… -pollutionAngry lorry drivers at struggling transportation company threaten to pour more than 8,000 litres of toxic fuel additive into Parisian river unless their demands for redundancy pay-offs are met
First they kidnapped their bosses; then they threatened to blow up their own factories. Now, in the latest phase of France's summer of discontent, disgruntled workers are turning to environmental blackmail as a stick to beat the management into submission.
Angry lorry drivers at Serta, a struggling transportation company, are threatening to pour more than 8,000 litres of toxic fuel additive into the Seine if their demands for redundancy pay-offs are not met. Acknowledging the "dramatic" effect this could have on the river's fish population, they insist they will not be dissuaded unless their bosses give in.
"It's less dramatic than ... people being made redundant and sacrificed," Jean-Pierre Villemin from the CFDT union told French radio. "It's the only means we have of getting what we want."
Around 50 workers at the distribution site at La Vaupalière near Rouen are demanding severance packages of 15,000 euros after Serta, which went into administration a year ago, announced job cuts. The transportation company, which has suffered badly in the financial crisis, has already cut around 80 jobs since the start of the year.
So could this be considered a terrorist threat? I hope they don't mess up the river, would like to visit the European Utopia one day, at the same time I don't think that that should be given anything for threatening the river like that. Am I the only one who thinks they should all be arrested and charged with making terrorist threats?