shut up u guise i haven't seen the film yet
i agree completely with this. The film just lacked in everything it promised. I felt no hatred for the germans at all. The scene at the beginning with the jew hunter, i wasn't against or with him. it was just meh. I didn't care that the jews got killed the film didn't make me think "oh god i hate the nazis now". It just failed as a filmCapnNismo wrote:
I've seen bits and pieces of Kill Bill and could never stand to watch it, it just seemed too dumb and immature.Miggle wrote:
Kill Bill unnecessary or just regular unnecessary?Shadow893 wrote:
finally someone else hated it. i was like *ywn* the whole way through. loads of reviews said it was tense etc, no not really. it was boring
i wouldn't see it again. and the gore was just unecessary. don't get me wrong i don't mind it but was just out of place i felt
But in Basterds it was out of place and really just unnecessary gore and violence. It didn't fit the movie. It was as if it was gore for the simple fact that it was gore. There was no reason for it, it wasn't a horror movie or a war movie to show how war is, it was just something that happened and Tarantino felt (or some sick person did), that it needed to be as bloody and nasty as possible.
Anyone notice that after The Bear beats the head of that one Nazi soldier in that they show the pool of blood and then when the camera goes into the trees for a Bird's Eye View, the pool is gone?
Like I said, there were parts that were well done, but on the whole, it was a very poor movie. Again, the trailer lies to you about the movie a lot, too. The moment the trailer starts lying, then you get a movie that is lacking in substance and the makers know this and have to beef the trailer up as much as possible to get people hooked. Again, then throw Brad Pitt and Tarantino's names all over everything. This is the exact same crap that was done with Mr and Mrs Smith.
And i also think the bears scee knocking that guys head in with the baseball bat was just crap.
I think you missed the point. Tarantino movies aren't like regular movies. If you come in expecting a srs movie or your standard action film of course you're going to hate it.CapnNismo wrote:
I've seen bits and pieces of Kill Bill and could never stand to watch it, it just seemed too dumb and immature.
Oh man I loved it.
That said, there were pretty much no character developments except for the French chick and the German colonel.
Didnt expect the Nazi war hero to shoot her though. Whoa. Loved the ending, especially how they rip Hitler to shreds... fucking ace! AND OH MY GOD THE ITALIAN BIT.
Fuck. It makes me want to see it again.
The only thing I didnt really like was the bit in the bar, how it took so fucking long to advance so little in the story. THEN HOLY COCKS it was over in 3 seconds. Goddamn Brit.
But the hilarity of the whole movie made it awesome. I mean, come on. If you're taking it seriously, look it over. You've got this crazy Nazi colonel sonofabitch - THATS A BINGO -, some French chick who doesnt speak much, a bunch of semi-Italian Americans in France just waltzing about, ambushing and killing Nazis for the fun of it, Hitler attending some movie in France in June 1944, and then blowing the fuck out of everything. I mean, shit. When I saw (what appers to be Churchill) I cracked up. And fucking Mike Myers. I cant take that British stuff seriously, I mean, it was so stereotypical of England - whiskey, Churchill, Jolly good, etc etc.
Oh man I could go on for ages, but goddamn, I am going to acquire this movie when its out.
That said, there were pretty much no character developments except for the French chick and the German colonel.
Didnt expect the Nazi war hero to shoot her though. Whoa. Loved the ending, especially how they rip Hitler to shreds... fucking ace! AND OH MY GOD THE ITALIAN BIT.
Fuck. It makes me want to see it again.
The only thing I didnt really like was the bit in the bar, how it took so fucking long to advance so little in the story. THEN HOLY COCKS it was over in 3 seconds. Goddamn Brit.
But the hilarity of the whole movie made it awesome. I mean, come on. If you're taking it seriously, look it over. You've got this crazy Nazi colonel sonofabitch - THATS A BINGO -, some French chick who doesnt speak much, a bunch of semi-Italian Americans in France just waltzing about, ambushing and killing Nazis for the fun of it, Hitler attending some movie in France in June 1944, and then blowing the fuck out of everything. I mean, shit. When I saw (what appers to be Churchill) I cracked up. And fucking Mike Myers. I cant take that British stuff seriously, I mean, it was so stereotypical of England - whiskey, Churchill, Jolly good, etc etc.
Oh man I could go on for ages, but goddamn, I am going to acquire this movie when its out.

Spoiler (highlight to read):KuSTaV wrote:
Spoiler (highlight to read):
The only thing I didnt really like was the bit in the bar, how it took so fucking long to advance so little in the story. THEN HOLY COCKS it was over in 3 seconds. Goddamn Brit.
Ditto. That was the one part I didn't like. But the whole scene in itself picked up in intensity once the Major found out he was a fake.
Lots of slow parts (beginning, bar scene, etc) but the action was so worth it. One of the best endings in a movie...ever. A Quentin Tarantino movie at it's finest, if not one of his best.
Alright, I'm going to go and watch this with some mates next week, will get onto it.
Love me a good Tarantino.
Love me a good Tarantino.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
I went to see it tonight but it was sold out. Will try again soon to shut the yaps of you poo-poo-ers
Same Tried to go but there were no tickets left for the show.DesertFox- wrote:
I went to see it tonight but it was sold out. Will try again soon to shut the yaps of you poo-poo-ers
Just got back. Was awesome, go see it.
I'm waiting for the game.
GTA meats Call of Duty
GTA meats Call of Duty
Such a great movie, Tarantino at his best (not saying IB is his best though).
And rosebud is his sleigh.KuSTaV wrote:
Oh man I loved it.
That said, there were pretty much no character developments except for the French chick and the German colonel.
Didnt expect the Nazi war hero to shoot her though. Whoa. Loved the ending, especially how they rip Hitler to shreds... fucking ace! AND OH MY GOD THE ITALIAN BIT.
Fuck. It makes me want to see it again.
The only thing I didnt really like was the bit in the bar, how it took so fucking long to advance so little in the story. THEN HOLY COCKS it was over in 3 seconds. Goddamn Brit.
But the hilarity of the whole movie made it awesome. I mean, come on. If you're taking it seriously, look it over. You've got this crazy Nazi colonel sonofabitch - THATS A BINGO -, some French chick who doesnt speak much, a bunch of semi-Italian Americans in France just waltzing about, ambushing and killing Nazis for the fun of it, Hitler attending some movie in France in June 1944, and then blowing the fuck out of everything. I mean, shit. When I saw (what appers to be Churchill) I cracked up. And fucking Mike Myers. I cant take that British stuff seriously, I mean, it was so stereotypical of England - whiskey, Churchill, Jolly good, etc etc.
Oh man I could go on for ages, but goddamn, I am going to acquire this movie when its out.
i was fucking laughing when he was going scuzi scuzi then fell down im surprised they didnt catch on to brad pitt being a american with his accented italian =p
I lost on this one.Harmor wrote:
I'm waiting for the game.
GTA meats Call of Duty

The only job the Basterds had was killin' natsis, they just wandered around slaughtering folks, much like you eventually end up doing in GTA. But, it''s WW2, so CoD is thrown in there.AussieReaper wrote:
I lost on this one.Harmor wrote:
I'm waiting for the game.
GTA meats Call of Duty
Inside joke, sorry.Defiance wrote:
The only job the Basterds had was killin' natsis, they just wandered around slaughtering folks, much like you eventually end up doing in GTA. But, it''s WW2, so CoD is thrown in there.AussieReaper wrote:
I lost on this one.Harmor wrote:
I'm waiting for the game.
GTA meats Call of Duty

That's not an inside joke, but I didn't make the connection. You have to admit though, that's a bit obscure.AussieReaper wrote:
Inside joke, sorry.Defiance wrote:
The only job the Basterds had was killin' natsis, they just wandered around slaughtering folks, much like you eventually end up doing in GTA. But, it''s WW2, so CoD is thrown in there.AussieReaper wrote:
I lost on this one.
BONJOURNOKnives562 wrote:
i was fucking laughing when he was going scuzi scuzi then fell down im surprised they didnt catch on to brad pitt being a american with his accented italian =p

This thread needs more spoiler tags.
quoted for truth. i'll go see it anyways. i've liked Tarantino movies, not because "he's all that blah blah blah" but he does have a different style.Doctor Strangelove wrote:
This thread needs more spoiler tags.
Contradictio in terminus spotted!Ty wrote:
historically accurate Spielburg-esque WW2 movie.
Pulp Fiction > Inglourious Basterds > Reservoir Dogs > Jackie Brown > Kill BillMiggle wrote:
Pulp Fiction > Reservoir Dogs > Jackie Brown > Kill Bill

> 16 explosions of orgawsm sauce.Miggle wrote:
Pulp Fiction > Inglourious Basterds > Reservoir Dogs > Jackie Brown > Kill BillMiggle wrote:
Pulp Fiction > Reservoir Dogs > Jackie Brown > Kill Bill
that's enuff! yeah, if'n i didna put the old lady on the plane, and Sunday nite HBO , i'd be there now.Miggle wrote:
Pulp Fiction > Inglourious Basterds > Reservoir Dogs > Jackie Brown > Kill BillMiggle wrote:
Pulp Fiction > Reservoir Dogs > Jackie Brown > Kill Bill
boosting the ass in the chairs count.
Am I the only one here who was extremely disturbed by the bat scene? The gore was far too unnecessary, not to mention too realistic. Would of been far more powerful if they didnt show the officers head splitting open and what not. Also the stabbing scenes and when The Jew Bear shoots Hitler in the face, way too extreme.
Also, it did drag on for a bit at some stages but most of the time it worked for me, such as the bar scene: It really helps you capture the slow building of tension. And as for character development, the German soldier who is celebrating the birth of his child at the bar really made me hate the Basterds and the film star once they killed him. Good how they show some of the Germans as humans, but it makes you turn against the Allies for being os inhumane.
Overall, worth the money but its not another Pulp Fiction or Reservoir Dogs at all.
Am I the only one here who was extremely disturbed by the bat scene? The gore was far too unnecessary, not to mention too realistic. Would of been far more powerful if they didnt show the officers head splitting open and what not. Also the stabbing scenes and when The Jew Bear shoots Hitler in the face, way too extreme.
Also, it did drag on for a bit at some stages but most of the time it worked for me, such as the bar scene: It really helps you capture the slow building of tension. And as for character development, the German soldier who is celebrating the birth of his child at the bar really made me hate the Basterds and the film star once they killed him. Good how they show some of the Germans as humans, but it makes you turn against the Allies for being os inhumane.
Overall, worth the money but its not another Pulp Fiction or Reservoir Dogs at all.