Wow. Way to use the heaters and smelling salts to bring back a dead post.
Personally yes, it's a game. If your life is nothing but BF2 Stats, then you need to get out more.
I'm seeing the intent to prevent the BH from becoming an invincible mobile battle platform. Good Pilot, 2 Gunners, 1 SpecOps, 1 Support, and One Engineer = flying all game long while the SpecOps or other 'nade ho of choice throw explosives like spilled Tic-Tacs all over the map.
Now put one of these over the UCB and watch the points rise and rise and rise. Get out there, take your chances like every other legitimate player. I could understand if you were getting charged PER DEATH but come on. And let me tell you how much awe I'm in of a Lt, or Capt, or Maj. NONE. Y'all die just the same. At the end of the day I don't pray to be known as a BF2 Champion.
Second bit of food for thought. If your point totals are so wonderful then why not play for a pro/ametuer team and make some money......wait that's right, everyone who's "bending" the rules gets disqualified in a tourney.
So I can see all the competitive stuff if you're in competition for prize money, but otherwise? Your clan's "uberleet" status don't mean anything to anyone in server or out at the end of the day.
I've really thought hard about this stuff. And I just can't see the thrill of getting on TV, and having cameras showing you getting angry when you die, and then intently playing 3 inches from your screen, with mouth agape, and then being crowned champion so you can stand next to your 5 pale, fat, sweaty friends under hot lights while chicks you'll never even have a chance with hand you a trophy that only means something to maybe a handful of people inside the structure housing the event. If you want a trophy that bad, go to the trophy shop and for the cost of the game and the super leet video card and computer have them make you a bunch of huge trophies and then you can send out pics and brag about all the stuff you've one. Same thing isn't it? Cause at the end of the day, only one who cares is you.
Dedicated to all the complainers and crybabies that have taken offense at not being alowed to "ho it up" anymore.