I never said that unversities only employ liberals. The article I gave showed that would be a lie and the fact that I work for one and not a liberal would disprove that too. Why do you put words in my mouth? And why come up with a baseless argument?Skruples wrote:
I would say that I have a better understanding of statistics than you do, based on your gross generalizations. If YOU had any idea, you would see that by virtue of you working in a university (which I assume you do, based on one of your previous posts), you are disproving your notion that all universities are full of liberal atheists. Why? Because there is at least one christian republican working in a university, and that's you. Thus, not everyone who works in a university is liberal or atheist. You see the logic there? Furthermore, if you understood the gathering of statistics, you would know that taking a sample of one University department will not get you results representative of the entire nations university system. And finally, you did not give me a sample of anything but your opinion, and I would definitely not consider that reliable statistical evidence of what you were trying to prove.wannabe_tank_whore wrote:
Do you not understand how statistics are gathered? They ask samples of the population and then run the numbers. I gave you one sample. You will find it is the same across the board. And I challenged you to ask another sample to prove me wrong. But again, truth is not what you're after.I said the laws of thermodynamics, as we understand them clearly do not apply to the universe as we understand it. Bear with me here, I'll make it simple. There is alot of stuff in the universe. At some point, there was no stuff, so it would appear that all this stuff came from nowhere. This violates the laws of thermodynamics. Now unless we get into some pretty crazy physics, which involve the fourth dimension and 'time' as a form of energy, this cannot be explained. Now, do you see why applying the laws of thermodynamics to everything does not work?wannabe_tank_whore wrote:
Now your doing circular reasoning again.
ZPE = not proven
the universe = not proven to be a closed system
But yet, thermodynamics can't be used because the universe isn't "subject to the laws of thermodynamics" because the universe is not a closed system.
What the laws of thermodynamics DO apply to is closed systems that can be observed and measured in their entirety. Like if you take a box, and put some warm air in it. The air will cool over time, because the overall energy is decreasing.For the last time, none of us are trying to disprove the existence of God. It is you that has somehow linked evolution with God, when they are not mutually exclusive ideas. You will find that there are millions of Americans that can accomodate both God and the theory of evolution into their beliefs.wannabe_tank_whore wrote:
My reasoning is flawless? Try, 'I don't believe in God so I make up an embryonic drawing to disprove that God exists by showing all species are similar at birth'. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embryo_drawings
"It has been suggested that Haeckel deliberately "fudged" his drawings in order to de-emphasize the differences, thus providing better evidence for his arguments."
So your argument can go both ways, skruples. But then again, truth is not what you're after.
Actually, if the sample represents the whole then yes you can use it when referring to your data. I know professors at several unversities who I had classes with and are not Christian and are liberal and they say the same thing. In fact, they say "you're a lone man of a dieing breed. It's time to convert." Although a joke, the comment is very scary when you look at it and what a university is supposed to teach.
So, you're saying thermodynamics cannot be used to explain how the universe came about? Then what explanation is given when the question of how did everything get there to begin with and 'evolve' to what it is today?
The OP stated that with all the facts today "What if God or whoever you believe in isnt real what if u die u die thats it, its over no nothing for the rest of eternity". I'd say that is in fact trying to disprove God's existence. Your quotes:
"There is absolutely no proof that God or any other supernatural entity exists, though my local clergy keep insisting there is."
"Funny how religion is mostly story and myth of what is almost certainly not true, and absolutely cannot be proven."
I didn't read them all but those are 2 I found while glancing over them.