Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6841|Tampa Bay Florida

Kolhozik wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

ROFL!! serves him right
and what did you base your opinion on???

NuclearBlasted wrote:

Look, I don't give a fuck whether you have 2 hours or 2000 hours.  If you cheat, you deserve to be reset.
http://www.totalbf2.com/forums/showpost … stcount=27

The fact that he cheats, maybe?

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-04-10 16:14:53)

+99|6787|New York
What a fucking cheater. Thanks for posting this because I was really hoping it was a mistake or something.  All that attention under false pretenses.  I hope all the other losers who pulled a firestorm get reset as well.  I guess we all know what the {TA} stands for now  ..total asshat
+37|6789|Chicago, Il

badhq wrote:

NuclearBlasted wrote:

I've noticed for a while Firestorm's commander points don't match up with his global score, and thought it was just an odd glitch.  Apparently it was an odd glitch, but perpetrated by him.

Look, I don't give a fuck whether you have 2 hours or 2000 hours.  If you cheat, you deserve to be reset.

So all along, I guess Blazin was always the better player.  Awesome.
Actualy I beging to have my doubts about that

Lets look at Blazin.UK


Now Look at the Bf2s.com chart (for blazin.uk and change that to his comander score Chart and Now have a Look dos anyone ells see sumthing Odd? or is it Just me?
Duh.....  WHen you only have 600 Commander points and then play commander and get ~200 points your graph will look like that....  Look at the numbers onthe chart before making stupid acusations.

His Best round score is 254....  THe Jump inthat commander graph isnt even that much!....  lol
+190|6776|Home of the Escalade Herds
Owned in the face

Nice work
General.ly gravy
so let me get this straight
rouje claims to have video evidence of ta-firestorm cheating awww scandolous
why does everyone care so much it werent you guys who got your stats reset after 2500+ hours was it
EA had evidence, end of.

i hope EA bring out that fix soon just to stop everyone abusing the glitch, everbody is usin this now!!
I love all the people on here who call the poster a snitch, or bitch at him for turning a cheater in...

especially those who feel the need to throw tantrums about it, save us the time of decoding it and just plainly type "I'm a cheater to, leave us be so we can unfairly accumulate high scores which sadly makes us feel good about ourselves."

I especially like the guy who said "we all do it" or something like "who here hasn't cheated or glitched in a game"... ME

I laughed, and laughed, and laughed when I thought about all the time this poor shmuck invested. classic. Clearly he did it, EA doesn't just arbitrarily reset accounts, but hey, if the rest of you cheating rats want to tell yourselves that so you can continue to feed your FALSE ego, feel free.
+65|6844|las vegas
most of you people who run servers, would use the Glitch if u had the chacne back last year. thinking you would never get caught

admit it.

move on with your lives

Last edited by beerface702 (2006-04-10 16:35:52)

+190|6776|Home of the Escalade Herds

General.ly gravy wrote:

so let me get this straight
why does everyone care so much it werent you guys who got your stats reset after 2500+ hours was it
EA had evidence, end of.
Seeing a cheater get what he deserves makes most ppl happy
Was ist Loos?
w/e. cheat in a game with ppl this sensitive and ur bound to get caught. lol, after this is over i wonder wut every1 is gonna do to pass time
+1,153|6781|Washington, DC

All I can say is:


specialistx2324 wrote:

firestorm being reset.. if he was cheating, exploting or some crap like that.. then he deserves to get his ass handed to him..

i played against firestorm.. hes a wimp plain and simple.

its a sad , sad story to see someone with 2500+ hours lose it al in a few seconds. enron anybody..
you know im not sure about how many hours i have played, probly about 700 hours, i have a little over 100,000 i think...

Now, if i times my score by 3, doesnt that get close up to where firestorm is???
To me this prooves that firestorm was not cheating...

because honestly now, if you play for 2500 hours as commander in karkand on the U.S. team, you are gonna end up with much more than 380,000 points, right?

oh well, good day.  >

badhq wrote:

Dr.Battlefield wrote:

Ahh that's the reason heh. At least we know the truth now. Anyway, I feel kinda sorry for person who spent 2000+ hours and lost it all in one second.
I sead it bifore i will say it again from this he will lern his lesson like I did and maby he will be better person and play fear,

If people actualy played the game like they should and worry less about hacks Hackers wouldentmake hacks as noone wants them, as long as there is need for hacks There always will be hackers on any game. Peace Boris

as of how I fill his stats been reset

1. he will ether not play anymore BF2 and find new game or waite for new game
2. He will play like he should of done on the first place and play Fear

Peace Boris
Can someone decode this message for me???  hehe, no offence.
+1,153|6781|Washington, DC

I said it before, I will say it again. From this he will learn his lesson like I did and maybe he will be a better person and play fear

If people actually played the game like they should and owrry less about hacks, hackers wouldn't make hacks as noone would want them... as long as there is a need for hacks, there will be hackers. Peace, Boris.

As of how I feel his stats being reset:

A) He will either not play anymore BF2 and find a new game or wait for a new game
B) He will play like he should've done in the first place and play Fear

Don't give Boris (badhq) a hard time though, English is his 3rd language... pretty good for a 3rd language speaker IMO.

dshak wrote:

I love all the people on here who call the poster a snitch, or bitch at him for turning a cheater in...

especially those who feel the need to throw tantrums about it, save us the time of decoding it and just plainly type "I'm a cheater to, leave us be so we can unfairly accumulate high scores which sadly makes us feel good about ourselves."

I especially like the guy who said "we all do it" or something like "who here hasn't cheated or glitched in a game"... ME

I laughed, and laughed, and laughed when I thought about all the time this poor shmuck invested. classic. Clearly he did it, EA doesn't just arbitrarily reset accounts, but hey, if the rest of you cheating rats want to tell yourselves that so you can continue to feed your FALSE ego, feel free.
If you took a closer look at the guys statment he said cheated in a game or in "Real Life",  he basically asked you if you had cheated in anything you ever did... (i guess you would have to take the entire thing he said, and not just a few words like you have done...)

Good day

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

I said it before, I will say it again. From this he will learn his lesson like I did and maybe he will be a better person and play fear

If people actually played the game like they should and owrry less about hacks, hackers wouldn't make hacks as noone would want them... as long as there is a need for hacks, there will be hackers. Peace, Boris.

As of how I feel his stats being reset:

A) He will either not play anymore BF2 and find a new game or wait for a new game
B) He will play like he should've done in the first place and play Fear

Don't give Boris (badhq) a hard time though, English is his 3rd language... pretty good for a 3rd language speaker IMO.
hehe, Yes preatty good indeed, and thank you for the decode.

ok this my last post for the day...  bye now >
No place like
+76|6846|Gold Coast,QLD,Australia
Good fucking work man, atleast people will think he's a nub not like zomg he is teh #1!!!1!!!11!!
christ guys sort yourselfs out!!!!
EA dont exactly go round resetting stats willy nilly
he was cheating - now i know thats hard for some of you to accept but thats a FACT
now stop your crying and be glad that another wanker has been reseted

r0uJe wrote:


you're welcome.

Dude, how the heck did you swing 548 BR... twice?

Last edited by Arkane (2006-04-10 17:52:56)

Connoisseur of Fine Wine
Dude have you ever played Fear's multiplayer? It sucks ass.
Silver Bullet

1) There has been no tangible "evidence" produced. There is a claim that this has been done and been recorded yet nothing has been shown regardless of the "I don't want others to copy" statement. Heck he had this "evidence" for near enough 6 months now and hasn't produced it before.

2) It needs an admin to collude on this and Firestorm was NOT an admin at the time that said "evidence" was made.

3) It was reportedly sent to BF2RS yet King Dave has spoken to Firestorm and has said that no such item was sent to BF2RS.

4) There are still more obvious glitchers still on the boards.

This is starting to smell more and more like an EA screw up and some kid trying to cash in on it. Seeing as the "glitch" has been made public there should be no worries as to show said video. But, despite all the calls for the evidence to be produced it is not forthcoming. This leads me to believe that there is either no video or that the video has been edited and the original poster is too scared to release it for fear of being found out. Show some balls and produce it. The rank system is already compromised by the fact that there were 20+ people at one point at the top of the leaderboards having used this glitch, so you shouldn't be worried by showing it because EA are aware and the people that use it will only be there for a short time anyway.

After all there is a precedent here - Anubis had his stats reset and they were reinstated later because of a screw up on the accounts side of things. So, before you all jump to conclusions, shouldn't you be asking where is this so called evidence and why does Firestorm still have his rank and unlocks since a reset would remove the unlocks and the rank - and before you all say it's a cache issue etc. look in BFHQ and look the name up, his rank is still there. I just hope that if it is proven that this was an accounts screw up those of you that immediately jumped to the "OMG what a cheat" conclusion have the balls to publically apologise. If it proves otherwise then I will hold my hands up and say I was wrong.

Thank you for your time.
I only read the first few lines of this last post... but nobody has to produce any tangible evidence for you. They have plenty of it, which is why they reset his account. They don't have to prove anything to you, or anyone else, they were convinced, they whacked him. period.

Guess what, if it is a proven mistake, I PRE-EMPTIVELY PUBLICLY APOLOGIZE, if not then the whole thing is pure comedy.

Some people try to live on the up and up, online or offline... and I can't remember personally finding the "everybody else probably does it" excuse even 'seeming' valid to me since I was in junior high, but then, thats just me.

There is a lot of wierd stuff about his stats page... on this site anyway... how does he have 86 sniper kills and 0 deaths? How is it possible its still showing him with all the second tier unlocks but none of the first? Why is his rank still Colonel? There's just too much wierd stuff in play here, so I wouldn't be surprised if it is all one big foul up, bottom line if he hacked and got caught good, hilarious... if not, then I'm sure the situation will be fixed.

Last edited by dshak (2006-04-10 18:50:23)

Dragon X

badhq wrote:

NuclearBlasted wrote:

I've noticed for a while Firestorm's commander points don't match up with his global score, and thought it was just an odd glitch.  Apparently it was an odd glitch, but perpetrated by him.

Look, I don't give a fuck whether you have 2 hours or 2000 hours.  If you cheat, you deserve to be reset.

So all along, I guess Blazin was always the better player.  Awesome.
Actualy I beging to have my doubts about that

Lets look at Blazin.UK


Now Look at the Bf2s.com chart (for blazin.uk and change that to his comander score Chart and Now have a Look dos anyone ells see sumthing Odd? or is it Just me?
there nothing wrong with his commander points cuz ive played as a commander exactly as long as him and we have about the same exact points. put it this way BLAZIN HATES BEING COMMANDER PROVING HE DOESNT GLITCH OR CHEAT.
+38|6816|Phila, PA

dshak wrote:

I only read the first few lines of this last post... but nobody has to produce any tangible evidence for you. They have plenty of it, which is why they reset his account. They don't have to prove anything to you, or anyone else, they were convinced, they whacked him. period.

Guess what, if it is a proven mistake, I PRE-EMPTIVELY PUBLICLY APOLOGIZE, if not then the whole thing is pure comedy.

Some people try to live on the up and up, online or offline... and I can't remember personally finding the "everybody else probably does it" excuse even 'seeming' valid to me since I was in junior high, but then, thats just me.

There is a lot of wierd stuff about his stats page... on this site anyway... how does he have 86 sniper kills and 0 deaths? How is it possible its still showing him with all the second tier unlocks but none of the first? Why is his rank still Colonel? There's just too much wierd stuff in play here, so I wouldn't be surprised if it is all one big foul up, bottom line if he hacked and got caught good, hilarious... if not, then I'm sure the situation will be fixed.
If you would read it to the end then you would shut the fuck up and stop spaming this thread.

I wonder if you woundn't want any evidence displayed if it was your stats reset??????

The answer to the last paragraph of your post is in SilverBulets post. Go read it to the end before you post some half ass conclusion.
Death StatPadder
+228|6920|Human Meat Shield
I just thought Firestorm was a armor, commander whore. And like everyone else that loves thier points a bragger. Didn't he come on here once making statements that come on my server and see how I play?

R0lyP0ly wrote:

you are an asshat who possesses no skill. who CARES if he glitched?? huh? who does? It affects you in no way other than crying because you aren't the best BF2 nerd. It is a GAME. Let that sink in for a moment...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................aGAME ................................................................................................................................................................................... With that in mind (hopefully), we can move onto the fact that his being a whiny little kid and cheating his way to the top only shows is true real-life shortcomings. Just keep your over-adventurous nose in your own area of influence - your home, your CD key, your account. If you are one of those types that protests outrageous acts such as cheating on a virtual object, then show integrity and lead by example -  great actions are seen, not heard. Thank you, but please, to each his own. Have fun with your life, knowing you don't affect his.

/rant over/

Have a Nice Day!!!
Obviously you care since you took the time to post...Ironic how many hyprocrites there are!

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