I agree with the context of your post, however, you can blame unions for a lot of the failures we see. Unions holding companies hostage for money or benefits not deserved or earned is a great way t obring down the hand that feeds you.Braddock wrote:
I agree. But while you see the liberal (unemployed) man in the street as being guilty of this very sin, I would also regard the bankers and cut-throat capitalists of being equally guilty. Now I'm not talking about anyone who happens to be a successful businessman, I'm talking about the ones who put profit before people. People who think it's okay to ban unions, drive down minimum wage, outsource work to countries with highly questionable labour laws, and cut corners on health and safety all in the name of making a few dollars more for themselves. The people who rake in exorbitant amounts of profit and then complain that the State is too demanding in terms of its tax laws. The same people who take bail out money and then throw a party for themselves with bonuses all-round.lowing wrote:
How in the world could you ever assume I do not respect community? I do nt respect those that are willing to leech off of it without contributing anything. No society NEEDS leeches and tics bleeding it dry while contributing NOTHING in return.
I obey its laws I work in it, and I contribute to it. How much more respect do think I should give?
I have a lot of time for people who contribute to society, I have very little for those who do nothing but take, take, take... and whether they consider themselves a liberal parasite or a conservative parasite is neither here nor there.
For example, to have a contract where you get paid EVEN when you are laid off? It is the unions that drove companies to seek employers else where. The companies know what the jobs are worth, and the unions over priced themselves clean out of the market. So when you want to spout off about greed, please do not forget your beloved union brotherhood.
As for your sdafety concerns therte are already laws in place, if a company breaks them they get punished.
Your opinion that profit is bad and people are good is not reality. PROFIT is essential, for people to BE good. A company can afford or should afford to put people and their personal probelms ahead of company interests. There is also nothing wrong wirth a company putting profit before people. Since it is the very profit that keeps a company afloat for all employees to feed from. A company is not in business to provide jobs and charity, it is in business to make a profit, the by product of this is jobs for the rest of us to build are lives around.it is time you come to accept that.