So I posted a CTD thread a little while ago. I didn't really play much BF2 after that. I felt like playing some again yesterday. Less than 10 minutes in my computer locks up completely. Not even a BSOD, just a crash. I drop to stock settings in the BIOS...same thing again about 10 minutes in. Honestly I don't why I don't just chuck the game CD in the garbage, because this game is so horribly buggy. Nothing else causes crashes. I've never even had a crash from CoD4, TF2, WoW, Starcraft, Urban Terror, GTA4, or Assassin's Creed. That's every other game I have installed. Yet 3/4 times when I've played BF2 this year (which is probably about 10 times only), it ends in a crash. I don't tend to play games for hours on end, usually I play for 2 hours at most, and that's extreme for me. Still, BF2 is the only game crashing, causing system crashes or hanging, and usually only 5-30 minutes in.

My system is Prime95 and IntelBurnTest stable, and that's WITH the OC. BF2 locks up my entire system with stock settings too. I've got a 650W powering a system that draws maybe 300W full load. I'm never above 45C on the CPU when playing BF2, and my GPU hits maybe 65C. Vista 64 is patched up completely. PB is up to date via PBSetup. I'm running new drivers. BF2 is a clean install. I run BF2 as admin since my account is admin. And again, no other game has even close to this many problems. CS:S occasionally crashes, but that's just a soft CTD and it seems to happen to everyone I'm playing with at the time. Actually, why am I justifying CS's crashes? I KNOW BF2 is fucked up and broken and it's not my fault here. I guess this is just a rant. I love playing BF2, it's a blast to mess around in and make people rage quit after C4ing their tank again and again. It's a shame the game is so unstable and has been like that for 4 solid years.