Jebus wrote:
Ultrafunkula wrote:
Jebus wrote:
So true, lately, I've really been digging older music. I've always liked it, but I started researching 'older' music more (70's-80's). Damn, I wish they had music like that now instead of all the crap we have to listen to.
Who says you have to listen to it? Someone forcing you? Like everyone else you have the option to choose the radio/TV channel and what you put in your mp3/cd/cassette/vinyl player. Unless you're in Gitmo. Then you have the priviledge of listening to Metallica, NIN, Pantera and whatnot 24/7.
I'm not forced, no. Did I say this? It's just kids these days that annoy the shit out of me when they're talking about music, and how the newest screamo-band is the best ever etc.
What ever happened to music like this?
They're kids. That's what they do. Don't let it annoy you man. People listen to what music they listen. Different stuff for everyone except the deaf. I don't listen to 50 cent or Coltrane or whatever, but I don't go yaking around like our OP here, that they must be two of the worst bands ever. I wonder what the point even was when this topic was made... What you say that new music ain't that good, I agree on. I haven't found anything new and interesting in a long time that would go with my taste of music (actually I take that back, the new Megadeth single Head Crusher sounds pretty good. gotta get the album once it's out). Atm I have a pile of Danzig playing in my car and that stuff ain't nothing recent
And now I got the kicks on listening to some house music on the Win7 Ministry of sound gadget on the side of the screen.
Meh, this thread is completely useless what comes to the title and post #1 of it.