Will Media Investigate Astroturf Recruitment At Craigslist?
I guess this is what the Community-Organizer-n-Chief does to get Obamacare passed when only 39% of people support you?Newsbuster wrote:
By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive)
August 9, 2009 - 18:25 ET
While the media pointed their hypocritical fingers at town hall meeting protesters for supposedly being organized by conservative backers, they've conveniently ignored an aggressive recruiting campaign by liberal organizations looking to help President Obama get his agenda through Congress.
Take for example the following advertisement placed at the online website Craiglist for New York City Monday (h/t Patrick Ruffini):
**TALENTED LEADERS needed to work for health care reform $11-16/hour**
Last edited by Harmor (2009-08-09 20:14:27)