ATG wrote:
That concept worked a lot better when our country was a little more honest.
There is nothing honest about the prices of homes, many of the contracts or the regulation of the banks writing the loans.
Face it; people got fucked in the ass. The banks are consuming massive amounts of wealth and all the normal rules of a lawful society have been tossed out into the gutter. The people are getting fucked now. We don't have a strong banking system, we have a collection of well dressed criminals who are in cahoots with the bastards in political power.
But, I feel for ya, I know it is much harder to accept that our whole system is broken and based on fraud, than it is to blame individual homeowners.
Example, well before the oil, tech and gas bubbles; we had NAFTA. NAFTA promised " high tech jobs of the future ".
Mexican farmers got cast into poverty, American factory jobs went overseas and the so called high tech jobs of the future are largely those of soldiers getting killed and maimed on the battlefield.
All the promises about NAFTA were lies. Just like the bailouts now.
Banks only have money if someone gives it to them. No one is being taken at gunpoint to the banks to ask for loans. I never said I thought the system was sound. I am not naive. I am just spreading blame to all the applicable areas. Those that don't accept their fair share are ignorant.
Greed is the reason behind all our ills, banks, government, and the general public are guilty of it. The difference is the banks can't come to your house and take your money unless you give them a reason the government can. Simple really. And no, we are not beyond that point yet. We can still be a sensible society, we just have to expect it out of each other and live up to it. We can also elect officials that are willing to change the status quo. Idealistic, maybe, but you got any better ideas. We can all just sit back and bitch about what is going on. I am sure everything will turn out well. Or we can challenge those around us to do something. I have spoken my mind plenty, to the point where many people I know are careful about what conversation they have with me.
I am fortunate to live in an area where the economy has been relatively untouched. I also work for a food company that filled orders 21% above budget for July. These things may affect how I see things. If I was in a situation where I was on the brink of losing my shirt I might be looking to blame someone for it. Or maybe not.
Society in general has allowed this to happen.
We traded away liberties to gain supposed security and are now realizing that those we entrusted with our liberty and security had no intention of giving us anything.
"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation" - Barack Obama (a freshman senator from Illinios)