lowing wrote:
Um tax breaks, help people? Not tax hikes? Kinda blows all of your other bullshit arguments out of the water doesn't it?
tax breaks means govt. leaving you alone, as it is currently.
I am speaking of Govt. intrusion which Obama is pushing for, maybe YOU need your govt. involved in your life to provide you for your needs most of us don't
Tax breaks help pensioners lowing. Duh... They have little enough income as it is. Taxing them is going to do nothing other than force them into poverty.
Most of you do need govt. intrusion, if you had actually read and comprehended the article you posted you would have seen that...
CNS News wrote:
According to the GAO study, stock market losses and poor economic conditions have put many U.S. workers at risk of not having an adequate retirement income from their private pension plans. Older Americans are less confident in their ability to retire. “Even before the current economic recession, research indicated that pension benefits are likely to be inadequate for many Americans,” the GAO study said.
Pointing to national survey data, the GAO noted that about half of the U.S. workforce was not covered by a pension plan in 2008.
Care to take a wild guess at what happened to most pensions during the financial crisis, go on, take your time.
And they are not forcing you do to anything, half of the workforce have no pension plan. Why are you not alarmed by this figure? What do you think will happen when they retire and have no savings? That they will commit seppuku and die honourably, or leech of the system? Which clearly I would have thought is your biggest hate at the moment...
Retirees need money. If they plan poorly it is going to cost you, the tax payer, your money to support them. If the government can assist in better managing retirement funds it means your tax dollars don't go to the retired who cannot look after themselves.