You might be right, and your dismissing, justifying, rationalizing and ignoring what the hell is happening all around you leaves you just as mis-informed as you claim I am.Ty wrote:
Lowing you clearly don't get it so I'm obviously wasting my time. I thought this debate was on whether one particular religion could be deemed to be violent, you're talking about a part of Islam who by all acount are violent. But we're talking about a whole religion here with an approximate 1.8 billion followers. You're looking at an incredibly complex thing Lowing, you think you can make judgements based on some very simple and uneducated ideas? Of course you can't. People spend their whole lives studying religion and come up with nothing. You're so confident of your own argument that you're refusing to actually think. You simply can't come up with a rational and logical conclusion with this mindset.
I will point out that if you want to be the accomplished debater you seem to want to be that you check your sources instead of repeating the panicked idiocy of others with no actual alanysis or rational thought on your part. Mohammed married and had sex with an eight year old - married. This means that it was deemed to be a union acceptable to society. You can't judge this by today's norms and the fact that you are makes you no better than the nutjob Islam extremists who teach that everything in the Quaran is to be taken to the letter.
the thing is, you did not address a single point I made in my last post, except the 8 year old girl he fucked and all you did there was justify it as well. You did not deny one thing I presented. All you did was tell me basically, I am not looking at the whole relgion/culture. I condend that I have seen enough of it to be convinced there is nothing in it I will find appealing. I feel am not missing out on a damn thing by not accepting it or wanting it.
As far as being a debater all I need is an opinion and something to back them up. Islam is violent, and there is plenty to back that up. Muhammed was a murderer, there is plenty to back that up. Now, I suppose if you think he was not a murder, ans Islam is not a violent relgion/culture, you might wanna find something to back that up. Problem is, I have current events, sharia Law and history on my side.
Also to be a good debater means that you do not call someone elses POV idiocy, uneducated or irrational simply because they are not your POV. Instead prove me wrong, prove to me Muhamnmad was a man of peace and Sharia Law is tolerant. Good luck
Last edited by lowing (15 years, 5 months ago)