I have been playing for a while on just about any official server I could find with a low ping.  So I've been all over the place and seen some really dumb, weird, crazy and bizarre rules that some admins have. Most of these rules are from games where a player was either warned or kicked/banned for breaking them. Only a few of them were directed at me.

Here are some of my favorites!

1) This is a <name> clan server and the clan must always win.
And they were serious!  They started kicking players off the other side if they started losing too much.  I guess that’s one way to get the War College ribbon.

2) <name> no more bunny hopping or you will be kicked.
I know how annoying it is, but how do you enforce this rule?  I couldn’t shoot you so I will ban you! How about no running, someone might get hurt.

3) I will kick any player that touches my arty!
The jerk really did!  He kicked and banned one or two special Ops players each round that went anywhere near his artillery.

4) Enemy players are not allowed near uncappable spawn points.
This nut was a pilot who would kick any player that killed him on the ground while he was waiting for his jet. He gave one warning and kicked the player if they didn’t move on.

5) I will kick <name> if they don’t leave the carrier immediately!
Similar to the one above. I guess those helpless pilots can’t defend themselves on the ground.

6) Anyone who steals my tank will be kicked! No exceptions!
This guy needed to grow up.  He kicked his own team members most of the time.

7) No Arty strikes are allowed! <name> will be kicked if he uses his arty on me again.
This is what happens when you play in someone else’s sandbox.

8) I have kicked <name> for childish behavior.
My inner child was curious as to what brought this on.

9) Players <name>…<name> and <name> will be kicked if they don’t stop spawn camping.
This was directed at my entire squad. We were trying to take the spawn point and they were defending it.  I died a lot. It was a great battle. We didn’t get kicked but our squad leader argued with the admin for another five minutes before quitting.  I left at the end of the round.  The admin just didn’t like losing.

10) Air strikes are not permitted on this server.  Anyone who does an air strike will be kicked!
Hey I’m a ground pounder myself and I hate getting bombed all the time but why have this rule if you are playing in the Gulf of Oman and Operation Clean Sweep?

11) Any player that runs into their teams mines and claymores will be kicked!  No exceptions!
This was in a Karkland 24/7 server and the guy was dropping mines and claymores everywhere.  If he killed you by accident you got kicked. I guess he didn’t like losing points for the teamkills but he wasn’t exactly careful where he was putting them either.

12) Kicking <name> for having too low a score.
This guy was also the commander and figured the best way to get high scores was to kick out the players with low scores before the round ended.  There is a Darwinian logic to it but it sucks for the players that just joined.

13) Banned for excessive teamkilling.
My only ban.  The enemy was taking the spawn point at the trainwreck in Karkland and I charged it with a tank. There were no blue dots on my map when I started firing but apparently the admin spawned there in the middle of the fight.  He somehow missed the entire fight and thought I was attacking him on purpose.  I guess he didn’t see all the dead bodies.

14) <name> don’t ever try to steal my helo again or you will be banned!
This one was directed at me.  I didn’t even get in it. I walked up to it when the round began and waited for a good pilot to show up. I was trying to join his squad!  I didn’t get and I was sooo tempted to try and shoot him down with the AA near by but ironically he took off with a fully loaded Blackhawk and crashed it into the ground a few seconds later. Now that was funny!

15) Kicked from a squad for not committing suicide.
This one was directed at me also. He asked to change to a medic a few minutes before then got angry that I hadn’t changed yet. I told him I was revived by someone else and didn’t have the chance to change my kit. He wanted me to commit suicide and change when I came back. I wanted to wait until I died since no one was injured and we were near a spawn point. Then he kicked me from the squad. I didn’t miss him.

As you can see, most of these came from Admins who didn’t like losing or have serious ego problems.  Feel free to share any other dumb rules you come across.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7068|The Hague, Holland
Bwhahaha omg those guys really excist? Damn the world is full of sap's...
Get C4, here!

Sgt.Gh0st wrote:

Bwhahaha omg those guys really excist? Damn the world is full of sap's...
you've never seen it?  every 5th server i join has dumbass admins like this... its silly.
Yep ya gotta love them "My sever my rules" fooks

BF2 severs should follow rules set by EA, even more so if its ranked
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7068|The Hague, Holland

beeng wrote:

Sgt.Gh0st wrote:

Bwhahaha omg those guys really excist? Damn the world is full of sap's...
you've never seen it?  every 5th server i join has dumbass admins like this... its silly.
Nope, never saw it. I cant believe they let these guys have their own server. Its full of crap!
I hope I will Never see this kinda shit =P
+27|7057|Atlanta, GA USA
I've seen rules about not attacking non-cappable points, but none of that other stuff...
Doesn't surprise me, though.  All you need to get a ranked server is enough money to pay the monthly fee.  What really sucks is that these shitty servers stay full, while my friends and I who started our own server had to let it go because there were never enough people on it to start a round!
*Rules* (because I can't think of anything sensible to call them), 12 and 13 are out there on many servers... I even get kicked before I've joined the game for *rule* 13... what's that all about.
Still, I think, it's their server, if they're so uptight about losing once in a while, then they're not worth jak.. so I move on, up and away from dipshits like them.
+31|7109|St. Louis, MO
Rules like that are kinda the same thing as KNIFE and PISTOL only servers.Making rules to benfit thier score.
I don't care what they pay for the sever thats just lame.
I see it all the time its annoying...
The Last Man Standing
What the heck?  I cant believe those rules are for real, especially on ranked servers.  Luckily (I dont know how) but I see to have avoided all these servers.  I mean I have been on ones that say no basecaping etc... but I've never really seen an admin do that, shame really, they should kick themselves for being childish.
+1|7130|England, Uk
Those are some crazy rules, EA should hire hit men to take out these people and i am not talking about on the game. I am supprised there is not a rule move and you will be kicked.
noob on tour
I´ve been kicked once for negative score because I drove over someone with my tank on the beginnig of a round when he ran straight towards me and didn´t hit the enter vehicle key.
You should just take a screen shot and send it to EA, it is the same as knife pistol servers.. stat padding.. just done by the admin cause they have the power too.  Pathetic really, I've been kicked for killing the admin of a server too much.. all legit he just sucked.
+0|7065|Phoenix, AZ
Ridiculous. I played on a server that had the following rules:

1. No stealing vehicles from uncapable bases.
Now I'm sure they meant uncapturable now, but when I wasn't sure, I figured he meant not to do it if no one was there to defend it.

2. No destroying assets at uncapable bases.
That is just plain stupid no matter what he means. That is a main objective in the game

3. Players will be kicked and banned if they initiate a vote kick or mutiny against a clan member.
I'm all for protecting your own in most situations, but the clan had a locked squad of 3 people. The commander was not listening to anyone else but his own clan yet issuing orders to the other squads that hung us out to dry.

No I'm all for not raping an uncappable base, especially if it is the only one left. I actually got yelled at by the admin because I refused to spawn until another base was taken because a clan that shall remain nameless was raping at our uncappable base. Was only like 15 tickets left so I decided to wait out the round. I was told to respawn or be banned. I just left the server.

Now I ran a RB6 Black Thorn server a few times from my own PC a few years back. Just a small 10 person server that had a small but loyal following. Sometimes we had pistol-only games just for fun. But in that game you can turn options on and off. In think DF:BHD did that too. I would see a lot of "No sniper" servers when the admins were spray and pray gunners who hated being picked off. I also saw a lot of "No Machinegun" ones for the opposite people.

I saw a server that didn't say it in the rules, but I hit the admin with the M203 and took out him and 4 others in a van and got a "No noob tube on this map". So I left. I can't stand that term and think it is BS. A grenadier provides a specific and useful purpose in warfare. So sometimes I use it.

Sometimes I will play with just a pistol on some maps just for fun and I admit, I'm trying for my pistol badge.

Last edited by unforgiven5150 (2005-10-24 14:53:11)

The Soup Nazi
+18|7073|North Lauderdale, FL
one day on Gulf of Oman, i was sniping from the crane in the middle base with my m95 (USMC).  i was picking off the MEC forces waiting for jets at their airstrip.  after 2 kills, an admin told me that there was to be no "spawn raping" at uncapturable bases.  i proceeded to inform him that i was no where near their airfield and that maybe they should list that in their MOTD.

he laughed and kicked/banned me.  i guess i killed an admin who was waiting for his jet...and was probably set on flying out to the carrier and spawn raping there.

anyone notice how those "rules" don't apply to clanmembers/admins on such servers?
arnt pistol and knife only servers banned??? ive been looking for them for ages and i was told they all have been shut down...

once an admin said he would kick me when i told two people who where arguing about who tk'ed who to calm down (they where getting really heated)

also i got kicked once for becoming the commander... he initiated a mutiny vote but not enough people voted me off so then he kicked me

they have just gone power mad...

Last edited by Major-Numb-Nuts (2005-10-24 15:30:34)

+0|7065|Phoenix, AZ

Major-Numb-Nuts wrote:

also i got kicked once for becoming the commander... he initiated a mutiny vote but not enough people voted me off so then he kicked me
That is one of my favs. I got a mutiny vote against me on a map when no one else wanted to be commander so I picked it up. We had won on the prior with me as commander so I figured I did it again. I only had one squad of 4 people to work with, no one else was listening. All of a sudden I see some guy that just joined the server see we were losing and initiate a mutiny vote. So I piped in asking if he was initiating it because he wanted to be commander and if that was the case he could have it. He didn't say anything else. He joined the one squad and proceeded to listen to my commands.
My favorite:

"You will be kicked if you kill a clan member more than 5 times."

Don't even know how to comment on that one.

As for the guys who run these things, the way I see it, if they want to pay the money per month to stat pad and play dictator on their own little virtual world, let them.  There are plenty of non-messed servers around for me to play in.
+0|7065|Phoenix, AZ

DrDestruction wrote:

As for the guys who run these things, the way I see it, if they want to pay the money per month to stat pad and play dictator on their own little virtual world, let them.
I think that is the absolute best way I have seen it put. They are just some wuss that has absolutely no control over his real life so he uses games to exert control and feel better about his tiny pecker. Same guys as "keyboard cowboys" on chat boards. Half of the people that have talked down or threatened me on servers or boards would wet themselves before they did it to my face.
AK Whore
+152|7082|Barrington, RI
There is a 24/7 Karkand server floating around that will kick you if you use armor.  it says right in the rules no armor. ok  I can live with that but i have heard that the clan that owns the server has been known to use the armor from time to time, and if anyone who isn't in the clan uses the armor they get kicked.
+0|7065|Phoenix, AZ
I have seen that Sewer, and seen the clan use the armor. Someone asked about it and was promptly banned from the server without an acknowledgement.
PKM Assasin
+0|7094|USA, IL
Word!!! Totally Agree!!!

Take These Smacktards Servers Away For A Mounth Or Somthing!!!
Veni, Vidi, Vici
+0|7049|Nebraska, United States
You don't need to capitlize every word.

Its the same idea with Counter-strike. They pay for it, so they can do what they want. If Im paying 40 dollars a month to host a server, I will do what I damn well please.

Just deal with it, or play EA official servers.

Cyjoki wrote:

You don't need to capitlize every word.

Its the same idea with Counter-strike. They pay for it, so they can do what they want. If Im paying 40 dollars a month to host a server, I will do what I damn well please.

Just deal with it, or play EA official servers.
Exactly.  No one is forcing us to play on their servers, and very rarely do I find one that is messed up like that.
+1|7108|Los Angeles, CA

     Correct me if I'm wrong, but there is one glaring difference between BF2 and CS...persistant ranking. As I recall, CS has no ranking per se, and no benefits to continued play *other than experience* Looking at BF2, there are consistently recorded statistics, which reflect on your game play, and rewards you for doing well thought rank increases and weapon unlocks.

     Yes, they are renting the server, they should have control and be able to play and run it as they want, but if it's an EA Ranked server, they have to abide by EA guidelines, and run it according to EAs desires. Do they have to? Not at all, but by the same token, EA doesn't have to acknowledge them as a ranked server do they?
See, if they want to be counted in the EA rankings, *thereby attracting the majority of the players* they habve a code of conduct, ethics are rules to abide by. What good is it to have a Ranked server, in which the owner may never lose? Is that artificially inflating and tweaking stats? Isn't that effectively stat padding? Are these forms of cheating? Yes. So they pay for it, yay, good on them, and I thank them for doing so. But run it as it should be run, or don't be ranked. That simple.

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