DSRTurtle wrote:
Keep playing you will get better. And when you start getting better, the players who have owned you will have to work out new ways to own you. It's the nature of warfare. I've gotten a lot better since I was started playing lot back in October. Occassionally it's good to be owned a lot, despite getting pissed off becausae of it. In the long run it teaches you new things.
Yeah thanks man, yr right, I get owned A LOT at the moment and it is good because it reminds me to pay attention and keep practising.
UnOriginalNutter no, AKAIK he did not share a clan tag with anyone on the server.
Cyberwolf wrote:
1) Leave server, Join another
2) Spawn elsewhere, away from the player in question
3) Switch teams
4) Inform admin in server if they are available and have them deal with it.
Sadly I had to take option one in the end as the other three weren't open to me. We were USMC and we had no flags on the island so it was either spawn on the carrier and get anti-tanked by this jerkwad or spawn on the island and provide target practice for the flyboys! Server wouldn't let me swtich teams and there were no Admins on.
Anyway I'm over it now. To busy trying to become the best Medic I can be.