Hai guys
+14|5540|Fort Hood, Texas
What should I change and what grammar errors are there?

The topic is "the positive/negative impacts of technology on teenagers."

        Technology is an important part of everyday life. Teenagers use technology to make their lives easier and more enjoyable. Some of these young teenagers take advantage of technology. Teenagers are impacted in positive and negative ways. Teenagers have grown accustomed to using new technology to do work for them and make all of their troubles go away. Technology is becoming more and more accessible to teenagers and soon teenagers will be taken over by it.
    Technology is very important to how teenagers live their lives. New technology has revolutionized the way teenagers live at home. Teenagers have access to the news online and on television so that they do not have to read the newspaper. Young people use technology to wash clothes, clean dishes, and clean their homes. When people travel they do not realize that technology in their vehicles has been developed for decades to make it more efficient. Technology has made accessing food easier than ever by the creation of fast food restaurants and drive-thru windows at restaurants such as McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King, and Taco Bell. People no longer have to go inside restaurants to order food because they can wait comfortably in their cars and order from outside the restaurant.
    Technology has a lot of downfalls and some of these downfalls can be very serious. Technology is taken advantage of by teenagers that are lazy and do not want to do things for themselves without help. Technology in school is a big reason why students are becoming less attentive in classes and becoming careless. Students use iPods in class to listen to music when they should be listening to the teacher that is giving a lesson. Not only is technology in school bad, but it is even worse outside of school in the public world. Teenagers talk and text on the phone when they are driving and that is very unsafe not only for the person driving, but people that are driving next to that person or are on the sidewalk. Nearly ten-thousand people are killed each year due to people on their phones while driving. Driving while on the phone is one thing, but it is also unsafe for teenagers to be on their phones or iPods while walking in a city and not being aware of their surroundings. People that do not know what is going on could get injured or even killed by a driver that is not paying attention.
    Technology has many benefits as well as detriments. Technology is used in hospitals to monitor patients and make sure that they are in stable condition. If a patient is not doing well then a nurse or doctor is alerted so that the patient can be helped if needed. Machines are used in hospitals to do ultrasounds, x-rays, magnetic resonance image scans, and many other important procedures to make sure that people are in excellent condition. Emergency crews need technology to help victims in car accidents, fires, and other emergency situations. If these emergency crews do not have defibrillators, water hoses, hydraulic rescue tools, and other tools then they cannot help people that are in danger.
    Technology is a very important part life because it is the only economic force that is guaranteed to move in a forward direction. Without technology people would have never moved up in society and would not have the tools needed to do difficult or untimely tasks. Technology should be used for the good of mankind and should not be taken advantage of just because it is easy to access. People need to contribute to society and use technology to become more informed and learn new things. With new technology becoming available everyday, there is no reason why people should have problems with any task.

Last edited by WienerBreath (2009-09-13 21:12:57)

+2,187|6606|Mountains of NC

I understand this essy is about technology but its repetitive .... alot and so is teenagers
How old are you/What grade are you in?
+718|6559|Austin, Texas
All 5 paragraphs begin with "technology", and I read it a few more dozen times inside the paragraphs... clean that up.
Voices are calling...
+136|5969|Somewhere out in Space

12/f/taiwan wrote:

How old are you/What grade are you in?
With a name like wienerbreath that's one hell of a foul-mouthed 12 year old.
Hai guys
+14|5540|Fort Hood, Texas
Well I've been in regular English forever and I decided to take advanced English this year and I'm horrible at essays. I'm in 12th grade.
+5,233|6567|Global Command
The first paragraph seems rather clunky. Reminds me of a telegram; " technology is bad, stop. technology can hurt me, stop "

Perhaps elaborate on some of those sentences.
Good luck though.
+1,411|6780|FUCK UBISOFT

also try to use more professional language, it sounds like you're talking, which usually isn't what the teacher wants.
Hai guys
+14|5540|Fort Hood, Texas

Miggle wrote:

also try to use more professional language, it sounds like you're talking, which usually isn't what the teacher wants.
Can you elaborate a little?
Fission Mailed

Intro paragraph should have a topic sentence, stating very generally what the essay is about. The next sentence should be your thesis statement (Technology can have positive or negative impact on teenagers.) Next state your 3 or 4 main ideas (keep it generalized) that you'll explain in the body paragraphs.

Write a paragraph for each idea, then a conclusion paragraph that wraps up what you've said and re-states the points you covered in the body paragraphs.
Hai guys
+14|5540|Fort Hood, Texas
Alright, thanks, I'll work on redoing my introduction. How can I make my essay not so repetitive?


I edited my introduction. Does this look any better?

Technology is used by teenagers for positive ways and negative ways. Technology impacts teenagers in positive and negative ways by making hard tasks simpler, but making teenagers lazier and less willing to work. Teenagers use technology to make their lives easier and more enjoyable. Teenagers take advantage of technology and use it in ways that endanger themselves. Technology is used in hospitals and by emergency crews to help patients and rescue people.

Last edited by WienerBreath (2009-09-13 21:49:29)

Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6759|Sydney, Australia
That's an "essay"? o.O

.. A "short response" at most.

I'll go get some food, and have a read when I get back.
Hai guys
+14|5540|Fort Hood, Texas

mcminty wrote:

That's an "essay"? o.O

.. A "short response" at most.

I'll go get some food, and have a read when I get back.
It's only suppose to be 500 words. It's only the 3rd week of school. We're still doing basic stuff right now.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6759|Sydney, Australia

WienerBreath wrote:

mcminty wrote:

That's an "essay"? o.O

.. A "short response" at most.

I'll go get some food, and have a read when I get back.
It's only suppose to be 500 words. It's only the 3rd week of school. We're still doing basic stuff right now.
Mm, ok. Although, you did say you were in year 12..
Hai guys
+14|5540|Fort Hood, Texas

mcminty wrote:

WienerBreath wrote:

mcminty wrote:

That's an "essay"? o.O

.. A "short response" at most.

I'll go get some food, and have a read when I get back.
It's only suppose to be 500 words. It's only the 3rd week of school. We're still doing basic stuff right now.
Mm, ok. Although, you did say you were in year 12..
Yea, I'd say English is my worst subject.
Mass Media Casualty

A 600 word essay...
Oh how I wish I still had them!

Anyway, you start pretty much every sentence with "Technology" or "Teenagers". This means that your essay does not flow at all. It is like listening to a speech from someone having an athsma attack. Your first two paragraphs outline the painfully obvious when they should be used to outline you argument which is another point - what is your argument? Your introduction should briefly introduce your topic and outline the positon you take - which could be, say, although technology has several negative effects when regarding teenagers/youth the positives outweight the negatives. Something like that.

Edit: Your new Intro is still too repeditive.

Your introduction should introduce and your conclusion should conclude. As it is now your introduction introduces the topic to some extent but not your argument. I thought it might have at one point; you wrote "soon teenagers will be taken over by it" which could be a good argument, however you don't say what you mean by this and therefore any reference to it which can be seen somewhat in your third paragraph is ineffective.

Your essay lacks direction as a whole which means you meander around for 620 words and then ask the reader to form their own conclusion even when you've given them incredibly little to go on.

Some bullet points:

- Define what you mean when you say "technology". A chair is technology, a fork is technology.
- Don't say things like "Technology in school is bad". It's not bad and both you and your teacher know this. If you must you can say something like "Technology in school has it's drawbacks". "Bad" is too concrete a word.
- You spend paragraphs describing things that don't need description. You don't need to explain how technology assists in medicine or in emergency work. All this is pretty much irrellevent to the topic.
- When you go onto the positives of technology you forget that you're writing about TEENAGERS and technology. I mean you miss the point entirely about how technology can help people learn, how teachers use technology to assist in their lessons, how teenagers can utilise technology to access information their parents never could.
- Structure your paragraphs. Give them a purpose. Paragraph two seems to be about how technology can encourage laziness in people or, how people are unaware about how much technology influences their lives. That's good, explain this, give examples and link it to your argument, (whatever it is.) Paragraph three is about how technology negatively effects teenagers. Again, good; explain, give examples and link it to your argument. Paragraph four I think is irrellevent and you should probably use this to talk about how technology positively affects teenagers/students. Either way, explain, give examples and link it to your argument.
- Your conclusion needs to conclude on your ARGUMENT.
- Technology is not an "economic force".
[Blinking eyes thing]
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6759|Sydney, Australia
Ah, righty.

Well, first up. How does your point about the use of technology in medical/emergency services relate specifically to the topic of teenages?

Ah fuck it, Ty has covered pretty much everything.

Edit: If I were doing this short response, I would look at the impact information technology (as I would define technology this way) has had on the lives of teenages, by drawing comparisons between what life is currently like for teenages with the technology, and what it was like 10-15 years ago (ie. before the internet).
Just some basics to fix:

The word technology and teenagers are used way too often... find a thesaurus and come up with some different words that still mean the same thing
Vary sentence structures... about all your sentences are the same length and relative structure.  Combine some sentences with conjunctionss etc.
3rd and 4th paragraphs may need switched.  Most teachers (that I had) wanted all the positives then all the negatives or vice versa, don't mix them in with each other unless your writing a compare/contrast page.

Overall you have a good topic with some good ideas.  Good Luck and Have Fun with your Senior year!
Hai guys
+14|5540|Fort Hood, Texas
Well, I guess I better restart then. I really suck at English, I don't think I'll get any better at writing essays either.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6759|Sydney, Australia

WienerBreath wrote:

Well, I guess I better restart then.
Yeah, that is probably the best option. Before you start "writing", it might be a good idea to think about your definition of technology and what your point of view will be in the essay. It would also be wise to jot down some dot points on the positive and negative impacts of (your definition of) technology, so you know exactly what you should be writing about.

The other thing to remember in a shorter 500 word response is ABC - accuracy, brevity and clarity. If you don't want to look those words up, I'll tell you what my microeconomics lecturer said. "In your class tests, I don't want to see some fluffy writing that doesn't really tell me anything. Just cut all the crap out." Sound advice.

WienerBreath wrote:

I really suck at English, I don't think I'll get any better at writing essays either.
Practice. And being able to learn from constructive criticism. And more practice.

It doesn't happen magically.
Mass Media Casualty

Minty speaks the truth. It's taken my life at school plus four years of University to fully realise how to properly write an essay.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Hai guys
+14|5540|Fort Hood, Texas
Alright, Thanks for the help. I'll start on it tomorrow and post it when I'm done.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6759|Sydney, Australia

Ty wrote:

Minty speaks the truth. It's taken my life at school plus four years of University to fully realise how to properly write an essay.
Yup. Unfortunately this type of thing isn't stressed enough in school.. and when it is, it's usually this joke of a 500 word "essay" (by the way, I'm not having a go at you weiner, but more the whole system). While the engineering student in me detests this essay business, they are essential for learning how to formulate a point of view and present arguments to support it.

As an aside: Ty - 4 years at uni. Sooo... you have your degree now?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6639|132 and Bush

Bevo wrote:

All 5 paragraphs begin with "technology", and I read it a few more dozen times inside the paragraphs... clean that up.
Yes, this stood out from the get-go.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Fear is a Leash
+85|6209|New Austin, Not

WienerBreath wrote:

Alright, thanks, I'll work on redoing my introduction. How can I make my essay not so repetitive?


I edited my introduction. Does this look any better?

Technology is used by teenagers for positive ways and negative ways. Technology impacts teenagers in positive and negative ways by making hard tasks simpler, but making teenagers lazier and less willing to work. Teenagers use technology to make their lives easier and more enjoyable. Teenagers take advantage of technology and use it in ways that endanger themselves. Technology is used in hospitals and by emergency crews to help patients and rescue people.
-Define what kind of is much too general
-First two sentences are a bit redundant
-Needs a good "hook" to draw the reader in. Relate some sort of current event or something
-Avoid using the same word twice in a row to start a sentence
-Use a thesaurus (Lawl)
-Needs a more general tone for each possible topic "starter" (for example change Technology is used in hospitals etc needs to be is way too specific to start off a paper).

WienerBreath wrote:

What should I change and what grammar errors are there?

The topic is "the positive/negative impacts of technology on teenagers."

        Technology is an important part of everyday life. Teenagers use technology to make their lives easier and more enjoyable. Some of these young teenagers take advantage of technology. Teenagers are impacted in positive and negative ways. Teenagers have grown accustomed to using new technology to do work for them and make all of their troubles go away. Technology is becoming more and more accessible to teenagers and soon teenagers will be taken over by it.
    Technology is very important to how teenagers live their lives. New technology has revolutionized the way teenagers live at home. Teenagers have access to the news online and on television so that they do not have to read the newspaper. Young people use technology to wash clothes, clean dishes, and clean their homes. When people travel they do not realize that technology in their vehicles has been developed for decades to make it more efficient. Technology has made accessing food easier than ever by the creation of fast food restaurants and drive-thru windows at restaurants such as McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King, and Taco Bell. People no longer have to go inside restaurants to order food because they can wait comfortably in their cars and order from outside the restaurant.
    Technology has a lot of downfalls and some of these downfalls can be very serious. Technology is taken advantage of by teenagers that are lazy and do not want to do things for themselves without help. Technology in school is a big reason why students are becoming less attentive in classes and becoming careless. Students use iPods in class to listen to music when they should be listening to the teacher that is giving a lesson. Not only is technology in school bad, but it is even worse outside of school in the public world. Teenagers talk and text on the phone when they are driving and that is very unsafe not only for the person driving, but people that are driving next to that person or are on the sidewalk. Nearly ten-thousand people are killed each year due to people on their phones while driving. Driving while on the phone is one thing, but it is also unsafe for teenagers to be on their phones or iPods while walking in a city and not being aware of their surroundings. People that do not know what is going on could get injured or even killed by a driver that is not paying attention.
    Technology has many benefits as well as detriments. Technology is used in hospitals to monitor patients and make sure that they are in stable condition. If a patient is not doing well then a nurse or doctor is alerted so that the patient can be helped if needed. Machines are used in hospitals to do ultrasounds, x-rays, magnetic resonance image scans, and many other important procedures to make sure that people are in excellent condition. Emergency crews need technology to help victims in car accidents, fires, and other emergency situations. If these emergency crews do not have defibrillators, water hoses, hydraulic rescue tools, and other tools then they cannot help people that are in danger.
    Technology is a very important part life because it is the only economic force that is guaranteed to move in a forward direction. Without technology people would have never moved up in society and would not have the tools needed to do difficult or untimely tasks. Technology should be used for the good of mankind and should not be taken advantage of just because it is easy to access. People need to contribute to society and use technology to become more informed and learn new things. With new technology becoming available everyday, there is no reason why people should have problems with any task.
-same points as above for intro
-Needs a concession to the other viewpoint
-Paragraph structure is off the mark. Personally it should be Intro, Paragraph 2, 4, then 3, conclusion. Strongest agruement should either be first or last. In this case, last.

Second paragraph
-Again limit how many times you use the words technology and teenager
-When giving evidence, you better elaborate why it supports your statements
-Need to create a transition between second and third paragraphs

Third Paragraph
-Find alternative words for teenager, technology and students
-Do not use such a strong word such as bad. There is always a counter argument
-If possible, comment and cite a few newspaper articles, and studies regarding some of the points you have made (texting while driving, etc)

Fourth Paragraph
-Don't limit yourself on just technology in the hosptials; way too specific. Try relating to more than just that

-restate thesis differently. The statement is too close together in terms of wording
-Again, too much useage of "technology"

Massive edit lol, guess I don't have much to do tonight.

Last edited by Rohirm (2009-09-13 23:25:20)

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