
Whats your Opinion on Homosexuality?

Don't really care32%32% - 71
Fine with me38%38% - 83
All [i]gays[/i] burn in hell, lesbiens are OK with me20%20% - 44
There all Evil and Disgusting8%8% - 18
Total: 216

Brikiin118 wrote:

The only time I'm not open about it is when I'm around my parents, I just tell my parents that the person who is my g/f is my friend (and they believe me!)
I know they lied to you about Santa, tooth fairy, and the easter bunny but that doesn't mean you should pay them back by lying to them.

Skruples wrote:

By that same logic, anyone who does not have children on purpose, or who abstains from sex completely is also mentally ill. After all, if "We are 'designed' to reproduce", then not reproducing is basically the same as being homosexual (as far as fulfilling our 'design' is concerned).
And by your logic, that would indicate choice.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6948|Tampa Bay Florida

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Brikiin118 wrote:

The only time I'm not open about it is when I'm around my parents, I just tell my parents that the person who is my g/f is my friend (and they believe me!)
I know they lied to you about Santa, tooth fairy, and the easter bunny but that doesn't mean you should pay them back by lying to them.
it's her own business, why do you even care?

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-04-06 10:54:48)


Spearhead wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Brikiin118 wrote:

The only time I'm not open about it is when I'm around my parents, I just tell my parents that the person who is my g/f is my friend (and they believe me!)
I know they lied to you about Santa, tooth fairy, and the easter bunny but that doesn't mean you should pay them back by lying to them.
it's her own business, why do you even care?
If it's her business and what I said (according to your logic) would be considered my business then why do you care?  Yet she posted her business in a public forum, therefore she wanted people to know her business.  Strange how logic works.
Mod Incarnate

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Skruples wrote:

Simply because your parents are not homosexual does not mean homosexuality is not genetic. There are two aspects of inheritance that are important, the genes that are passed down from your parents (genotype), and the way those genes manifest (phenotype). While it is true that noone has yet proved that homosexuality is based on genes, if it is it is most likely a recessive gene, meaning it would have to be passed down from both parents for the gene to be expressed.

For example, lets say your parents both carry the 'gay gene' or G. because there are two of these alleles in every person, each of your parents would have to be Gg, or one instance of recessive and one dominant allele. When your parents had you, both would have had to pass on the g gene, so you would be 'gg', and thus the gene would express itself.

Of course, that is a very simplistic explanation, as homosexuality (if indeed it is controlled genetically) is most likely caused by the interaction of many different genes, not just one.

Someone correct me if my interpretation of genetic inheritance is incorrect.
Allow me:

Skruples wrote:

or in other words causes that change to become more common, as it increases survivability. "or more likely it decreases the chances of survival (leading to the organisms death, and the extinction of that genetic line)" In other words eliminates or reduces negative changes, because they reduce survivability. I'm not sure how I can make that any simpler...
Evolution would disprove the gay gene theory based on survivability.  No procreation = no survivability.  And the gene then wouldn't be based down.
Once again I find myself having to explain otherwise simple scientific principles to you. As I pointed out, and ill requote myself just so you don't miss it this time: "While it is true that noone has yet proved that homosexuality is based on genes, if it is it is most likely a recessive gene"
Now, I was not trying to prove that homosexuality is based on genetics. I just pointed out to the OP that simply because her parents are not homosexual does not mean that homosexuality is absolutely not genetic. I went on to show how this is possible using my crude 'gay gene' inheritance explanation.

Furthermore, evolution does not 'disprove the gaye gene theory', but it would if the 'gay gene' was dominant, and everyone who had it was homosexual and did not reproduce. Now pay attention, this is the important part: People can be carriers of genetic defects without actually displaying any symptoms. (not that I am saying that homosexuality is a defect). Take Tay-Sachs disease for example. The gene that triggers it must be carried by both parents, and the recessive form must be passed on by both parents at the time of conception, meaning not every one of their children will have the disease. Here is a description of Tay-Sachs:

Tay-Sachs disease is caused by the absence of a vital enzyme called hexosaminidase A (Hex-A). Without Hex-A, a fatty substance or lipid called GM2 ganglioside accumulates abnormally in cells, especially in the nerve cells of the brain. This ongoing accumulation causes progressive damage to the cells. The destructive process begins in the fetus early in pregnancy, although the disease is not clinically apparent until the child is several months old. By the time a child with TSD is three or four years old, the nervous system is so badly affected that life itself cannot be supported. Even with the best of care, all children with classical TSD die early in childhood, usually by the age of five.
Tay-Sachs is 100% fatal, usually before the age of 10, meaning absolutely no one with the disease can have children the natural way. According to you, 'evolution' would also disprove the existence of TSD, which it clearly does not. Does that clear things up?

P.S: The wikipedia article on Tay-Sachs does a good job of showing genetic inheritance.
Who the hell elected you leader of this outfit?
My personal opinion(s):
1) Anything done between TWO CONSENTING ADULTS, well, that's OK.
I've met people who like to smack each other around, I've met people who like consentual rape fantasies.
I also know people who are just regular, but like to talk like a couple of filthy sailors on leave.  But they agree to it between themselves and just because some of it isn't in my personal tastes, doesn't mean I get to place judgment on them because I don't agree with them.

2) Anyone who harms someone, in seeking their OWN GRATIFICATION, by taking advantage of them, be it by drugs, physical force, or undue influence on an impressionable mind, or by using a position of trust, is flat out sick and needs to be beaten and publically persecuted.  It's wrong to assert your will on someone else for personal feelings of power or sexual gratification on people who are unable to defend themselves.

3) Those who talk loudest are the ones who are most likely "different" themselves.
And hate themselves for it.   You mention anything a little "sideways" to them and it's, "That's f****n' sick. That's perverted.  Those people are wrong." And they just seem to get violently angry about it.
That's usually a sign in my book.  Why get pissed?  If it ain't for you, it ain't for you.  But why get angry? 

I'm what a few of my friends call "vanilla" and I'm fine with that.  I, along with the girlfriend hit up the fetish parties, the swap parties, and we hit the gay club downtown with friends, and we have a good time. We don't do it to particapate, but more to people watch and socialize.  What started as an experiment to "freak us out" turned in to "you guys gotta come to this party...."  I can say most of the tastes of these parties are not my personal choice, but as long as I'm not imposing my will on them and they're not imposing their will on me, then it's all a good time.  My ex wife one time freaked out when we went to a gay club and she saw two guys checking me out.  She was offended for some odd reason.  It didn't bother me, I knew who I was going home with, and it was her.  I told her "So, I seem to be attractive to men AND women, don't you feel lucky?"  I thought it was funny, she had a judgment.  That's why I've now got a girl with a MUCH better sense of humor.

Most of the time I meet people who I work with who are a blast to hang out with.  The only time I get bothered is when one of the "stray gays" (dudes without a relationship) start trying the whole "have you ever had a homosexual experience, then how do you know you're not gay? I can blow like she can (pointing in disdain to the girlfriend), my ass is nicer than hers....yadda yadda yadda."  It's almost like they're hammering you because you don't choose to go with guys.  It's a reverse standard.  And those people I have a problem with.
It's like me trying to push myself on a female who isn't interested.  But it's the typical narcisistic, self centered person that I dislike wether gay or straight, or polka dot, or checkered.  It's the people who are all about "ME, ME, ME.  Look at ME.  Listen to ME!"  I replied to the last guy who tried that, "If I wanted a self centered narcissist, I'd have stayed married to my ex wife, BITCH!" My friend Eric (who was gay) was watching the whole thing and started cracking up.  It may have been in part to the head wave, the thumb snap and the lisp I put on BITCH, but I got the reaction I wanted which was to get people laughing, and get this dude to go skeeze on someone else.

Moral of the story, there are asshats everwhere regardless of orientation or flavor.

Last edited by MaddOps (2006-04-06 14:04:13)


Skruples wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Allow me:

Skruples wrote:

or in other words causes that change to become more common, as it increases survivability. "or more likely it decreases the chances of survival (leading to the organisms death, and the extinction of that genetic line)" In other words eliminates or reduces negative changes, because they reduce survivability. I'm not sure how I can make that any simpler...
Evolution would disprove the gay gene theory based on survivability.  No procreation = no survivability.  And the gene then wouldn't be based down.
Once again I find myself having to explain otherwise simple scientific principles to you. As I pointed out, and ill requote myself just so you don't miss it this time: "While it is true that noone has yet proved that homosexuality is based on genes, if it is it is most likely a recessive gene"
Now, I was not trying to prove that homosexuality is based on genetics. I just pointed out to the OP that simply because her parents are not homosexual does not mean that homosexuality is absolutely not genetic. I went on to show how this is possible using my crude 'gay gene' inheritance explanation.
"In other words eliminates or reduces negative changes, because they reduce survivability.  I'm not sure how I can make that any simpler..."

I would imagine you couldn't.  So, if a man is GG and woman is Gg...  what is the probablity that their offspring will have the recessive gene if they have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 children?

If a man is Gg and woman is Gg, what is the probablity that their offspring will have the recessive gene if they have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 children?

Skruples wrote:

Furthermore, evolution does not 'disprove the gaye gene theory', but it would if the 'gay gene' was dominant, and everyone who had it was homosexual and did not reproduce. Now pay attention, this is the important part: People can be carriers of genetic defects without actually displaying any symptoms. (not that I am saying that homosexuality is a defect). Take Tay-Sachs disease for example. The gene that triggers it must be carried by both parents, and the recessive form must be passed on by both parents at the time of conception, meaning not every one of their children will have the disease. Here is a description of Tay-Sachs:

Tay-Sachs disease is caused by the absence of a vital enzyme called hexosaminidase A (Hex-A). Without Hex-A, a fatty substance or lipid called GM2 ganglioside accumulates abnormally in cells, especially in the nerve cells of the brain. This ongoing accumulation causes progressive damage to the cells. The destructive process begins in the fetus early in pregnancy, although the disease is not clinically apparent until the child is several months old. By the time a child with TSD is three or four years old, the nervous system is so badly affected that life itself cannot be supported. Even with the best of care, all children with classical TSD die early in childhood, usually by the age of five.
Tay-Sachs is 100% fatal, usually before the age of 10, meaning absolutely no one with the disease can have children the natural way. According to you, 'evolution' would also disprove the existence of TSD, which it clearly does not. Does that clear things up?

P.S: The wikipedia article on Tay-Sachs does a good job of showing genetic inheritance.
Not everybody will have 4 children and inheritance will not always happen the way it is described on wikipedia.  ex.  RR for child 1 and RR for child 2 is not covered but could in fact happen and does happen.  And then your simplistic definition of evolution would actually could be considered accurate.  But since survivability is the only reason for evolution as you so put it then how would you explain Tay-Sachs.  Survivability should elimate all possible recessive genes.  But then again a recessive gene is not always deadly or leads to extinction.  So how would evolution know what gene to eliminate to increase survivability?

Oh and "Late Onset TSD
A rare form of the disorder, known as Adult Onset Tay-Sachs disease or Late Onset Tay-Sachs disease (LOTS), occurs in patients in their twenties and early thirties. LOTS is frequently misdiagnosed (by appromiximately eight years), is usually non-fatal"

According to you, Tay-Sachs is 100% fatal and usually die before the age of 10. 

Does that help any?

Last edited by wannabe_tank_whore (2006-04-07 08:07:00)

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6948|Tampa Bay Florida

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

I know they lied to you about Santa, tooth fairy, and the easter bunny but that doesn't mean you should pay them back by lying to them.
it's her own business, why do you even care?
If it's her business and what I said (according to your logic) would be considered my business then why do you care?  Yet she posted her business in a public forum, therefore she wanted people to know her business.  Strange how logic works.
The entire topic is about homosexuality, not the fact that her parents don't know.  You btw were pretty rude in the way you said it
Mod Incarnate

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

"In other words eliminates or reduces negative changes, because they reduce survivability.  I'm not sure how I can make that any simpler..."

I would imagine you couldn't.  So, if a man is GG and woman is Gg...  what is the probablity that their offspring will have the recessive gene if they have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 children?

If a man is Gg and woman is Gg, what is the probablity that their offspring will have the recessive gene if they have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 children?
As I mentioned, both parents must carry and pass on the recessive gene for it to be expressed in the child. If one parent has two dominant alleles, or 'GG' in this case, none of the children would have it expressed. I also mentioned that arguing about my hypothetical 'gay gene' is pointless, because I was just trying to illustrate recessive gene expression.

In the case of two parents with 'Gg', the chances are 1 in 4 that a child will have two recessive alleles. The chances are 2 in 4 that the child will be a carrier of the recessive allele, but not express is, and a 1 in 4 chance that it will not be a carrier at all. The wikipedia article I linked does a good job illustrating that. Of course we are talking about a single gene here, when most bodily functions are controlled by several or many genes.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Not everybody will have 4 children and inheritance will not always happen the way it is described on wikipedia.  ex.  RR for child 1 and RR for child 2 is not covered but could in fact happen and does happen.  And then your simplistic definition of evolution would actually could be considered accurate.  But since survivability is the only reason for evolution as you so put it then how would you explain Tay-Sachs.  Survivability should elimate all possible recessive genes.  But then again a recessive gene is not always deadly or leads to extinction.  So how would evolution know what gene to eliminate to increase survivability?
Yes, it can and does happen. The reverse can also happen, both children could be born rr. We're talking about random chance here, and they were talking about probability. The chances are 1 in 4 children will be born with two recessive alleles, not that every fourth child will absolutely end up that way.

Again, as I mentioned previously, and I'm getting tired of repeating myself, someone can carry the recessive form of Tay-Sachs without expressing it themselves. This means that 2 in 4 of those children shown on the wikipedia page will carry the gene on to the next generation without having it kill them or harm their survivability in any way. This means that survivability won't, in fact, eliminate the recessive genes, because the recessive genes dont harm survivability. You work in a freaking university dont you? Ask one of your colleagues to explain this to you...

(P.S: you act like evolution is a sentient being. It doesn't "know" anything.)

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Oh and "Late Onset TSD
A rare form of the disorder, known as Adult Onset Tay-Sachs disease or Late Onset Tay-Sachs disease (LOTS), occurs in patients in their twenties and early thirties. LOTS is frequently misdiagnosed (by appromiximately eight years), is usually non-fatal"
According to you, Tay-Sachs is 100% fatal and usually die before the age of 10.
You're talking about the rare form of a disease that one in three hundred people carry in the first place. I believe the odds of a child being born with Tay-Sachs are something like one in 90,000, and the adult onset form is rare in comparison. But you're right, I did say that, and I was wrong. Perhaps I should have been more specific.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Brikiin118 wrote:

The only time I'm not open about it is when I'm around my parents, I just tell my parents that the person who is my g/f is my friend (and they believe me!)
I know they lied to you about Santa, tooth fairy, and the easter bunny but that doesn't mean you should pay them back by lying to them.
Haven't you seen any of those gay/lesbien movies? like "Better Than Chocolate"?

In the movie, the girl hides the fact that she's a lesbien from her mom thats visiting, when her mom finds out or whatever, her mom goes NUTS, and the girl and her g/f (that looks alot like me) break up or something

Luckely, they all get back together again and everybody likes eachother.  And a girl that looks alot like my g/f and some male to female guy/girl get married

I liked that movie, not just because it has a happy ending, but because, um, lets just leave it at how its rated R, and on IFC, its TV-MA (IFC=Indapendant Film Channel)

But, back to the subject.  It dosn't matter anymore because I told my parents yesterday and...they were perfectly fine with it they told me that they'd love me no matter what that means I can invite my g/f over without worry, and I can invite them to the wedding if we ever get gay married

Plus, tank hooker, love isn't about what you have in your pants, its about whats in your heart.  And the reason I am a lesbien is because I find that girls are less perverse about "doing it" than some horny frat-boy

Plus, guys just "stick it" wherever they can, basically, so men are generally sex-perverts, well, I kinda am too, so I'm just like a horny frat-boy, except I'm a girl, who looks like a skinny guy who plays soccer

Last edited by Brikiin118 (2006-04-07 14:53:25)

+302|6994|Salt Lake City

Brikiin118 wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Brikiin118 wrote:

The only time I'm not open about it is when I'm around my parents, I just tell my parents that the person who is my g/f is my friend (and they believe me!)
I know they lied to you about Santa, tooth fairy, and the easter bunny but that doesn't mean you should pay them back by lying to them.
Haven't you seen any of those gay/lesbien movies? like "Better Than Chocolate"?

In the movie, the girl hides the fact that she's a lesbien from her mom thats visiting, when her mom finds out or whatever, her mom goes NUTS, and the girl and her g/f (that looks alot like me) break up or something

Luckely, they all get back together again and everybody likes eachother.  And a girl that looks alot like my g/f and some male to female guy/girl get married

I liked that movie, not just because it has a happy ending, but because, um, lets just leave it at how its rated R, and on IFC, its TV-MA (IFC=Indapendant Film Channel)

But, back to the subject.  It dosn't matter anymore because I told my parents yesterday and...they were perfectly fine with it they told me that they'd love me no matter what that means I can invite my g/f over without worry, and I can invite them to the wedding if we ever get gay married

Plus, tank hooker, love isn't about what you have in your pants, its about whats in your heart.  And the reason I am a lesbien is because I find that girls are less perverse about "doing it" than some horny frat-boy

Plus, guys just "stick it" wherever they can, basically, so men are generally sex-perverts, well, I kinda am too, so I'm just like a horny frat-boy, except I'm a girl, who looks like a skinny guy who plays soccer
Okay, now if you are going to call us names, at least get it right.  It's "man whore"!! 

Brikiin118 wrote:

Plus, guys just "stick it" wherever they can, basically, so men are generally sex-perverts...
I object. The dirtiest talk I've ever heard came from the mouths of women.
+2|6952|Birsbane, Australia
I am 13 and i find this whole thread disgusting, wtf ladies are not ment to do eachother thats not fun at all. And gays is the worst idea ever WTF?

Andrew wrote:

I am 13 and i find this whole thread disgusting, wtf ladies are not ment to do eachother thats not fun at all. And gays is the worst idea ever WTF?
Personally im 15, and i have gotten different views of gays from being in high school, there are 3 of them that i know of, one of them hasnt told the entire world that he is gay, another is socially gay but doesnt go acting like a chick with tight shirts and acting like a chick. And the last guy... well he is a real weird, He wears really tight shirts to the point where you can see his nipples in his shirt (Gross right?) and then he goes around threatening to kick some girls ass like he is one himself, then he goes around and tells everyone that he is gonna get a sex change when he is older... now that kinda gay i dont like...
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6933|Canberra, AUS

Andrew wrote:

I am 13 and i find this whole thread disgusting, wtf ladies are not ment to do eachother thats not fun at all. And gays is the worst idea ever WTF?
It shows.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Andrew wrote:

I am 13 and i find this whole thread disgusting, wtf ladies are not ment to do eachother thats not fun at all. And gays is the worst idea ever WTF?
Once you grow up, you'll understand the gay/lesbien community

and if not that, you'll just grow up to be an intolerant SOB, I, personally, am 19, I was like you when I was your age, but now I am a liberal, not a strait-laced princess

At 13, I was told, in a way, by my community that I would go to hell even if I was secretly atracted to another girl
at 15, I started to not believe those things people told me, and high-school gym contributed somewhat to it
at 16, I finally realized that I was a lesbien, and my first g/f was one of the popular girls at school
at 18, me and my first g/f broke-up
and at 19, I met my current g/f on an online dating program

Frankly kid, learn more about the world before you judge people by what gender they like
+2|6952|Birsbane, Australia
Yeah true, Brikiin118 if you ever adopt a kid or have one while your with another woman, tell your son/daughter not to let anybody know that his mother is lesbian. Because people my age won't accept people with lesbian mothers i wouldn't think.
if we evolved how are there still gays? it doesnt reproduce and wouldnt it work its way out of the human race over millions of years?
+6|6889|Valrico, FL USA

Andrew wrote:

I am 13 and i find this whole thread disgusting, wtf ladies are not ment to do eachother thats not fun at all. And gays is the worst idea ever WTF?
Get the hell out of this forum and go to the nickelodeon forum. When you grow up (18 years) and have a valid opinion comeback.
+6|6889|Valrico, FL USA

Brikiin118 wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Brikiin118 wrote:

The only time I'm not open about it is when I'm around my parents, I just tell my parents that the person who is my g/f is my friend (and they believe me!)
I know they lied to you about Santa, tooth fairy, and the easter bunny but that doesn't mean you should pay them back by lying to them.
Haven't you seen any of those gay/lesbien movies? like "Better Than Chocolate"?

In the movie, the girl hides the fact that she's a lesbien from her mom thats visiting, when her mom finds out or whatever, her mom goes NUTS, and the girl and her g/f (that looks alot like me) break up or something

Luckely, they all get back together again and everybody likes eachother.  And a girl that looks alot like my g/f and some male to female guy/girl get married

I liked that movie, not just because it has a happy ending, but because, um, lets just leave it at how its rated R, and on IFC, its TV-MA (IFC=Indapendant Film Channel)

But, back to the subject.  It dosn't matter anymore because I told my parents yesterday and...they were perfectly fine with it they told me that they'd love me no matter what that means I can invite my g/f over without worry, and I can invite them to the wedding if we ever get gay married

Plus, tank hooker, love isn't about what you have in your pants, its about whats in your heart.  And the reason I am a lesbien is because I find that girls are less perverse about "doing it" than some horny frat-boy

Plus, guys just "stick it" wherever they can, basically, so men are generally sex-perverts, well, I kinda am too, so I'm just like a horny frat-boy, except I'm a girl, who looks like a skinny guy who plays soccer
Good for you, it's your life your, you only get one, do what floats your boat.  You shouldn't care what some self rightoeus, limited individuals think.  They have to live there lives and if it validates there own self esteem by putting other poeple down because they're different then so be it.  Just be glad your not them.

mofo65 wrote:

Brikiin118 wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

I know they lied to you about Santa, tooth fairy, and the easter bunny but that doesn't mean you should pay them back by lying to them.
Haven't you seen any of those gay/lesbien movies? like "Better Than Chocolate"?

In the movie, the girl hides the fact that she's a lesbien from her mom thats visiting, when her mom finds out or whatever, her mom goes NUTS, and the girl and her g/f (that looks alot like me) break up or something

Luckely, they all get back together again and everybody likes eachother.  And a girl that looks alot like my g/f and some male to female guy/girl get married

I liked that movie, not just because it has a happy ending, but because, um, lets just leave it at how its rated R, and on IFC, its TV-MA (IFC=Indapendant Film Channel)

But, back to the subject.  It dosn't matter anymore because I told my parents yesterday and...they were perfectly fine with it they told me that they'd love me no matter what that means I can invite my g/f over without worry, and I can invite them to the wedding if we ever get gay married

Plus, tank hooker, love isn't about what you have in your pants, its about whats in your heart.  And the reason I am a lesbien is because I find that girls are less perverse about "doing it" than some horny frat-boy

Plus, guys just "stick it" wherever they can, basically, so men are generally sex-perverts, well, I kinda am too, so I'm just like a horny frat-boy, except I'm a girl, who looks like a skinny guy who plays soccer
Good for you, it's your life your, you only get one, do what floats your boat.  You shouldn't care what some self rightoeus, limited individuals think.  They have to live there lives and if it validates there own self esteem by putting other poeple down because they're different then so be it.  Just be glad your not them.
Yea, right on!!!

Brikiin118 wrote:

Plus, guys just "stick it" wherever they can, basically, so men are generally sex-perverts, well, I kinda am too, so I'm just like a horny frat-boy, except I'm a girl, who looks like a skinny guy who plays soccer
Some of us do make an effort to please our partners as well as ourselves you know

Andrew wrote:

I am 13 and i find this whole thread disgusting, wtf ladies are not ment to do eachother thats not fun at all. And gays is the worst idea ever WTF?
Maybe you shouldn't read it then...and people are meant to do whatever they want, provided it doesn't harm anyone else, I can't see how two women being in a relationship or even just munching each others beavers harms anyone.  Offend, certainly, but whose it really hurting?
Mod Incarnate

JaMDuDe wrote:

if we evolved how are there still gays? it doesnt reproduce and wouldnt it work its way out of the human race over millions of years?
I've already been over this, read back through the responses.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6881|Little Bentcock
im gonna sound like i guy here, but lesbians are OKAY, male poofs should b SHOT!
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6933|Canberra, AUS

Adams_BJ wrote:

im gonna sound like i guy here, but lesbians are OKAY, male poofs should b SHOT!
Sigh... another child who's misplaced his brain.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

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