Chopper Whore Extraordinaire
I encountered this today for the first time, and iw ouldnt cared, but there were 2 of them.  They would TK you if possible, or just suicide if they were piloting and someone was gunning.  The reason for all that? so they could fly hi, hover and gun for themselves, it was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen, not only were they ***clowns to start with, but they wre very ineffective, I got a cobra on Kubra damn and took top helo score and only flew for about half the round time, wereas these idiots had 2 helos for the whole time.....

so my big question, why do people like this exist? they arent getting good scores, they arent winning for their team, they aren't, well they arent doing anything really.....

they also weren't enjoying it after I got the jet and rammed one of them 3 times, every time they were credited the Tk and I punished and they got kicked, perhaps that goofy Tk system is useful after all......
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7161|Bryan/College Station, TX
They are a complete waste of carbon and if removing their selfserving and retard asses from the planet were legal they would probably already be dead and their bodies recycled into composte or their organs given to people who are benefitial to society and need them more than they do.

But I'm not callous or anything.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
The Mushroom Man
The Dumbasses are proberly trying to get badges! a gunner just about always gets more points than the driver in choppers... but i dont see why they didnt just go gunner and let someone else fly!
will frag for food
+11|7157|Pittsburgh, PA, USA
selfish... desperate... you name it
+23|7161|Pembroke Pines, FL.

kilroy0097 wrote:

They are a complete waste of carbon and if removing their selfserving and retard asses from the planet were legal they would probably already be dead and their bodies recycled into composte or their organs given to people who are benefitial to society and need them more than they do.

But I'm not callous or anything.
Come on Kilroy, tell us how you really feel. 
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7159|Cologne, Germany

taddzilla wrote:

kilroy0097 wrote:

They are a complete waste of carbon and if removing their selfserving and retard asses from the planet were legal they would probably already be dead and their bodies recycled into composte or their organs given to people who are benefitial to society and need them more than they do.

But I'm not callous or anything.
Come on Kilroy, tell us how you really feel. 
yeah. don't keep it all inside.
Happened to me for the first time as well last night! Jumped in the chopper and some child starting throwing C4 on it, and then someone sniped me with an M95, and had the cheek to use the "Sorry" from the commo-rose.

These people should have their account banned for life
I wish that the AI in the game could let you TK someone like those ppl, without getting the point deduction or the punishment.

And i still dont understand why you get -4 even if the other part decides to forgive you. Whats the reasoning behind that ?
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra
If someone does that to me i make it my mission to hunt them down and tk them for the rest of the game then exit before the round ends, im not that bothered about points and its more fun for me to get them back so i dont see it as wasting a round.....
Mass Media Casualty

Heh heh, maybe I shouldn't be posting a comment on this subject, because I've done that once.
The thing was, there was this dumbass always getting the choppers, (well, taking them when I wanted them anyway,) Now he couldn't fly for shit, but he thought he was the man. I was introducing my mate to BF2 and he wanted to gun and me to fly - fair enough. I told the guy this when he refused to get out and he started geting all bitchy, so I trusted his flying.
Well, he bombed it, and I died. The guy kept giving ME grief though because I got a lag strike earlier in the game so crashed the chopper. My mate started getting pissed off, and killed him once, just for the hell of it. The guy then decided he'd ram us with a jeep, shoot at us, y'know, that kinda thing. No-one wanted to get near this guy so I let him have the chopper - not before decorating it a bit though. It was a beautiful fireworks display, and one of the most fun things I've done in the game.
Oh how we laughed.
Is it wrong though?
[Blinking eyes thing]
If im waiting on a chopper along with a bunch of other guys (No wonder we lose the map), i usually accept my fate if i dont get a seat. But like Aus heart attack said if somebody kills me when im in the chopper, then theyre gonna get it the next time i see them, so theyll learn that behavior is unacceptable.

A good trick is driving the jeep into someone, because you can get out in time, so you dont get notified for TK. This is a sweet tactic to use with the aforemented bad elements of the game.
+0|7091|the motherland uk
i notice this all the time put its worse i think with jets, i get these guys that stand where the jet spawns shooting ppl who come near so most stay clear, but the thing that make me laugh the most is if someone else gets in the plane they dont blow it up or mine, they stand right infront of the jet and wont move so u either run em over or get out and let em take it,
                      i just set the jet off then jump and climb back in but i think that there should be aliase players in random servers who are ea or dice, i know its a bit hard to get all servers covered or even a percentage of servers but if they did i think that players seen doing this or team killing for choppers planes etc should be demoted on the spot and have an unlock wepon removed from there armourie that would stop it in an instant apart from the real gimps who should just be banned on the spot, and have 100 junk mail sent to there email every 10 mins, rough justice but hell it would do the job.
An even better solution would be to allow (ie. no TK) you to run over a teammate with a jet or a chopper. Of course then they will just start TK'ing you, but hopefully it would make a few of them stop with their behavior.

The logic should be something like this :

if (jet/chopper close to ground) AND (RunsOverTeammate == True) THEN
  PlayerInChopper.SkipTK = True;

And teammate in jet/chopper of course )
+0|7091|the motherland uk
or even a warning that u may be harmed when vehicle takes off then bam ye own fault if u do get run over no negative points and the obvious chance to shift
Who here has seen this one ? You take off in the chopper only to be called back for a pick-up. fine I neded a gunner anyway right, well I turn around and land just in time for the dude to TK me out of the pilot seat and take off solo. Hell if he wanted to fly I have no problem being the gunner. thats what you get for being nice I guess
OMFG!!!! I just came across that SHIT from somebody if GOF or GFW clan, i don't remember. It was the gayest shit ive ever seen. I jumped into the gunner position and we were killing shit left and right. Then he tells me to get out of the chopper. I said why. No explenation, so when i didn't get out he flys over to out of bounds and waits for me to die. then flys off by himself. I hate it when fucking 12 year old faggots do stupid shit like that. If you dont want to play as a team... go play fucking doom or quake or some lame ass game like that. fuckers.

Oh and to add insult to injury. After the fucker did this, I told him he was a massive fag and way gayer than a shaved hampster in san francisco on valentines day. Then he and his faggot ass friends booted me from the server because I obviously was the one playing like an ass hole... lol

Last edited by evilcream (2005-10-15 07:29:46)

Sounds like a messed-up server with some messed-up admins if you ask me.

evilcream wrote:

After the fucker did this, I told him he was a massive fag and way gayer than a shaved hampster in san francisco on valentines day
lol that expression is new to me about the hamster
+0|7084|Northern Illinois University
this just happened to me a few minutes ago.  I got into the attack helo as gunner, the round just started and I ran to the nearest vehicle.  The guy takes off and we go for a few minutes and shoot down a enemy helo.  things seems okay, he got credit for the kill.  They he starts acting like he cant fly, he goes low under bridges, between trees, lands and takes off, and then finally aims for a hill and does a crash land on the side of the hill.  I  see that he bails out, so I get out since it seems like the helo is about to tip over. As soon as I get out, the helo slides and kills me with the blades.  he gets back in and taks off.  I comment on his flying abilities and he tells me that he did it on purpose to get me out, I asked why he didnt just kick me out before taking off.  He probablly didnt want a gunner taking credit for kills.  His name is VincentVega87  and plays on the chicago area servers.
I know this might sound out of place, but it's not all doom and gloom. I tend not to fly aircraft of any description, I use KB and mouse, not a great combination. I got a yell from an attack heli pilot 'mount up', so I did, having never spent any time as a gunner, I had no idea what to do... as he was flying, he was typing everything, how to gun properly, using the TV missiles, and within minutes, I was picking off reds like there was no tomorrow.... this pilot was great, a real breath of fresh air in comparison to the ones that all of you above have encountered... and although this is the 'complaints' section, lets hear it for those that do actually like to help others
+0|7085|Philadelphia Suburbs, PA
See, here;s my question...what defines a good pilot?  I am a rather seasoned chopper pilot (been flying them in games since MSFT Flight Sim 98) and I can control the birds very well...but what constitutes a good combat pilot?  Certain maneuvers/acrobatics?
Oh did you want that tank?
+0|7089|Mechanicsville, VA

shingara wrote:

i notice this all the time put its worse i think with jets, i get these guys that stand where the jet spawns shooting ppl who come near so most stay clear, but the thing that make me laugh the most is if someone else gets in the plane they dont blow it up or mine, they stand right infront of the jet and wont move so u either run em over or get out and let em take it,
                      i just set the jet off then jump and climb back in but i think that there should be aliase players in random servers who are ea or dice, i know its a bit hard to get all servers covered or even a percentage of servers but if they did i think that players seen doing this or team killing for choppers planes etc should be demoted on the spot and have an unlock wepon removed from there armourie that would stop it in an instant apart from the real gimps who should just be banned on the spot, and have 100 junk mail sent to there email every 10 mins, rough justice but hell it would do the job.
Nah a better idea is to implement what ESEA did for Counter-strike, they have secret service players who are undercover admins in disquise, you can go to the esea site and put in a complaint about a player, the admin reviews the game footage, or in bf2's respect the battle movie(you know how the server saves the play of the battle) and if the player was blatently tk'ng or being abusive then they will have the approriate penalty (demotion, banning, suspension, etc.) Me, and one of my friends were both SS members for ESEA and it was nice to know that some people could actually do something about the idiots who are out there.  The only thing was that me and my friend had both been playing for about 6 years of CS giving us some experience of people hacking and experience of legitimacy.  Giving some requirements on becoming an SS agent would be acceptable, so that not everyone could get it.
+27|7089|Atlanta, GA USA
pfcilng:  I had the same thing happen to me the other day.  I guess some of these "1337" chopper pilots think that the person who jumps in as gunner has no skills and is trying to cash in on their flying abilities.  Pretty stupid in my opinion, as they get free points from you making kills.

ViperGTS19801 wrote:

See, here;s my question...what defines a good pilot?  I am a rather seasoned chopper pilot (been flying them in games since MSFT Flight Sim 98) and I can control the birds very well...but what constitutes a good combat pilot?  Certain maneuvers/acrobatics?
Acrobatics aren't really necessary, but can be useful I think that a decent pilot is one who can line up shots for the gunner, flies smart (not the dumbasses who fly straight and dumb with a missle lock or any other impending doom). I prefer good flying over fancy flying if you know what I mean.
Good pilots also know where to hide and use terrain and buildings for cover. I consider myself halfway decent and I use a KB and mouse.

I don't mind a gunner at all but I LOATHE it when you get someone in who won't shoot or never notices the 20+ troops storming the flag you are trying to help protect. I try to get a target rich enviroment for the gunner, cause I get helluva lot of bonuses too. It bugs the hell out of me when they won't shoot or are shooting something WAY off in the distance. It's kind of hard to type out information or instructions because of the controls I use. You can always tell the guys who don't know how to use the missles cause after they shoot there is never a flight correction when it is needed. I wince when I see this. Usually you won't get a 2nd shot like that, especially when they notice you.
Oh did you want that tank?
+0|7089|Mechanicsville, VA

Badcomp wrote:

ViperGTS19801 wrote:

See, here;s my question...what defines a good pilot?  I am a rather seasoned chopper pilot (been flying them in games since MSFT Flight Sim 98) and I can control the birds very well...but what constitutes a good combat pilot?  Certain maneuvers/acrobatics?
Acrobatics aren't really necessary, but can be useful I think that a decent pilot is one who can line up shots for the gunner, flies smart (not the dumbasses who fly straight and dumb with a missle lock or any other impending doom). I prefer good flying over fancy flying if you know what I mean.
Good pilots also know where to hide and use terrain and buildings for cover. I consider myself halfway decent and I use a KB and mouse.

I don't mind a gunner at all but I LOATHE it when you get someone in who won't shoot or never notices the 20+ troops storming the flag you are trying to help protect. I try to get a target rich enviroment for the gunner, cause I get helluva lot of bonuses too. It bugs the hell out of me when they won't shoot or are shooting something WAY off in the distance. It's kind of hard to type out information or instructions because of the controls I use. You can always tell the guys who don't know how to use the missles cause after they shoot there is never a flight correction when it is needed. I wince when I see this. Usually you won't get a 2nd shot like that, especially when they notice you.
Yea thats so true I hate when kids get in the gunner seat and have no idea what thier doing... but there is a difference when they get in and tell you "I'm not very good" I work with them and set them up better, or try and tell them what I'm about to do... like ok after I come up over the trees get ready to get them guns blazin... im gonna come in low and fast so just aim for whoever you see and go full auto.. and ill make several passes at the flag.. I think i've had so many of my gunners get kick voted it should be an award. lol . I had a gunner go 40-2 in round while i was flying... me going 55-2.. we were just raping people on dragon valley at the first island ... i was just hovering nose down flying around in circles above the top of the hill ... it was funny watching kids spawn and getting railed by the .50 cal in like 2 seconds..
+0|7085|Philadelphia Suburbs, PA

Badcomp wrote:

ViperGTS19801 wrote:

See, here;s my question...what defines a good pilot?  I am a rather seasoned chopper pilot (been flying them in games since MSFT Flight Sim 98) and I can control the birds very well...but what constitutes a good combat pilot?  Certain maneuvers/acrobatics?
Acrobatics aren't really necessary, but can be useful I think that a decent pilot is one who can line up shots for the gunner, flies smart (not the dumbasses who fly straight and dumb with a missle lock or any other impending doom). I prefer good flying over fancy flying if you know what I mean.
Good pilots also know where to hide and use terrain and buildings for cover. I consider myself halfway decent and I use a KB and mouse.

I don't mind a gunner at all but I LOATHE it when you get someone in who won't shoot or never notices the 20+ troops storming the flag you are trying to help protect. I try to get a target rich enviroment for the gunner, cause I get helluva lot of bonuses too. It bugs the hell out of me when they won't shoot or are shooting something WAY off in the distance. It's kind of hard to type out information or instructions because of the controls I use. You can always tell the guys who don't know how to use the missles cause after they shoot there is never a flight correction when it is needed. I wince when I see this. Usually you won't get a 2nd shot like that, especially when they notice you.
Let me know what servers you play on so we can practice together.

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