Most of these pictures MUST come from Amsterdam since Holland is ROLLING in anarchy; is a mess; is a cesspool of corruption; incredibly naive in regards to sex education
Most of these pictures MUST come from Amsterdam since Holland is ROLLING in anarchy; is a mess; is a cesspool of corruption; incredibly naive in regards to sex education
Last edited by Stubbee (15 years, 7 months ago)
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'
So...Much...Win. +10
ph1shman420 wrote:
I'll make a dudes kissing thread for you.Red Forman wrote:
ph1shman420 wrote:
Girls kissing....Seen it many times dude. Doesn't really do anything for me. If anything it just screams attention whore.ghettoperson wrote:
I'll make a dudes kissing thread for you.Red Forman wrote:
ph1shman420 wrote:
Last edited by Red Forman (15 years, 7 months ago)

..though marine is right.
I need around tree fiddy.
if i wana see girls kissing, ill go watch porn, not some weak ass pictures
lol yeah true that, shouldnt this site have a porn section then lolph1shman420 wrote:
if i wana see girls kissing, ill go watch porn, not some weak ass pictures
Last edited by blademaster (15 years, 7 months ago)
YEAh, lets have a bf2s pr0n section!!blademaster wrote:
lol yeah true that, shouldnt this site have a porn section then lolph1shman420 wrote:
if i wana see girls kissing, ill go watch porn, not some weak ass pictures
After watching my sister making out with a spikey haired ape for the last I dunno how many months.. Kinda... blergh
wait till you start thinking they're having sex! i don't have a sister, win.Adams_BJ wrote:
After watching my sister making out with a spikey haired ape for the last I dunno how many months.. Kinda... blergh

Reminds me of DonFck.
Reminds me of Bill Hader.