I am sorry if ya hate it, but the fact is Christianity is based on the New Covenant with God and the messenger that brought it. Without Christ, his teachings, and the New Covenant he deleivered thewir would be no Christianity.

I said nothing of dismissing the OT or ignoring it. I said the OT is acknowledged but the faith of Christians lies within Jesus Christ, and his dieing for all of their sins to be forgiven.

lowing wrote:

I am sorry if ya hate it, but the fact is Christianity is based on the New Covenant with God and the messenger that brought it. Without Christ, his teachings, and the New Covenant he deleivered thewir would be no Christianity.

I said nothing of dismissing the OT or ignoring it. I said the OT is acknowledged but the faith of Christians lies within Jesus Christ, and his dieing for all of their sins to be forgiven.
I'm sorry if you hate it but that ain't the way Christian churches roll. Period. You obviously were never schooled as a Christian. I on the other hand had to suffer that Catholicism bullshit until I was a teenager and that Church (and even more so with Evangelical and the more ridiculous churches) take the Old Testament as the word of God himself. So, sorry if that doesn't fit with your view of what the Christian church should be. Perhaps concentrate on what it actually is, you know like in reality.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2009-08-16 07:45:43)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

lowing wrote:

I am sorry if ya hate it, but the fact is Christianity is based on the New Covenant with God and the messenger that brought it. Without Christ, his teachings, and the New Covenant he deleivered thewir would be no Christianity.

I said nothing of dismissing the OT or ignoring it. I said the OT is acknowledged but the faith of Christians lies within Jesus Christ, and his dieing for all of their sins to be forgiven.
Exactly, so Christians follow the teachings of Christ AND the Old Testament.

Which means that all this:

lowing wrote:

bogo24dk wrote:

Damn muslims they need to be thought some good chiristian bible. Like this :

(Deuteronomy 20:10-14)

     As you approach a town to attack it, first offer its people terms for peace.  If they accept your terms and open the gates to you, then all the people inside will serve you in forced labor.  But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town.  When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town.  But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder.  You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that the LORD your God has given you.

Or this :

(Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)

    If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father.  Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

And I can go on and on. Remmeber people only christianity is peacefull. The other religions are devils books.
Oh gee not another person who wants thump the teachings of Christ by using a time line in a book where he wasn't even born for over 1000 years. How will this argument ever be debunked.
is a part of Christianity - whether taught by Christ or not. Which means that your dismissal of it is unwarranted.

Bertster7 wrote:

is a part of Christianity - whether taught by Christ or not. Which means that your dismissal of it is unwarranted.
I think lowing has problems with reality as against his own limited view with respect to this topic anyway. How else could he continue to get away with irrationally lambasting Islam (whilst notably giving Judaism a free pass).

Last edited by CameronPoe (2009-08-16 07:47:22)


Bertster7 wrote:

lowing wrote:

I am sorry if ya hate it, but the fact is Christianity is based on the New Covenant with God and the messenger that brought it. Without Christ, his teachings, and the New Covenant he deleivered thewir would be no Christianity.

I said nothing of dismissing the OT or ignoring it. I said the OT is acknowledged but the faith of Christians lies within Jesus Christ, and his dieing for all of their sins to be forgiven.
Exactly, so Christians follow the teachings of Christ AND the Old Testament.

Which means that all this:

lowing wrote:

bogo24dk wrote:

Damn muslims they need to be thought some good chiristian bible. Like this :

(Deuteronomy 20:10-14)

     As you approach a town to attack it, first offer its people terms for peace.  If they accept your terms and open the gates to you, then all the people inside will serve you in forced labor.  But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town.  When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town.  But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder.  You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that the LORD your God has given you.

Or this :

(Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)

    If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father.  Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

And I can go on and on. Remmeber people only christianity is peacefull. The other religions are devils books.
Oh gee not another person who wants thump the teachings of Christ by using a time line in a book where he wasn't even born for over 1000 years. How will this argument ever be debunked.
is a part of Christianity - whether taught by Christ or not. Which means that your dismissal of it is unwarranted.
gotta disagree, next. ( especially since I never dismissed it I said the base of Chrsitian faith is the birth, teachings, death and ressurection of Christ.) Period.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

lowing wrote:

gotta disagree, next. ( especially since I never dismissed it I said the base of Chrsitian faith is the birth, teachings, death and ressurection of Christ.) Period.
Well, that's just plain wrong.
Oh noes, why is this Catholic Church website referring to Genesis in it's discussion of marriage and homosexuality:


CameronPoe wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

is a part of Christianity - whether taught by Christ or not. Which means that your dismissal of it is unwarranted.
I think lowing has problems with reality as against his own limited view with respect to this topic anyway. How else could he continue to get away with irrationally lambasting Islam (whilst notably giving Judaism a free pass).
Said it before, as soon as any other religon today starts to attack western society by blowing up women and children, get back with me and I will hate them and you can feel free to appease and justify them.

CameronPoe wrote:

Oh noes, why is this Catholic Church website referring to Genesis in it's discussion of marriage and homosexuality:

especially since I never dismissed it. I said the base of Chrsitian faith is the birth, teachings, death and ressurection of Christ. Yet again I repeat.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

CameronPoe wrote:

Oh noes, why is this Catholic Church website referring to Genesis in it's discussion of marriage and homosexuality:

But surely Christian churches don't have an opinion on that?

How can they, there is no mention of it in the New Testament. Surely they wouldn't use the barbaric teachings of the Old Testament, because Christianity is unambiguously a religion of peace....
If you think the OT gets the same emphasis as the New and Jesus Christ in the Christian faith then you are high as a kite, which would explain your lethargic denial of the fact.

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

is a part of Christianity - whether taught by Christ or not. Which means that your dismissal of it is unwarranted.
I think lowing has problems with reality as against his own limited view with respect to this topic anyway. How else could he continue to get away with irrationally lambasting Islam (whilst notably giving Judaism a free pass).
Said it before, as soon as any other religon today starts to attack western society by blowing up women and children, get back with me and I will hate them and you can feel free to appease and justify them.
Fair enough move the goalposts totally and render your original argument null and void. Just as long as you're being honest.

PS Jewish Europeans decided to violently relieve about a million people of their lives, possessions or both because it was written in a dusty old book of fairy tales that an ethereal intangible omnipotent entity decreed that it was their land regardless of who now lived on it.

Oh and for the record, 'Islam' didn't attack the west, some individuals with a particular interpretation of it did. It would be unfair to say 'Judaism' inflicted the Naqba on Palestinians, given how many Jews are members of human rights organisations like B'Tselem, given how many advocate freedom and reparations for Palestinians and given how many recognise the flaws of their co-religionists with respect to what they did to the Palestinians. Keep on ranting if you must but just remember that at the end of the day you sound ridiculous, paranoid, obsessive, generalising and irrational.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Oh noes, why is this Catholic Church website referring to Genesis in it's discussion of marriage and homosexuality:

especially since I never dismissed it. I said the base of Chrsitian faith is the birth, teachings, death and ressurection of Christ. Yet again I repeat.
So why the objections to criticisms being leveled at Christianity for following nasty stuff from the Old Testament? Christians follow that, whether Christ taught it or not is totally irrelevant to the religion that it is a part of.

lowing wrote:

If you think the OT gets the same emphasis as the New and Jesus Christ in the Christian faith then you are high as a kite, which would explain your lethargic denial of the fact.
The main reading for the last wedding I went to was from the Book of Ruth, how much more important does a sacrament get? And I don't know where Jesus mentioned homosexuality but most Christian churches adhere strictly to Leviticus and Deutoronomy as regarding gays as subhuman.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2009-08-16 07:59:29)

Zee Ruskie
+295|7089|Moscow, Russia

lowing wrote:

1. Buddy here is a news flash for ya. I am not attributing the violence I see around me to Islam. ISLAM is!! The followers of Islam make that connection not me, I simply fuckin' believe them
'xuse me, whom exactly do you beleave? i bet you haven't even spoken to a single muslim about his or her faith ffs.

lowing wrote:

and I believe they are following their religion as it is and practiced by its founder.
you know jackshit about all that, dude, you admitted it yourself.

lowing wrote:

I will also add to this paragraph that you have done or said nothing to prove me wrong, just attack my opinion.
i don't need to prove you wrong at all - you discredited yourself and your so called "opinion" long ago and to such an extent that nobody's taking you seriously anymore.

lowing wrote:

You have called my opinion retarded, yet offer nothing as to why. So pretty much you are not denying anything, you just don't want to hear it.
i expressed my opinion on islam and religion in general numerous times in this thread, dude - try reading the posts you reply to.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
The bottom line is this: religions aren't violent - humans are.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

I think lowing has problems with reality as against his own limited view with respect to this topic anyway. How else could he continue to get away with irrationally lambasting Islam (whilst notably giving Judaism a free pass).
Said it before, as soon as any other religon today starts to attack western society by blowing up women and children, get back with me and I will hate them and you can feel free to appease and justify them.
Fair enough move the goalposts totally and render your original argument null and void. Just as long as you're being honest.

PS Jewish Europeans decided to violently relieve about a million people of their lives, possessions or both because it was written in a dusty old book of fairy tales that an ethereal intangible omnipotent entity decreed that it was their land regardless of who now lived on it.

Oh and for the record, 'Islam' didn't attack the west, some individuals with a particular interpretation of it did. It would be unfair to say 'Judaism' inflicted the Naqba on Palestinians, given how many Jews are members of human rights organisations like B'Tselem, given how many advocate freedom and reparations for Palestinians and given how many recognise the flaws of their co-religionists with respect to what they did to the Palestinians. Keep on ranting if you must but just remember that at the end of the day you sound ridiculous, paranoid, obsessive, generalising and irrational.
Oh well then Judaism did not kill anyone either only certain members of the religion did.
So which argument are going to make Cam?

I won't even mention I said "today" and the west.

I am not ranting. I am explaining my opinion, which happens to be correct. The Christian faith exists because of the life and death of Christ.

lowing wrote:

Oh well then Judaism did not kill anyone either only certain members of the religion did.
So which argument are going to make Cam?
Did you just totally miss the part where I said you couldn't tar all Jews with the one brush or do I have to reprint it in bold.......

lowing wrote:

I won't even mention I said "today" and the west.
Erm hundreds of Palestinian men, women and children were thrown out of their homes in East Jerusalem only two weeks ago. Or does two weeks ago not count as 'today'.

lowing wrote:

I am not ranting. I am explaining my opinion, which happens to be correct. The Christian faith exists because of the life and death of Christ.
Christ was of the line of David according to scripture. He is a character in a long tale stretching back to Adam, Abraham and Moses. He was a Jew who practiced said faith. Ignore reality if you really must but last time I checked Christian bible belters were trying to get creationism taught in your schools. Like I say, what you think Christianity should be is irrelevant although it does make a good point: interpretation of scripture is ALL IMPORTANT.

Bertster7 wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Oh noes, why is this Catholic Church website referring to Genesis in it's discussion of marriage and homosexuality:

especially since I never dismissed it. I said the base of Chrsitian faith is the birth, teachings, death and ressurection of Christ. Yet again I repeat.
So why the objections to criticisms being leveled at Christianity for following nasty stuff from the Old Testament? Christians follow that, whether Christ taught it or not is totally irrelevant to the religion that it is a part of.
I am not criticizing that fact. I know Christians have acted violently in the name of Christ. I am saying those actions are against the teachings of Christ, regardless as to how they might be justified by Christians. the acts of violence committed in the name of Islam fall right in line with the actions and teachings of Muhammad.

and I gotta disagree, Christs teachings are not irrelevant to the religion of Christianity. they acknowledge the OT but they do not follow it as the example of how to live their lives, they use Christ's life as the goal to shoot for.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Oh well then Judaism did not kill anyone either only certain members of the religion did.
So which argument are going to make Cam?
Did you just totally miss the part where I said you couldn't tar all Jews with the one brush or do I have to reprint it in bold.......

lowing wrote:

I won't even mention I said "today" and the west.
Erm hundreds of Palestinian men, women and children were thrown out of their homes in East Jerusalem only two weeks ago. Or does two weeks ago not count as 'today'.

lowing wrote:

I am not ranting. I am explaining my opinion, which happens to be correct. The Christian faith exists because of the life and death of Christ.
Christ was of the line of David according to scripture. He is a character in a long tale stretching back to Adam, Abraham and Moses. He was a Jew who practiced said faith. Ignore reality if you really must but last time I checked Christian bible belters were trying to get creationism taught in your schools. Like I say, what you think Christianity should be is irrelevant although it does make a good point: interpretation of scripture is ALL IMPORTANT.
1. did you miss where I said today and in the west or do I need to re-print it in bold?

2. Don't get pissed off at Israel because they are winning. If the Palestines had their choice, the Jews would be in their position.

3. Yer right they were trying to add creationism, they were not however, trying to add hatred, violence, or a christian form of jihad in school.

lowing wrote:

1. did you miss where I said today and in the west or do I need to re-print it in bold?

2. Don't get pissed off at Israel because they are winning. If the Palestines had their choice, the Jews would be in their position.

3. Yer right they were trying to add creationism, they were not however, trying to add hatred, violence, or a christian form of jihad in school.
Israel are 'winning'. It's a totally immoral victory which I will quite frankly get pissed off with because I am a more moral person than you. Oh by the way did you see this:


lol you're fucking farcical. You seem to think it's a clash of religions when ultimately it's the same as in northern Ireland - a TERRITORIAL DISPUTE (you know, like Adolf Hitler invading France). Reality bites again.

And oh you've finally implicitly conceded that Christianity regards the Old Testament as canon. Praise the lord hallelujah. Last I heard there weren't exactly many places preaching a subverted form of Islam and certainly not in the western world. Oh wait - let's tar all Muslims and the entire religion with said brush anyway. You do realise how far away and how 'advanced' Afghanistan actually is, right?

Last edited by CameronPoe (2009-08-16 08:21:18)


CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

1. did you miss where I said today and in the west or do I need to re-print it in bold?

2. Don't get pissed off at Israel because they are winning. If the Palestines had their choice, the Jews would be in their position.

3. Yer right they were trying to add creationism, they were not however, trying to add hatred, violence, or a christian form of jihad in school.
Israel are 'winning'. It's a totally immoral victory which I will quite frankly get pissed off with because I am a more moral person than you. Oh by the way did you see this:


lol you're fucking farcical. You seem to think it's a clash of religions when ultimately it's the same as in northern Ireland - a TERRITORIAL DISPUTE (you know, like Adolf Hitler invading France). Reality bites again.

And oh you've finally implicitly conceded that Christianity regards the Old Testament as canon. Praise the lord hallelujah. Last I heard there weren't exactly many places preaching a subverted form of Islam and certainly not in the western world. Oh wait - let's tar all Muslims and the entire religion with said brush anyway. You do realise how far away and how 'advanced' Afghanistan actually is, right?
You agree it is a territorial dispute yet you bring it into a discussion about relgious violence? Oh well.

You know nothing of my morality or charity so there is no need to shout down from your perch about how fantasitc you think you are. It is irrelevent.

I said a long time ago that Christians acknowledge the OT.

Never said anything about tarring Muslims Cam, Muslims are individuals and I judge them by their actions in life, like I do everyone else. I hate Islam and its teachings, big difference.

Last edited by lowing (2009-08-16 08:32:06)


lowing wrote:

You agree it is a territorial dispute yet you bring it into a discussion about relgious violence? Oh well.
The key is interpretation is the point. Many rational Jews didn't operate on a pretext of religious Zionism, they just ethnically cleansed the area on the basis that Europe hated them and they had to go somewhere else.

lowing wrote:

You know nothing of my morality or charity so there is no need to shout down from your perch about how fantasitc you think you are. It is irrelevent.
I've heard plenty of your double standards and hypocrisy, as most have on here, to know exactly how moral you are.

lowing wrote:

I said a long time ago that Christians acknowledge the OT.

Never said anything about tarring Muslims Cam, Muslims are individuals and I judge them by their actions in life, like I do everyone else. I hate Islam and its teachings, big difference.
Well I hate all religion, but I don't single any out for particular hate, it's up to individuals to interpret their religion in a manner that doesn't affect me or enlighten themselves through atheism/humanism/etc. Interpretation is key. Most Muslims I've met for instance have been wonderfully friendly, hospitable and peaceful, as have most Christians I've met. I'm not going to disparage either's choice because I have some irrational paranoid obsession about a subverted interpretation of either.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

You agree it is a territorial dispute yet you bring it into a discussion about relgious violence? Oh well.
The key is interpretation is the point. Many rational Jews didn't operate on a pretext of religious Zionism, they just ethnically cleansed the area on the basis that Europe hated them and they had to go somewhere else.

lowing wrote:

You know nothing of my morality or charity so there is no need to shout down from your perch about how fantastic you think you are. It is irrelevent.
I've heard plenty of your double standards and hypocrisy, as most have on here, to know exactly how moral you are.

lowing wrote:

I said a long time ago that Christians acknowledge the OT.

Never said anything about tarring Muslims Cam, Muslims are individuals and I judge them by their actions in life, like I do everyone else. I hate Islam and its teachings, big difference.
Well I hate all religion, but I don't single any out for particular hate, it's up to individuals to interpret their religion in a manner that doesn't affect me or enlighten themselves through atheism/humanism/etc. Interpretation is key. Most Muslims I've met for instance have been wonderfully friendly, hospitable and peaceful, as have most Christians I've met. I'm not going to disparage either's choice because I have some irrational paranoid obsession about a subverted interpretation of either.
1. Well we both know if Palestine had it their way the rolls would be reversed and it would not stop there.

2. I am probably one of the most consistent people I know on here. I can not think of a single double standard that I support and only one hypocritical POV. and this is regarding the US Constitution and my hatred of Islam and not wanting it here. I also explained it.

3. I am not irrational or paranoid, Islam's intentions have been stated and I believe it. I have not exactly been blown up lately by a suicded bomber either Cam, again this is why I judge the religion and not the people.

I don't single any out for a particular hate either, I will hate ANY religion that teaches violence as a resolution, teaches violence to conquer the minds and force non-believers into submission, also add that hatred to any religion whose violent action is done in its name against my country as it is taught.

Last edited by lowing (2009-08-16 09:06:24)


Krappyappy wrote:

they certainly do, especially in body count.

the crusades killed about 1.5 million people

the spanish inquisition killed between 30k and 300k

the colonization of both americas is an astronomical 100+ million, depending on how you add up the figures.

those muslims better get crackin on some suicide bombs if they want to catch up to those numbers.

one source
one death is a tragedy a million is a statistic

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