There is a LOT of bullshit/distortion in those two videos...
The ATF agent in the first video claims 4 or 5 Barrets have made it to Mexico. Forgive me, but that's not very many, when the police in Mexico often capture Title II firearms, like full-auto AKMs, and explosives (all of which are HIGHLY regulated in the US).
4 or 5 Barrets are now the "gun of choice?!" The cartels must have a REALLY good lending system for those 4 or 5 guns to be so popular!
The FN 5.7 pistol is sold in the US, but the AP ammunition is restricted to LE and Military organizations. Civilian legal 5.7mm ammo does not have the penetration ability to defeat modern body armor. The FN FiveSeven does have a "special purpose." It is classified as a "personal defense weapon" for a reason.
OF COURSE the .50BMG round can penetrate a car door and soft armor! Most soft-armor vests are only Level II or Level IIIA rated. In other words, they stop HANDGUN rounds. Your grandfather's 30-30 deer rifle will penetrate a Level II vest with ease. Oh, and 9mm ball ammo from most any handgun can penetrate an unarmored car door!
Gun shows face the same (if not more) regulation than any normal situation. FFL dealers still have to perform the NICS background check. Private citizens can (in most states) sell their personal firearms without a NICS check (since normal citizens are not able to use the NICS system).
The first video claims guns are easier to obtain in the US, while the Mexican (black market) dealer claims guns are as easy to find as candy. WHICH IS IT?
If Mexican cops are afraid to bring Armalite style rifles with them, they should grow some balls. You should not be afraid of your own equipment!
The AK knock-off that the agents found is SEMI auto, in contrast to the Title II FULL auto they showed immediately afterwords. The reporter is either uneducated on firearms or intentionally trying to decieve you! (I really don't know which, since CNN gets about 80% of their gun facts wrong!)
REAL assault rifles are probably not comming from the US, since they are HIGHLY regulated, take about 4 months to do the paperwork on, require ATF background checks, and cost upwords of $15,000.
On the other hand, I hear that AKMs are available for about $250 on the black market. All the cartel has to do is find an illegal way to ship them into Mexico (something they seem very good at--illegal shipping!)
The translations in the second video are terrible! I don't even speak spanish, and the translation is off!
"Most of the guns comming into mexico are comming from these fairs (US gun shows)" That quote is unsubstantiated. The ATF and FBI have found that roughly
1-2% of crime guns come from gun shows. The mexican government also sends
less than half the guns they recover to the ATF for tracing. (Probably because they get so many guns without serial numbers, which ALL US guns are required to have.)
The second video shows a "Belgian made pistol, with bullets that can punch through body armor" when they are actually showing a US made 1911 (probably in .45ACP or 10mm, which are not AP rounds).
These reports are either Lies or ignorant distortions.
The reporters are NOT reporting the facts.
Last edited by RAIMIUS (2009-08-09 22:31:33)