Last night I had a dream my teeth were cracking and splitting up the middle. It was really vivid and pretty scary. I've noticed waking up grinding my teeth every so often too, if that's relevent. What does it mean?
Nothing concerning my teeth..SEREVENT wrote:
Dreams are ways of the mind "processing" the day's events, or recent events. Anything happened?
Yeah I saw that. I don't want "Oooh your grandparents are gunnar die!" shit I want psycho stuff, what my dream is trying to tell me.Pug wrote:
Your teeth are a metaphor for penis.Finray wrote:
Yeah I saw that. I don't want "Oooh your grandparents are gunnar die!" shit I want psycho stuff, what my dream is trying to tell me.Pug wrote:
Not that I can remember, but waking up grinding my teeth, I might have had it.SEREVENT wrote:
Have you ever had it before?
No, dreams are....unknown. Too many theories and too little information about the activity to decisively say, "this idea is right".SEREVENT wrote:
Dreams are ways of the mind "processing" the day's events, or recent events. Anything happened?
Not necesarily, I generally dream about things long past.SEREVENT wrote:
Dreams are ways of the mind "processing" the day's events, or recent events. Anything happened?
/threadMacbeth wrote:
Your teeth are a metaphor for penis.Finray wrote:
Yeah I saw that. I don't want "Oooh your grandparents are gunnar die!" shit I want psycho stuff, what my dream is trying to tell me.Pug wrote: … d_LIFE.jpg
wow thats fucked.bennisboy wrote:
A dream is a dream. N that was a bad one.
I once had a dream I was cut in half by a giant pizza cutter while I was strapped to an operating table. In the dream I felt the pain of being cut open and could feel my pelvis cracking, it was horrible. But it didnt mean anything.
Worse dream I ever had was getting hit by a train, usually you wake up/stop dreaming before you die, but I felt myself die this time. I fell infront of the train and got hit by it, everything went white and I wasnt making any concious thougts. After an amount of time, no idea how little/long, but it felt like ages of my brain literally doing nothing, I started thinking again, that I couldnt really be dead and that it was a dream, I had to really force myself to wake up, and when I did my lungs were burning and my heart was pumping so much I could see my chest shaking.
I'd never been that scared, was almost in shock cos I genuinely felt like I'd just died in my sleep, and it made me wonder what actually happens to people when they die in their sleep
That's actually a rather good point Mac.Macbeth wrote:
@godfather. I take it you read horoscopes too right? Don't you think it is a bit silly to have a dream "heavy in symbolism" and then go read a book about symbols to tell you what it meant? I mean if you didn't know what the symbols meant before how in the hell could your brain know to use them to get the message across. It just seems you would take whatever was going on and twist it to fit your life.
Its like Karma then? A good deed returns one to you?ATG wrote:
if enough people believe in symbols, does it give the symbols power.
So how come i always have the same dream when i'm ill?KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
No, dreams are....unknown. Too many theories and too little information about the activity to decisively say, "this idea is right".SEREVENT wrote:
Dreams are ways of the mind "processing" the day's events, or recent events. Anything happened?
Freud would say you have some sort of oral fixation, perhaps dreaming of suckling on your mother's teat. A subconscious yearning.
Jung would say you are compensating for your lack of breast suckling. A subconscious coping mechanism.
I remember reading one theory that your neurons are randomly firing during sleep, and dreams are a way of your mind trying to process those random thoughts. Kind of goes in hand with what MacBeth said.