
Skruples wrote:

I find it hard to read anything you post anymore without cracking a smile. How do you expect people to take you seriously?
very nice but you still haven't shown me anything except what you think the phrase means.
Mod Incarnate
I would keep trying, but thinking down to your level gives me a headache.
lol and i might add, I am not as sensative as Marconius, so your bullshit in place of facts is highly transparent.

Skruples wrote:

I would keep trying, but thinking down to your level gives me a headache.
What do you mean, keep trying??// How about try the first time?? Your tactic is typical
Mod Incarnate
You're also not as intelligent as Marconius, as evidenced by your continual spelling and grammatical errors, not to mention your ad hominem arguments.
Horseman 77
I gotta hire an Engineer for a home inspection, Because if I don't get my GF's little boys out of NYC soon they will come home with their hats on sideways and underwear showing above the waistband of their jeans. ( they already say " Fo real ? ) While I am gone I suggest..

Lowing and WannaBeTankwhore  fight  Marconius and KenJennings

In one of those cages like they do in Wrestling. They have four man wrestle matches Right ?
Skruples and Spark could slip people weapons. Etc.
We need a Referee or Umpire whatever they call it. Volunteers welcome.
should be pretty cool. Please video tape it for me.
I am all that is MOD!

You are making a fool of yourself Lowing.  Do you just go through life, look at something, and decide what it is?  I recommend going out and experiencing the world.  That doesn't mean going to your local Wal-Mart and people watching while you eat an ice cream cone you bought at the Mcdonalds in there either.  Seriously, reading your comments makes everyone here more ignorant.
I am all that is MOD!

@ Horseman 77: I am a lover not a fighter, unless you count the Internet.  Then I am an online assassin, striking at the heart of those who dare enter the battlefield while big bad KEN-JENNINGS is on the prowl.

lowing wrote:

Skruples wrote:

I would keep trying, but thinking down to your level gives me a headache.
What do you mean, keep trying??// How about try the first time?? Your tactic is typical
I know that headache...
Junglist Massive

Skruples wrote:

Was my explanation not clear enough? There is a difference between putting a limitation ON something, as in a limitation ON wealth, and putting a limitation on the POWER of something, such as the limitation on the POWER of wealth.

For example: putting a limit on wealth could be saying you can not have more than a certain amount of wealth.
Putting a limit on the power of wealth could be saying you can not do certain things with this money, like buying people.
Or buying politicians.  I would count that as buying people, but you know...
I am all that is MOD!

/me thinks its about time this thread is sent to pasture.  Maybe that or I should actually do some work here, instead of spewing out my opinions out here like the Absinthe I drank all weekend.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2006-04-05 15:50:43)

Horseman 77

Skruples wrote:

You're also not as intelligent as Marconius, as evidenced by your continual spelling and grammatical errors, not to mention your ad hominem arguments.
That's kinda weak. He doesn't resort to cheap name calling. I could use a Word processor or have my secretary type for me would that make me smarter ?
( add clever insulting comeback here ) We get his meaning. Personally my lap top messes me up a lot. No one cares about that. In fact Jennings has even helped me out with words I had wrong. We want a flow of information. Half the stuff we argue over I wouldn't even have heard about if Marconius hadn't made posts that rankled me. Now I am discussing ( " loose change" theory's with My Brother too )  He definitely achieved what he set out to do. What's wrong with that? Personally I think my spelling, syntax etc. has improved since I started doing this nonsense. Soon, I will type and spell like a 9 year old.

we arnt out win win a spelin kontest.
Mod Incarnate
I realize noone is here to win any spelling awards, and perhaps it was wrong of me to call him less intelligent than marconius because of that. However, I would argue about namecalling (he called me a dipshit on this page, near the top. I think I cried a little).

But you're right, and I shouldn't be insulting people, especially in this section of the forums.
hmmmmmm all of these attacks, and no one answers my question.......Where did you get your definition of "limitations on govt. wealth and religion"? because they are not found in the posted thread

Skruples wrote:

I realize noone is here to win any spelling awards, and perhaps it was wrong of me to call him less intelligent than marconius because of that. However, I would argue about namecalling (he called me a dipshit on this page, near the top. I think I cried a little).

But you're right, and I shouldn't be insulting people, especially in this section of the forums.
Uhhhhh Marconius is capitalized ( as long as we are nit picking grammar and all ).

Name calling is 2 words as well.

Last edited by lowing (2006-04-05 16:09:23)

Mod Incarnate

lowing wrote:

Skruples wrote:

I realize noone is here to win any spelling awards, and perhaps it was wrong of me to call him less intelligent than marconius because of that. However, I would argue about namecalling (he called me a dipshit on this page, near the top. I think I cried a little).

But you're right, and I shouldn't be insulting people, especially in this section of the forums.
Uhhhhh Marconius is capitalized ( as long as we are nit picking grammar and all ).

Name calling is 2 words as well.
Hey, you're right. Want me to go into every grammatical error you've made in this thread? I have to leave in about 40 minutes, so I'm not sure I'll have enough time

However, this thread is getting seriously off topic, so I'm going to nip this in the bud. Now, if we can all get back to defining the Liberal party, that would be great.

Last edited by Skruples (2006-04-05 16:12:15)


Skruples wrote:

lowing wrote:

Skruples wrote:

I realize noone is here to win any spelling awards, and perhaps it was wrong of me to call him less intelligent than marconius because of that. However, I would argue about namecalling (he called me a dipshit on this page, near the top. I think I cried a little).

But you're right, and I shouldn't be insulting people, especially in this section of the forums.
Uhhhhh Marconius is capitalized ( as long as we are nit picking grammar and all ).

Name calling is 2 words as well.
Hey, you're right. Want me to go into every grammatical error you've made in this thread? I have to leave in about 40 minutes, so I'm not sure I'll have enough time
nope I don't, but please remember you are the one that made grammar an issue here pal. So if you are going to grade everyones paper, please be able to spell and punctuate yourself.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6856|San Francisco
Sensitivity != Not posting retorts in order to not have what just happened happen in a discussion.

Anyways...I present the political spectrum:

you guys are all trying to tap dance around this defintion of liberal, that you know is wrong ( todays liberal at least ) . Liberals want the govt. to take care of its citizens, and conservatives say you are provided with the freedom to take care of yourselves.  Liberals want the govt. to control every aspect of our lives, retirement, healthcare, why the hell can I not have my own money to invest for my retirement? Why do I need to take care of someone elses who didn't plan for it??? hell liberals are all for illegal immagration, they want illegals to have driver licenses for gods sake, and to vote. and why?......cuz they know the illegals will vote for THEM. So please stop trying to make the liberal agenda something that it is not. palatable.

Marconius wrote:

Sensitivity != Not posting retorts in order to not have what just happened happen in a discussion.

Anyways...I present the political spectrum:

http://content.answers.com/main/content … ectrum.PNG
lol why change your tactic now Marconius ???
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6856|San Francisco

lowing wrote:

you guys are all trying to tap dance around this defintion of liberal, that you know is wrong ( todays liberal at least ) . Liberals want the govt. to take care of its citizens, and conservatives say you are provided with the freedom to take care of yourselves.  Liberals want the govt. to control every aspect of our lives, retirement, healthcare, why the hell can I not have my own money to invest for my retirement? Why do I need to take care of someone elses who didn't plan for it??? hell liberals are all for illegal immagration, they want illegals to have driver licenses for gods sake, and to vote. and why?......cuz they know the illegals will vote for THEM. So please stop trying to make the liberal agenda something that it is not. palatable.
Currently, that just stands as your own personal opinion, lowing.  A stronger central government also means that the People have more involvement with it, as opposed to letting it be run as an Oligarchy/Private control.  My opinion on this is that more social involvement with the government promotes Democracy, rather than tossing control and political leadership off to private citizens and companies "to take care of it all for us" whilst leaving us to "take care of ourselves."  A more central government with social participation just seems to be a more effective way of running a democratic republic.

Marconius wrote:

lowing wrote:

you guys are all trying to tap dance around this defintion of liberal, that you know is wrong ( todays liberal at least ) . Liberals want the govt. to take care of its citizens, and conservatives say you are provided with the freedom to take care of yourselves.  Liberals want the govt. to control every aspect of our lives, retirement, healthcare, why the hell can I not have my own money to invest for my retirement? Why do I need to take care of someone elses who didn't plan for it??? hell liberals are all for illegal immagration, they want illegals to have driver licenses for gods sake, and to vote. and why?......cuz they know the illegals will vote for THEM. So please stop trying to make the liberal agenda something that it is not. palatable.
Currently, that just stands as your own personal opinion, lowing.  A stronger central government also means that the People have more involvement with it, as opposed to letting it be run as an Oligarchy/Private control.  My opinion on this is that more social involvement with the government promotes Democracy, rather than tossing control and political leadership off to private citizens and companies "to take care of it all for us" whilst leaving us to "take care of ourselves."  A more central government with social participation just seems to be a more effective way of running a democratic republic.
ya know it is a really simple concept. You work hard, get an education and make yourself marketable you will be rewarded for your efforts, you don't work hard, you drop out of school, you build no resume' you are and should be fucked.
and what I said about the illegals is absolutely true. Which is why this POS was recalled!! Now other than votes, would there be any other reason to pull this shit?? and he is a democrat


Last edited by lowing (2006-04-05 17:48:15)

One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6856|San Francisco
You're talking about individual personal responsibility, and I'm addressing higher political theory.  Which Liberalism are we discussing here?  Classical Locke-based liberalism?  Modern Social liberalism in the US?  Modern Economic Liberalism?  Can you bring up a point that shows exactly where any of these forms of Liberalism call on the breakdown of personal responsibility?

This discipline itself isn't married to any political ideology...rather it's just reason and common sense.  Just because Social programs help out the society as a whole doesn't mean that everyone will be coddled.  The People will get out of the government whatever they put into it.  Allowing private elites and corporations to focus on running the government while everyone does their own thing breaks the People away from the government, and they then become ruled rather than gathering together to make democratic decisions themselves.

Marconius wrote:

You're talking about individual personal responsibility, and I'm addressing higher political theory.  Which Liberalism are we discussing here?  Classical Locke-based liberalism?  Modern Social liberalism in the US?  Modern Economic Liberalism?  Can you bring up a point that shows exactly where any of these forms of Liberalism call on the breakdown of personal responsibility?

This discipline itself isn't married to any political ideology...rather it's just reason and common sense.  Just because Social programs help out the society as a whole doesn't mean that everyone will be coddled.  The People will get out of the government whatever they put into it.  Allowing private elites and corporations to focus on running the government while everyone does their own thing breaks the People away from the government, and they then become ruled rather than gathering together to make democratic decisions themselves.
yes I am talking about personal responsibility, or the lack there of, these groups of people are the ones the liberal/democrats market to Marconius, please do not try and deny that. They need to get these lower class groups to vote for them cuz without them, the democrats are washed up.

Last edited by lowing (2006-04-05 18:16:02)

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