I was watching fox news earlier and there was a broken thing that looked like a boat on mt. Ararat. They said people were gona be sent up this summer to go look at it. Obviously they dont think its a big rock or sumthing. It has the measurments of noahs ark too. Do u guys thinks it the real thing?
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6835|Canberra, AUS

JaMDuDe wrote:

I was watching fox news earlier and there was a broken thing that looked like a boat on mt. Ararat. They said people were gona be sent up this summer to go look at it. Obviously they dont think its a big rock or sumthing. It has the measurments of noahs ark too. Do u guys thinks it the real thing?

Noah's flood was most likely a local flood.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
its around 15,000 feet up...hows that a local flood?
+156|6788|space command ur anus
I'm not just gonna barge in here an brake you little illusions but a flood covering the world and a boat that takes two of each kind. i hope that you aren't serious here because if you are I'm sad for you, thinking that its possible.
1. food for the animal on noah`s "love boat ". Animals eat food, hell they even eat other animal now noah is gonna have a hell of a time separating the carnivores from eating all the herbivores. and not to speak off all the food needed for the herbivores.
2. breeding. After this "flood" destroyed the world, how did the animal reproduce without suffering inbreeding.
3. The same as number 2 just with the family if noah having wild incest in the time after the "flood".
4. the size of the "ship". it has to be HUGE and a ship that HUGE being built by one man, maybe if he was superman.
5. water. were dose all this imaginary water come from.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6854|San Francisco
I'd question the source of this story as well...Fox News?  Seriously...
http://christiananswers.net/creation/me … rophe.html thats for herrr and the military are the ones who found it

Last edited by JaMDuDe (2006-04-06 17:20:52)

+156|6788|space command ur anus
that's just fantastic, better then a good Jim carry movie i just cant stop laughing.
i especially liked this part http://christiananswers.net/q-eden/edn-c013.html
+156|6788|space command ur anus
Mod Incarnate
Herr_smity brings up some good points, but I'm going to elaborate on them.
1: As Smitty points out, the logistics of feeding 2 of every species on Earth for any length of time are staggering. When you also take into account that many carnivorous species do not eat anything but other animals, and Noah would have to bring extra herbivores onboard just to keep the carnivores alive. Feeding the herbivores provides its own unique issues as well. When you take these things into account, you're talking about an absurd amount of food.
A subset of this argument would be taking care of the waste of all these animals. All of these animals packed into one place is gonna make one hell of a mess. Of course, just dumping it overboard would take care of that, but even dumping tons of animal crap over the side of the boat would be a tremendous effort.
2: Genetic diversity is very important to the survival of a species. Even if inbreeding itself did not wipe out the species, the marked genetic similarity caused by breeding an entire population from two individuals would make them very susceptible to disease. The bacteria and viruses that cause disease would have also had to have been brought onboard, which would have caused some serious health issues. Imagine Cholera, the Bubonic Plague, Tuberculosis and Influenza (to name a few) all present in a population of several humans. Not to mention the animal diseases.
Theres also the issue that somehow many of these land animals migrated back across oceans after the flood abated, and even managed to get to isolated islands.
3: I'm going to skip this, because pretty much all of the same issues apply.
4 and 5: See the link below

A point of my own:
Freshwater fish cannot survive in saltwater. The same goes for saltwater fish in freshwater. If water did cover the entire earth, then one or the other would have been in some serious trouble. There is also the issue that there is no salt in inland water bodies (with a few exceptions, such as the dead sea).
You may find this site to be informative, and markedly more scientific than the site you linked.

I liked this page: http://christiananswers.net/q-eden/edn-c013.html.
Especially the part at the bottom where they try and sell you things
yeah thats what most skeptics are saying but now they have a picture of what looks to be a broken boat right where its supposed to be

Last edited by JaMDuDe (2006-04-06 17:59:29)

Horseman 77

herrr_smity wrote:

I'm not just gonna barge in here an brake you little illusions but a flood covering the world and a boat that takes two of each kind. i hope that you aren't serious here because if you are I'm sad for you, thinking that its possible.
I aint a bible guy but I am gonna go for this.

Dude try to be a little more aware, Think like a Detective here. It was probably the world as they knew it. About 4 square miles was all they had ever seen. Until the domestication of the horse, people rarely traveled more than that. Just the valley they knew and lived in flooded more than likely. This would surely include  " Their " whole world. Imagine the life experiences available to the guy who wrote down the account. How would a Tribesman In New Guinea describe a plane crash, a Computer, The Empire State Building, an M1 Tank or Hurricane if he had to? " All the animals " more than likely meant  ( all the Animals we Need and care about. ) Stock etc.  Do you really think they went desperately casting about to find a PAIR of Moles.

herrr_smity wrote:

1. food for the animal on noah`s "love boat ". Animals eat food,
In my experience one complete tractor trailer loaded with Hay will feed 45 Horses for about 9 weeks. That work for you. ? Most other Herbivores will eat horse manure as horses barley digest 90 percent of what passes thru their GI tract. That gives them more leeway as I am sure other animals have similar traits. Vivid thought though huh ? " Soups on ! come and get it Bessy ! "

herrr_smity wrote:

hell they even eat other animal now noah is gonna have a hell of a time separating the carnivores from eating all the herbivores.
Do you really think The Carnivore house cat needed to be separated from the 1.5 ton oxen ? That's the only carnivore they probably had. They would have been glad if all the wolves drowned. No ?

herrr_smity wrote:

breeding. After this "flood" destroyed the world, how did the animal reproduce without suffering inbreeding. The same as number 2 just with the family if noah having wild incest in the time after the "flood".
These people knew very little about genetics, And Ya incest was common. In fact It was the horse again that came to the rescue. Mounted people could travel 12 to 26 miles with ease and this made for larger ( better ) gene pools. People " just started getting smarter once their culture adapted the horse", till then we were all liberals more than likely.

herrr_smity wrote:

4. the size of the "ship". it has to be HUGE and a ship that HUGE being built by one man, maybe if he was superman.
His whole family. Plus they didn't have to launch it.. Jut get in and wait. I bet I could build one.

herrr_smity wrote:

5. water. were dose all this imaginary water come from.
After the shit that happened this summer in the Gulf coast I aint gonna answer this one, lol
Actually they think a Glacier that was acting as a dam to a large body of water gave way and some evidence actually seems supports this. But I doubt that itsthe Arc way up on that Mountian. It think it would be impossible for the world water level to have Ever been that high, correct?

but please get back to me as I read and respect ALL your posts and I want your take on what I siad.

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-04-06 18:25:09)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6835|Canberra, AUS
LOCAL flood, people! LOCAL!

If you haven't been anywhere or seen anything outside a sertain area, then logic dictates that that is the 'world'.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
EWWW!!! Thats Nasty!!!

herrr_smity wrote:

I'm not just gonna barge in here an brake you little illusions but a flood covering the world and a boat that takes two of each kind. i hope that you aren't serious here because if you are I'm sad for you, thinking that its possible.
1. food for the animal on noah`s "love boat ". Animals eat food, hell they even eat other animal now noah is gonna have a hell of a time separating the carnivores from eating all the herbivores. and not to speak off all the food needed for the herbivores.
2. breeding. After this "flood" destroyed the world, how did the animal reproduce without suffering inbreeding.
3. The same as number 2 just with the family if noah having wild incest in the time after the "flood".
4. the size of the "ship". it has to be HUGE and a ship that HUGE being built by one man, maybe if he was superman.
5. water. were dose all this imaginary water come from.
Bible says it took Noah over 500 years to build the ark, but from what you have written it is rather apparent you dont believe what the Bible states. Also, some scientists now believe that the core of the earth contains large amounts of water.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6835|Canberra, AUS

Nabraham wrote:

herrr_smity wrote:

I'm not just gonna barge in here an brake you little illusions but a flood covering the world and a boat that takes two of each kind. i hope that you aren't serious here because if you are I'm sad for you, thinking that its possible.
1. food for the animal on noah`s "love boat ". Animals eat food, hell they even eat other animal now noah is gonna have a hell of a time separating the carnivores from eating all the herbivores. and not to speak off all the food needed for the herbivores.
2. breeding. After this "flood" destroyed the world, how did the animal reproduce without suffering inbreeding.
3. The same as number 2 just with the family if noah having wild incest in the time after the "flood".
4. the size of the "ship". it has to be HUGE and a ship that HUGE being built by one man, maybe if he was superman.
5. water. were dose all this imaginary water come from.
Bible says it took Noah over 500 years to build the ark, but from what you have written it is rather apparent you dont believe what the Bible states. Also, some scientists now believe that the core of the earth contains large amounts of water.
And how, pray, does that water get on top of the surface?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+156|6788|space command ur anus

Nabraham wrote:

herrr_smity wrote:

I'm not just gonna barge in here an brake you little illusions but a flood covering the world and a boat that takes two of each kind. i hope that you aren't serious here because if you are I'm sad for you, thinking that its possible.
1. food for the animal on noah`s "love boat ". Animals eat food, hell they even eat other animal now noah is gonna have a hell of a time separating the carnivores from eating all the herbivores. and not to speak off all the food needed for the herbivores.
2. breeding. After this "flood" destroyed the world, how did the animal reproduce without suffering inbreeding.
3. The same as number 2 just with the family if noah having wild incest in the time after the "flood".
4. the size of the "ship". it has to be HUGE and a ship that HUGE being built by one man, maybe if he was superman.
5. water. were dose all this imaginary water come from.
Bible says it took Noah over 500 years to build the ark, but from what you have written it is rather apparent you dont believe what the Bible states. Also, some scientists now believe that the core of the earth contains large amounts of water.
hmmm 500 years, he sure takes his vitamins.
and water in the core, sure and ice cream to in fact i have a ice cream well in my backyard

Last edited by herrr_smity (2006-04-07 01:31:47)

That whole area (@ MID-EAST) has evidence of an ancient flood(s). So maybe.

Last edited by CC-Marley (2006-04-07 02:12:15)

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7001|Cologne, Germany

lmao. No offense to those who believe in god, the bible, etc, but that's just plain stupid. Discussing Noah's ark in this section ? please...
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|6918|MA, USA
Before I begin, I'm going to state that I don't actually believe in the flood, BUT...

It is kind of stupid to use scientific principles to argue against the flood.  If one accepts, as part of one's faith that God is all powerful, it isn't too hard to accept that he caused a flood which covered the earth, allowed the animals to live without food, made them get along on the boat, etc etc.  IF one accepts the Bible as the (excuse the pun) gospel truth, there are some precedents for miricles, so the flood isn't that much of a stretch.

For those trying to scientifically argue that the one who created the universe in seven days couldn't have made this happen....what the hell are you thinking?

Last edited by whittsend (2006-04-07 04:02:04)


B.Schuss wrote:

lmao. No offense to those who believe in god, the bible, etc, but that's just plain stupid. Discussing Noah's ark in this section ? please...
move it

well it is possible that there was a flood

In taiwan in most of the tribes there was a legend about a snake blocking the river and the river caused a flood and ppl ran to the tallest mountain (jade mountain, 4000m high). but i myself doubt it... imo its just sum1 thought it was a flood, but was infact a pond lol

Marconius wrote:

I'd question the source of this story as well...Fox News?  Seriously...
The 'sources' you post and you have the nerve to question fox news?  Wow!  Just wow...

Regarding your sig:  I thought the US is a republic... I could be wrong...

Last edited by wannabe_tank_whore (2006-04-07 06:17:26)


Skruples wrote:

2: Genetic diversity is very important to the survival of a species. Even if inbreeding itself did not wipe out the species, the marked genetic similarity caused by breeding an entire population from two individuals would make them very susceptible to disease. The bacteria and viruses that cause disease would have also had to have been brought onboard, which would have caused some serious health issues. Imagine Cholera, the Bubonic Plague, Tuberculosis and Influenza (to name a few) all present in a population of several humans. Not to mention the animal diseases.
http://www.biowonderland.com/OmoshiroBi … sic10.html

So, when we 'evolved' how many humans evolved at the same time?  Did all the sudden 3 females and 3 males evolve?  Would be very coincidental for these humans to evolve from land animals into several humans at once and then turned around and populated the earth.

Skruples wrote:

Theres also the issue that somehow many of these land animals migrated back across oceans after the flood abated, and even managed to get to isolated islands.
Would a land bridge help?

How about an Ice Age?  How about a warm period that would melt the ice to form what we now know as modern earth?

How many of these did we have?

Skruples wrote:

A point of my own:
Freshwater fish cannot survive in saltwater. The same goes for saltwater fish in freshwater. If water did cover the entire earth, then one or the other would have been in some serious trouble. There is also the issue that there is no salt in inland water bodies (with a few exceptions, such as the dead sea).
You may find this site to be informative, and markedly more scientific than the site you linked.
Do you not think someone else would have thought of this already?  Say the sea's waters tripled due to a global flood... could freshwater fish survive in water that's a not as salty as the current sea and vice versa?  What would an Ice Age due to the amount of salt in the sea?  And take salmon for an example.  Salmon can survive in both salt water and fresh water.

What would land ice do when melting and retreating back to colder climates?  Maybe bodies of fresh water?
the salt in the sea proves evolution wrong too... theres not enough of it for millions and millions of years to have gone by. same thing for sediment on the sea floor, it shows the earth to be only a few million years old and the flood could have brought down most of it
+156|6788|space command ur anus

JaMDuDe wrote:

the salt in the sea proves evolution wrong too... theres not enough of it for millions and millions of years to have gone by. same thing for sediment on the sea floor, it shows the earth to be only a few million years old and the flood could have brought down most of it
one word

Red blood cells and hemoglobin have been found in some (unfossilized!) dinosaur bone. But these could not last more than a few thousand years -- certainly not the 65 Ma since the last dinosaurs lived, according to evolutionists

Last edited by JaMDuDe (2006-04-07 08:09:47)

EDIT: I realized that replying to this doesnt make any sense.

Believe what you want to believe.

Last edited by ArMaG3dD0n (2006-04-07 09:37:30)

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