEH GLITCHER" is really starting to piss me off. I skimmed through this topic, and from what I can see, the only decent arguments came from people defending Firestorm. Everyone else just made the above comment.

If anyone actually wants to prove this, post the vid, because who actually cares if more n00bs cheat? They just get rest when EA get round to patching the game again.

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

You claim this was known since BF2 was released, but Firstorm wasn't an admin till after the 1.12 patch?  Something doesn't sound right here.....
Coming from an known exploiter...Doesn't mean much. I love how you hang on to your sig like your something special...Get over yourself. You got caught, you got wiped. Your nothing. Move along child.

Last edited by Cyberwolf (2006-04-11 11:48:13)

you dont neccesarily have to be the admin...you simply need to KNOW the admin.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6963|Marathon, Florida Keys

Silver18 wrote:

The guy deserves to be reset just like anyone else who has played on them.
lol, just like the rest of the people...

Think of this.
Somone who plays bf2 for a hour every day after work or school.

is new to games so he doesnt think there is any sort of "community"

doesnt go to forums

dosent know what "clans" are

doesnt know knife and pistol servers are illegal


but you...you can say everyone who plays on knife and pistol deserves to get reset, you registered what? MARCH 28 OR SOMETHING???

.........rofl give me a break! After 2 weeks of playing you feel your cool enough to say who deserves to get reset or not.

having the few measly points you have it wouldnt hurt you much if you got reset right now

but what if you took our poor fellow for example, who got this game on release day....unlike you, slowly progressing up and up, and after 10 months of playing, gets reset because his freind from school told him to come to a knife and pistol server with him because it was unbeliveable fun. He dident pad in there, he fought for his kills, and he loved it. But mr. BF2 BROWNNOSE BITCH POLICE sees the server, screenshots it, and runs over to bf2rankedservers.com and reports them all, they all get reset, all that time down the drain, wasted, could have been put to better use.

All because of a couple rounds of fun.

Do this all statpadder complainers:

Mind your own fucking busnuess

Play your game

dont worry about other people

Silver18: Play the game for a couple months and earn 60k atleast and then come tell me that if you play a couple rounds of knife/pistol you deserve to have all that time wiped.

in the mean time: put some duct tape on your mouth

Thx for reading all this

dont agree with what i said----> bite me

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

Silver18: Play the game for a couple months and earn 60k atleast and then come tell me that if you play a couple rounds of knife/pistol you deserve to have all that time wiped.
Playing in those servers guarantee an expert badge or two, hence anyone that plays them is full of shiite. I don't think you should have your stats wiped out, but it is a shitty way to get a badge.
Un Moderador

i was just thinking about this what if firestorm starts playing all over again and still only plays his karkand and someone geets admin and doesnt do anything stupid with it but at the end of the month or something when firestrom is commanding and going to win change the map over and over again. And he gets reset again lollllllllllllllllll
---hates you
+1,137|6910|Hell, p.o box 666

chrnoicle wrote:

i was just thinking about this what if firestorm starts playing.... blah blah blah.And he gets reset again lollllllllllllllllll
I was just thinking about what if chrnoicle got his ~25.000 points reset?

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

in the mean time: put some duct tape on your mouth
100% to the above post

{TA}FireStorm wrote:

no reason why you still continue to view someone guilty befor the trial

Last edited by fon|sl4y3r (2006-04-11 13:36:50)

+IMP+ Neelzy
thats cool ive got a few ss of firestorm a week b4 he got owned

it makes u wonder how blazin was able 2 keep up with him the " honest way"???

Why The Fuck Do You Care? Get On With Your Life And Forget About Stats!

Torin wrote:

I'm sure you're all aware, but whether or not proof is provided to the community, has no bearing on his guilt in the eyes of EA or whoever reset his stats. You could see the video, shoot all kinds of holes into it, but the simple fact here is that EA has the last say, and EA chose to reset them. You think some people whining in a forum because they don't agree with the findings are going to change their minds?

Ever considered the video isn't being released because it reveals how to use the exploit? Maybe after the exploit is fixed, it will be.

But regardless, the only people that need to see it are the people in charge of resetting stats. No one is entitled to see it other than them. Complain all you want, but there is no reason the community needs to see the video. Draw your own conclusions based on that, but ultimately your opinions don't matter for shit.
Gee would it be that hard as it has already been suggested to take a SS of the FRAPS video in question to show proof Mr. Proofessor? Do you honestly think that the people pissing and moaning about the whole thing actually believe that it's productive towards changing EA's stupidity?
I would think not, this is a BF2 community where we should be able to come and piss and moan about whatever it is we want. That’s includes not only your opinion but ours on the drama we have all come to know as the Firestorm scandal.

In the end.......I'm just sayin.
Cheers m8!
pwnage is the only think i want to say
Probably more than 10,000 ppl glitched this way.
BTW, in the first post in the link, the second guy was on a knife/pistol server, is that cheating???

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