Can anyone help me get this? I suck at commander - the highest I have gotten is 36, and I know 40 is required.

"It's Recharging!"
If you suck at it, then you don't deserve it. Work for it. There's really not awhole lot you can do, it's all about the performance of your team.
+17|6948|Dayton, Ohio
stay on top of your teams actions.  don't go hunting and capping.  if you keep up with giving your squad leaders actions (each order they accept you get a point) you will get there.  tell them to cap a flag.  once they do tell them to defend it briefly (while you give other squads orders).  then give them a new target. 

giving orders goes over easier if you are using your VOIP along with the commander orders.  let your squad leaders know that the defensive roll won't take to long. 

you get points for people (enemies too) taking things from a supply drop.  use that to your advantage.  drop it near your teams armour units and mobile AA.  or drop it amidst a large group of enemy infantry after they've had a tough battle and beaten your boys.  then while they are resupplying hit it with artillary (i love this tactic).  drop the artillary immediately or shortly after the resupply box.
Hotel California
+0|6947|Oakland, CA
Listen to your team, give out orders to squads, place UAV's on where you have them attack, drop supplies, accept arty requests/Supply requests but dont be so out there to kill stuff that you place arty strikes near a bunch of team mates, and whatever you do. DONT GO OUT INTO BATTLE. Hide in a secluded area where you cant be found. A dead commander isnt a very useful commander. My highest score is a 156 as a commander, so just keep trying. But practice in Single player or something.

Last edited by [OBC]Ben (2005-10-13 18:52:58)

Δ > x > ¥
Lazarus Tag'lim
Have Wrench, Will Travel
+1|6934|Alabama Coast, USA
Absofrigginlutely Ben...  last night I got pretty peeved at this guy... he was flying (mostly badly, I got gunner spot to his hilo flying, and with no one shooting at us, we made it maybe 50 meters).  Next round, I applied for commander, because I noticed the one at the time was doing little or nothing.  Got it... cool.  I spawned engie, hid, and let the assets fly...  tried to command a bit, but it was a fairly unorganized bunch, EA official server... I could tell someone to take an undefended flag 50m away, and they'd run for the flag at the other corner of the map.  So...   next round, I loose commander application to the poor pilot.  Not really ticked that he was a poor pilot... but what ticked me off is that I did as I had before (Kubra Dam), and spawned at the jet hangars as engie, and went prone.  He spawned at the same place, and got in the jet.  WTF?  How are you going to command AND fly a jet???  Dunno that artie was ever used...  I wouldn't have any way of knowing about scan, but you can't fly straight long enough to watch the whole map scan, you'd be out of bounds QUICK...   UAV sparked rarely.

Thanks for the spot-kill points, Aard.  I always try to spot what I can during a scan, within reason.  I'll spot a jet if a friendly jet is in the sky, spot cars/infantry moving in odd locations, and certainly any enemy near friendlies, but in an area not marked for UAV.  I was doing this for the win... didn't know points could come directly from it.

Just a note...   be careful about those supply crate repairs.  An engineer with a wrench should always be considered FAR preforable (especially if they're getting hit often).  A spec ops can destroy two and damage a third (but still online) alone.  If ANYONE is at the base, you can spot the hell out of the guy and get him dead... then repair stuff while scans and all are refreshing.   I like spec-ops, and I have to say the prettiest site in the game while wearing that kit is to come up on an artilery bank and see three supply crates, one by each cannon.  When a commander does this, I can destroy every artie (and the crate next to it), and be fresh with enough C4 to take out the scan and UAV trailer too!  Start dropping more supply without a single guy on foot, and I'll blow 'em again.

I love the crate/artie combo suggestion... that's just sadistic.

Snipers that sit still on a hill are lovely.  In my limited experience I've found dropping artie on their head to be very satisfying (having plenty of experience dying to that damn sniper no one can find).  And of course... if it's a map with air assets, especially an LHAR like Oman (playing as MEC), every friggin artie refresh that I can't find a suitable target for goes at the business end of the runway...   hopefully I'll get some of the jerks who have shot at me for daring to spawn near the jet-spawn they're camping.

I would love to try the job with voice...  but not until EA/Dice figure out how to program for microphones.
Δ > x > ¥
I just deleted my first post on this thread because I realised I said a couple of things that aren't true.  Apparently spotting an enemy will not lead to points if it's killed while on the mini-map (directly).  Read the thread that I pointed to because that is far more useful and more accurate.

Btw, my top score (playing as commander, we won the round) is now 183.
+17|6948|Dayton, Ohio
i'll have to double check but i'm pretty sure i was getting points last night for spotting enemies that my troops were killing.  i'll double check tonight and get back to ya.
One Shot, One Kill
+4|6948|Canberra, Australia
If you stop them and then your guys kill them, then you get points as you are helping the team...

Teamwork is the key, last night I got a 100 point round, my Vetran commander badge and the Gold Star and we won by 158 points.. I was so proud.
When you are a commander, do something to make sure that your teammates know that you are looking after them.  When a squad is trying to capture a flag, give them an UAV.  When a squad is fighting like hell, give them a supply drop.  When you scan the map and find a few enemies, zoom in and right click on them to spot them.  All these establish the trust between squads and commander.

When they know that their commander is looking after them, they will hear the commander's orders.

One Shot, One Kill
+4|6948|Canberra, Australia
lowyaukee you are so so right.... I hate commanders you don't know are there... I think they are just trying to porn points off the rest of the team.....

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