lowing wrote:
Morpheus wrote:
...Actually, I would say making rash assumptions about the people when all you know is THEY LIVE IN A TRAILER IN GEORGIA is sick, but I guess I know you too well, lowing.....
I was very careful to say IF. I am not assuming anything
Never saw an IF anywhere in this thread from you.
lowing wrote:
SplinterStrike wrote:
Oh crap those people were murdered and must have definitely been criminals else they wouldn't be murdered cause innocent people don't get murdered right?
I really hope you're not serious about that.
Have mom, give you a Ritalin and calm down, then go back and re-read what I wrote originally.
Oh gasp, I've been insulted. Lets see what lowing's original statement was.
lowing wrote:
Probably a drug related relationship gone bad. I hope this is the case. It would give me great plessure to know drug dealers and users have had their ranks shrunk by 7,and less chance of my money to be wasted on their worthless lives.
Probable drug related incident gone bad.
Great pleasure on lowing's part from having drug users/dealers reduced by seven.
Less chance of lowing's valuable tax dollars being wasted on said trash.
Now for the statement I was referring too when i "needed my ritalin"
lowing wrote:
Nothing brightens my day more than reading how some criminal gets killed trying to hurt an innocent person.
My above post explains my thoughts on this already.