ImaMedic wrote:
I got an email from my friend about this site. GO TO IT AND HELP HIM OUT!!!!!!! read the forum updates and look at the couter at the end.
Chuy and the other admins PLEASE PLEASE LET THIS STAY ON THIS SECTION!!!!!
Ok I just have 1 question This right Here
April 5, 2006 7:00 PM - Well, nobody seems to be clicking on the gamefly banner and bandwidth is going through the roof.
Instead I'm going to try a different approach to try and keep myself from going broke. I set up a paypal account under the
email address
[email protected]. If you want to send me a dollar or two, I would really appreciate it.
Hopefully, this will help me keep the site up.
Now If you gona Pay for it surly you can get 6 Girls to sleep with instead of 2
I dont know and it's less time to waite
, and did I meantion No bandwith involved
Peace Boris