When I'm sniping at a long distance (say...300m or so) I find it very difficult to get a headshot, or a hit at all. Why? Because my aiming is not smooth. My crosshairs move at like 8pixels at a time, instead of smoothly. Does anyone else experiance this, or is it a mouse/mouse speed related issue?

I have an old crappy Micro Innovations optical corded mouse, and I keep my mouse sensivitiy at 3.6, and my yaw/pitch at 5.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has this issue. It makes it very hard to snipe at a distance when my crosshairs just jump from one side of the guys head, to the other.
+788|6808|Brisbane, Australia

Wow, 3.6 thats pretty sensitive, try setting it for around 1.0
3.6 is way high.
I set it down to about 1-2 ish when I go sniper. There are mice out there that allow you to switch the sensitivity on the fly. … NTID=10715
It's a problem with the game's design. You can't do anything to fix it.

Palooka wrote:

It's a problem with the game's design. You can't do anything to fix it.
Well then how come people can get easy headshots at someone sitting still at very long distances, and I can't simply because my crosshair will not go where I want them to. How do you do it?

I like my mouse sensitive. I don't have enough money to buy one of those mice where you can change the DPI whenever you want, and I couldn't stand having to change and get used to a sensitivity change everytime I want to snipe.

I will try a lower sensitivity though, and see if it helps.
Palooka... I don't have this problem at all... guess the version I have was designed differently than all the others.
Well I tried lower mouse sensitivity and it kind of helped I guess... but now I have to use crappy sensitivity. :S

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