There's been a little hubub in the Screenshot thread about this game series, so let's talk about it.

Over the course of the 21st century, mankind experimented with wormhole technology and successfully built jumpgates in space between Earth and Mars paving the way for the colonization of the solar system and interstellar transport. A jumpgate was shuttled to Alpha Centauri in an attempt to claim a foothold in interstellar space. Even before the gate left the solar system scientists discovered that many objects classified as black holes showed the characteristics of artificial wormholes. There were alien jumpgates which the human constructed gates could connect to. The Terrans had discovered the X Universe, a seemingly uninhabited collection of solar systems connected by a vast network of large, bi-directional jumpgates. Read more.
it kinda is but kinda isntFatherTed wrote:
um, sounds like something from eve
I might go over the post limit, plus this way it's organised.HellHead wrote:
Just edit your fucking post ! Some people...
But singleplayer, and made before eve.FatherTed wrote:
um, sounds like something from eve
Yep and the pronounciation reminds me...[HOF]Mercenary wrote:
Excuse me. . . The Kha'ak?
Last edited by Jean_Peste_tu? (2009-09-03 16:01:41)
Last edited by trex1210 (2009-09-03 19:39:53)
its kinda hard to get into....trex1210 wrote:
Game looks awsome from the trailer/review.
But wtf, is the kha'ak (cock) a joke? Fucking made me laugh so hard watching the review. especially when the chick said "whats a girl got to do to get some Kha'ak (cock) around here? LOL
Game looks epic and cannot wait to start playing.
Nah, i played the first three (?) missions or so of the main story and received the message from bala gi but did not meet him yet. Problem is I still fly the abandoned Mamba Recon I captured so I lack teh firepower to go into the xenonsectors or mahlstrom later on. But I´m one crystal factory away from turning my complex into a aself-sufficient one. Then I´ma get me a Paranid Perseus to start with Bala Gi and while doing the first few I hope I scrapped enough money together to buy myself an Argon Zentaur.Jean_Peste_tu? wrote:
Sisco with that nice complex you have started you must have run the missions for the HQ and the M7 calss ship. Where did you locate Your HQ?
In my last game I did put it, if I remember well the sector name, in Elysium of light. That Gooner sector, a bit left from the center of the map, to try to up my rep with them.
Pro tip; To start a new MKIII trader send him to paranid sector Empire's Edge, I'm telling you, you won't regret it. I shit you not by saying that in about 15 min he's level 8 and ready for universal trading. Also you do not have to guide him like a baby because he's on pause. Keep a good rep with the Paranids though.
Can´t wait to get my hands on that ship. From what I´ve read a small fleet of those vessels, paired with an M2 destroyer can annihilate entire Xenon sectors!Jean_Peste_tu? wrote:
For the Xenon sector mission I used the Starburst. It's so fast the xenon couldn't even touch me lol.
Ya know those engine and rudders crates you are to find here and there from the Pandora's messages.
Do not use them on the Hyperion when you find that ship. Reverse engineer it before then build one and then apply those upgrade. Otherwise you will lose the upgrades. Damn that ship is then as manoeuvrable as a fighter.
I used to play Freelancer before but it was an acquired copy so no multiplayer and when my friend put me in front of X3 I was
There should be (and this might help krazed too) some sort of complex planner tool available. I have one, but only in German. It´s great. All info concerning pricing and production is included. You can input your complex or what part of it you already have and it shows you where it´s lacking. I might look for one in English once I get back from work.Jean_Peste_tu? wrote:
Personally I still have problem figuring out the capacity of each station in a complex to come at an equilibrium.
They're always missing some stuff. Meh... it means I still have something to learn.
If you build your complex, zoom in to see the exact spaces between factories on your sector map. Also remember that you can switch the view from the "above" angle to the "side" angle by hitting Insert (default). Makes it ALOT easier to place units in a orderly fashion.krazed wrote:
i still can't put station complexes together properly they always end up looking retarded and not working
drop an advanced sattellite in the sector and press 'k' when you're looking at the sector map. when you zoom in, the actual models can be seen on the map rather than some symbols.krazed wrote:
i still can't put station complexes together properly they always end up looking retarded and not working
Somehow this doesn´t work for me. What´s the Command called in the options?Mugen wrote:
drop an advanced sattellite in the sector and press 'k' when you're looking at the sector map. when you zoom in, the actual models can be seen on the map rather than some symbols.krazed wrote:
i still can't put station complexes together properly they always end up looking retarded and not working
That command cannot be found in the options; already asked on the ES forums. It still works though:Sisco10 wrote:
Somehow this doesn´t work for me. What´s the Command called in the options?Mugen wrote:
drop an advanced sattellite in the sector and press 'k' when you're looking at the sector map. when you zoom in, the actual models can be seen on the map rather than some symbols.krazed wrote:
i still can't put station complexes together properly they always end up looking retarded and not working