

So a war possibly twice as long as WWII is short?  I want to know your opinion on why terrorists are fighting against the US, and to tell me what we can do in the next 5 years (we have been fighting them since late 2001) to get them to stop.  Concrete answers, not abstract.
If your view, when did wwii start?  Mine is about the time Hitler came to power. ~1933  WWII ended in 1945 with resistance fighters for another 2 years.

They hate us?  We're not the only ones they're fighting against either if that was your point.  Spain, England, Israel, India, etc.

Would kill them be a possible answer?  Stop their fundings?  Eliminate their training grounds?
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|6968|Orlando, FL - Age 43

Marconius wrote:

Great job Godwin'ing the thread, Fleder...only 7 pages into it.  Did you guys look at the article I posted?  Evidently not, as there is quite a difference between Social Liberalism/Conservativism and Economic Liberalism/Conservativism.

A little help on the idea to better illustrate it
Actually, Horseman mentioned Hitler on page 6 and UnOriginalNuttah laid the groundwork on page 4, but thank you for for the 'somthing new' for the day. I had never heard of Godwin's law before.
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|6920|MA, USA

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

"Liberalism is an ideology, philosophy, and political tradition which holds liberty as the primary political value. Broadly speaking, liberalism seeks a society characterized by freedom of thought for individuals, limitations on the power of government, wealth, and religion, the rule of law, the free exchange of ideas, a market economy that supports private enterprise, and a transparent system of government in which the rights of minorities are guaranteed."
This portion of your quote refers to Classical Liberalism...which we know today as Libertarianism.

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

In modern society, liberals favour a liberal democracy in the form of either a republic (e.g. France, Germany and India) or a constitutional monarchy (e.g. the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the countries of the Commonwealth realm), with open and fair elections, where all citizens have equal rights by law and an equal opportunity to succeed.".
Refers to modern Liberalism, but isn't the whole story.  From the same source:

"Today the word "liberalism" is used differently in different countries. (See Liberalism worldwide.) One of the greatest contrasts is between the usage in the United States and usage in Continental Europe. In the US, liberalism is usually contrasted with conservatism, and American liberals support broader tolerance and more readily embrace multiculturalism and affirmative action. In Europe, on the other hand, liberalism is not only contrasted with conservatism and Christian Democracy, but also with socialism and social democracy. In some countries, European liberals share common positions with Christian Democrats."

We need to be aware that in the US, particularly, the term 'Liberalism' includes most of what is associated with center left to just shy of 'hard' left political philosophy.  Many self-described 'Liberals' are also Socialists in the US, but few are Communists.

None of this denies your point, but those omissions make it easier to debate your point.
I am all that is MOD!

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

If your view, when did wwii start?  Mine is about the time Hitler came to power. ~1933  WWII ended in 1945 with resistance fighters for another 2 years.
IN my view, WWII started in 1939, not when Hitler came to power.  So not twice as long, but significantly longer than WWII.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

They hate us?  We're not the only ones they're fighting against either if that was your point.  Spain, England, Israel, India, etc.
That is an abstract thought.  "They hate us."  Do they hate that we exist?  Do they hate our skin color?  Do they hate what we wear?  CONCRETE reasoning.  I ask this question for a few reasons, one of them being that if we cannot define why they are waging the war, how do we know how to win?

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Would kill them be a possible answer?  Stop their fundings?  Eliminate their training grounds?
Kill them.....Who are they?  Are they the sleeper cells that were in the U.S. before the attacks?  How do we know what they look like?  So should we go around indiscriminately killling all terrorist-looking people?  I agree, stop their funding.  But as I pointed out before, much of their funding comes from the Bin Laden Group, which many powerful Americans have economic ties to, so this is unlikely to happen soon.


wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

In your view, when did wwii start?  Mine is about the time Hitler came to power. ~1933  WWII ended in 1945 with resistance fighters for another 2 years.
IN my view, WWII started in 1939, not when Hitler came to power.  So not twice as long, but significantly longer than WWII.
When did the war on terrorism start?


wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

They hate us?  We're not the only ones they're fighting against either if that was your point.  Spain, England, Israel, India, etc.
That is an abstract thought.  "They hate us."  Do they hate that we exist?  Do they hate our skin color?  Do they hate what we wear?  CONCRETE reasoning.  I ask this question for a few reasons, one of them being that if we cannot define why they are waging the war, how do we know how to win?
We're not Muslims.  That ok with your reasoning?  Now that a jihad has been declared Muslims are entitled to: "slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush."  That more concrete?


wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Would kill them be a possible answer?  Stop their fundings?  Eliminate their training grounds?
Kill them.....Who are they?  Are they the sleeper cells that were in the U.S. before the attacks?  How do we know what they look like?  So should we go around indiscriminately killling all terrorist-looking people?  I agree, stop their funding.  But as I pointed out before, much of their funding comes from the Bin Laden Group, which many powerful Americans have economic ties to, so this is unlikely to happen soon.
It wasn't Australians who took out the world trade buildings, USS Cole, US embasy, etc.  I think you can figure that one out for yourself.
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|6920|MA, USA

whittsend wrote:


And as far as colonization and exploitation of resources, yes we have been doing it and currently are in a number of places.  Look at any oil rich country in Africa.  We (the US government) support their dictatorships because they give us cheap access to their natural resources.
What form are you claiming this 'support' takes?
Would still like to know more about this one.
I am all that is MOD!

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

When did the war on terrorism start?
2001, shortly after the WTC bombings.  I believe we went into Afghanistan in October 2001, not sure of the correct dates

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

We're not Muslims.  That ok with your reasoning?  Now that a jihad has been declared Muslims are entitled to: "slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush."  That more concrete?
So all muslims are attacking us.  Because we are not muslim.  Come one now.  Why don't you read and listen to from the people who are coordinating these attacks against friendly interests and show me where it they say they are attacking us because we are not muslim.  And the idea of jihad has been hijacked by fundamentalist Muslims to validate their attacks on non-Muslims.  Look into what Islamic scholars all over the world have to say about this.  If need be, I can send you in the right direction.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

It wasn't Australians who took out the world trade buildings, USS Cole, US embasy, etc.  I think you can figure that one out for yourself.
Yes, it was muslim terrorists.  My point (I thought I made this clear, apparently not) is that they are not organized, specific muslims that we can target.  We cannot indiscriminately attack all muslims.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2006-04-05 13:13:02)

I am all that is MOD!

whittsend wrote:

What form are you claiming this 'support' takes?
Turning a blind eye to injustice and dictatorships in these countries.  Take the case of Equatorial Guinea.  Brutal Dictatorship, human rights abuses all over, but US still gives them plenty of aid.  We are defenders of democracy, right?  Defending doesn't mean providing financial support for a ruthless dictator.  Do you want me to provide links to information, or ways to look up the information, or can you do it yourself?

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2006-04-05 12:48:44)



wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

When did the war on terrorism start?
2001, shortly after the WTC bombings.  I believe we went into Afghanistan in October 2001, not sure of the correct dates
Is 2001 when we decided to fight back even though we were at war long before then.  1993, 1998, etc.


wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

We're not Muslims.  That ok with your reasoning?  Now that a jihad has been declared Muslims are entitled to: "slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush."  That more concrete?
So all muslims are attacking us.  Come one now.  And the idea of jihad has been hijacked by fundamentalist Muslims to validate their attacks on non-Muslims.  Look into what Islamic scholars all over the world have to say about this.  If need be, I can send you in the right direction.
I remember 4-5 years ago MS hiring a firm to evaluate IE and then give a press conference on how much better it was than the competition.  "Sleight of hand" so to speak. 


wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

It wasn't Australians who took out the world trade buildings, USS Cole, US embasy, etc.  I think you can figure that one out for yourself.
Yes, it was muslim terrorists.  My point (I thought I made this clear, apparently not) is that they are not organized, specific muslims that we can target.  We cannot indiscriminately attack all muslims.
Al-Quida, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, Hizballah, etc.

Last edited by wannabe_tank_whore (2006-04-05 13:15:50)

I am all that is MOD!

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Is 2001 when we decided to fight back even though we were at war long before then.  1993, 1998, etc.
well in that case, we've been fighting terrorism since the country was founded.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

I remember 4-5 years ago MS hiring a firm to evaluate IE and then give a press conference on how much better it was than the competition.
i don't understand what the relevance is to that statement.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Al-Quida, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, Hizballah, etc.
Ok, you have identified a few islamic fundamentalist terrorist groups.  One has direct links to terrorism on US soil.  How do you go about attacking a loosely based organization?   Answer the questions instead of providing statements that don't support your arguments.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2006-04-05 13:22:10)



wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Is 2001 when we decided to fight back even though we were at war long before then.  1993, 1998, etc.
well in that case, we've been fighting terrorism since the country was founded.
That's why it should be labeled Islamic terrorism.  Clarify who we're after.


wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

I remember 4-5 years ago MS hiring a firm to evaluate IE and then give a press conference on how much better it was than the competition.
i don't understand what the relevance is to that statement.
You said:


And the idea of jihad has been hijacked by fundamentalist Muslims to validate their attacks on non-Muslims.  Look into what Islamic scholars all over the world have to say about this.  If need be, I can send you in the right direction.
I said that in response to what you said.  You didn't see the point that I was trying to make (bias statement in that MS hired the company to make the good report about its own product). One can easily say 'hey islam has been hijacked... we're peaceful... I know because i'm a scholar'.  But the 'scholars' are silent when asked to condemn the attacks.  Why?  Because they know they will be killed as a heretic.  There will be peace one day... when all non believers are either converted or killed.  Kind of like when Anakin attempted to kill off all Jedi to restore peace to the galaxy... 


wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Al-Quida, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, Hizballah, etc.
Ok, you have identified a few islamic fundamentalist terrorist groups.  One has direct links to terrorism on US soil.  How do you go about attacking a loosely based organization?   Answer the questions instead of providing statements that don't support your arguments.
We'll let the others be dismantled by the countries they attack.  Al-Quida is in our cross hairs now as the taliban once was (kind of still is as pockets of taliban fighters still exist).
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|6920|MA, USA


whittsend wrote:

What form are you claiming this 'support' takes?
Turning a blind eye to injustice and dictatorships in these countries.  Take the case of Equatorial Guinea.  Brutal Dictatorship, human rights abuses all over, but US still gives them plenty of aid.  We are defenders of democracy, right?  Defending doesn't mean providing financial support for a ruthless dictator.  Do you want me to provide links to information, or ways to look up the information, or can you do it yourself?
Turning a blind eye?  So...what do you suggest?  Invading and removing the governement?  Like Iraq?

I would like information on the financial support you have in mind.
I am all that is MOD!

http://hdr.undp.org/reports/global/2003 … f_GNQ.html
Scroll down to #16, Flows of Aid....
Just one example.  Use the power of the internet and research some for yourself if you are so interested.

I suggest applying political pressure to the companies doing business with the dictatorships.  Yes, we removed the tyrannical government of Iraq.  But thats not why we went there my friend (at least not the reason given to the US public).  Now, after the fact, we say we are implementing democracy.  My point being that as long as tyrannical, totalitarian/authoritarian governments are of a benefit to the US, we do nothing.  Further, we try to subversively dismantle democratically elected governments (Venezuela) when they are not in line with US interests.
But I digress.  Back to the orginal topic.  Sorry guys

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2006-04-05 14:29:52)


UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

lowing wrote:

lol the difference is........You were being sarcastic........I wasn't........I asked you many times before to tell me what ideals todays liberals hold that are any different than socialist or communist. you refused to answer the question but instead ran away with your "sarcasm".

SO once again I pose THE SAME question........tell me here and now what communism/socialism holds as a doctrine that liberals don't?
Do I need to, really?  Fine, here's some wikipedia that clarifies the difference between liberalism and communism and socialism. 

"Liberalism is an ideology, philosophy, and political tradition which holds liberty as the primary political value. Broadly speaking, liberalism seeks a society characterized by freedom of thought for individuals, limitations on the power of government, wealth, and religion, the rule of law, the free exchange of ideas, a market economy that supports private enterprise, and a transparent system of government in which the rights of  minorities are guaranteed. In modern society, liberals favour a liberal democracy in the form of either a republic (e.g. France, Germany and India) or a constitutional monarchy (e.g. the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the countries of the Commonwealth realm), with open and fair elections, where all citizens have equal rights by law and an equal opportunity to succeed."

Not quite the same thing really, is it?  I'm sure you won't drop the dead donkey yet though.
there is absolutely nothing in this description that todays liberal holds to. Not to mention the fact, like a said before, to limit someones wealth, and religion, is anti- american. there already is and has been a transparent govt., always has been a free exchange of ideas, the rights of minorites has been set since the civil rights days,. And  it is the concervatives that want an equal opportunity NOT the liberals , they want an equal outcome regardless if they earned it  or not.
Mod Incarnate

Lowing wrote:

like a said before, to limit someones wealth, and religion, is anti- american
I'm not going to argue with you there, but I will point out that that is not what the definition says.

"limitations on the power of government, wealth, and religion,"

It does not say limitations on wealth and religion, rather on what wealth and religion can do. For example, you can't buy people or reject someones college application based on their religion. That is what the definition is saying...

Seriously, it's not that complicated. Take some time and read it through next time.

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

lowing wrote:

lol the difference is........You were being sarcastic........I wasn't........I asked you many times before to tell me what ideals todays liberals hold that are any different than socialist or communist. you refused to answer the question but instead ran away with your "sarcasm".

SO once again I pose THE SAME question........tell me here and now what communism/socialism holds as a doctrine that liberals don't?
Do I need to, really?  Fine, here's some wikipedia that clarifies the difference between liberalism and communism and socialism. 

"Liberalism is an ideology, philosophy, and political tradition which holds liberty as the primary political value. Broadly speaking, liberalism seeks a society characterized by freedom of thought for individuals, limitations on the power of government, wealth, and religion, the rule of law, the free exchange of ideas, a market economy that supports private enterprise, and a transparent system of government in which the rights of minorities are guaranteed. In modern society, liberals favour a liberal democracy in the form of either a republic (e.g. France, Germany and India) or a constitutional monarchy (e.g. the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the countries of the Commonwealth realm), with open and fair elections, where all citizens have equal rights by law and an equal opportunity to succeed."

Not quite the same thing really, is it?  I'm sure you won't drop the dead donkey yet though.
well todays liberal, doesn't fit the above defintion and if you say it does let me point out that.

1 limitations on govt is a conservative stand point, liberals want big govt. so they can control everything form SS to medical benefits.

2 liberals want limitations on someones wealth huh??.......<-----anti- american

3 liberals want limitations on religion huh?? <----------anti- american

4 limitations on rule of law<---you need to explain this

5 transparent govt.<---------- govt. has always been transparent regardless of who is in office. I give you the Clintons scanals, as well as Bushs as proof.

6 minorites rights have been gaurenteed since the civil rights days. ( unless of course you are going to argue now that some crack head in the ghetto should be an astronaut., and it was the white man who kept him from it. )

7. elections has always been fair. the only thing not fair about the last 2 elections were the democrats trying recount  after recount until they got the result they were looking for, problem is they never found a recount that worked in their favor.

8. All citizens have always had equal opportunity to succeed, it is a conservative ideal. NO, what you mean for that to say is equal OUTCOME not opportunity, if you want to go with the liberal way of thinking.

Last edited by lowing (2006-04-05 14:49:22)


Skruples wrote:

Lowing wrote:

like a said before, to limit someones wealth, and religion, is anti- american
I'm not going to argue with you there, but I will point out that that is not what the definition says.

"limitations on the power of government, wealth, and religion,"

It does not say limitations on wealth and religion, rather on what wealth and religion can do. For example, you can't buy people or reject someones college application based on their religion. That is what the definition is saying...

Seriously, it's not that complicated. Take some time and read it through next time.
""limitations on the power of government, wealth, and religion,"" well I don't know how many different ways you can READ into this QUOTE but oooooooooooook. seems pretty plain to me.
Mod Incarnate
Was my explanation not clear enough? There is a difference between putting a limitation ON something, as in a limitation ON wealth, and putting a limitation on the POWER of something, such as the limitation on the POWER of wealth.

For example: putting a limit on wealth could be saying you can not have more than a certain amount of wealth.
Putting a limit on the power of wealth could be saying you can not do certain things with this money, like buying people.

Skruples wrote:

Was my explanation not clear enough? There is a difference between putting a limitation ON something, as in a limitation ON wealth, and putting a limitation on the POWER of something, such as the limitation on the POWER of wealth.

For example: putting a limit on wealth could be saying you can not have more than a certain amount of wealth.
Putting a limit on the power of wealth could be saying you can not do certain things with this money, like buying people.
Ok please show me where that is what it means, something other than what you THINK it means.
I am all that is MOD!

the structure of the sentence.  If the sentence were to state, "Limitations on the power of government, limitations on wealth, and limitations on religion..." then you would have a valid point.  But the sentence in its current form means, "limitations on the power of: government, wealth, and religion.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2006-04-05 15:12:59)

Mod Incarnate
What do you mean show you where that is what it means? It says that right in the quoted definition. Wheres Horseman when you need him, he seems to be reasonably intelligent...

I'll break it down for you, since your grasp of the English language seems somewhat tentative.

Here is the quote in question, again: "limitations on the power of government, wealth, and religion"

The important part: "limitations on the power of"

Now, limitations is a noun, meaning, from webster:
1 : an act or instance of limiting
2 : the quality or state of being limited
3 : something that limits : RESTRAINT

Power is also a noun, and here is the definition from webster:
1 a (1) : ability to act or produce an effect (2) : ability to get extra-base hits (3) : capacity for being acted upon or undergoing an effect b : legal or official authority, capacity, or right
2 a : possession of control, authority, or influence over others b : one having such power; specifically : a sovereign state c : a controlling group : ESTABLISHMENT -- often used in the phrase the powers that be d archaic : a force of armed men e chiefly dialect : a large number or quantity
3 a : physical might b : mental or moral efficacy c : political control or influence

So, as you can see (or maybe not), the aforementioned definition of liberal is not implying the limitation on wealth or religion itself, but on the ability for wealth and religion to influence events or people. Was that clear enough for you? Or do I need to draw it in crayon?

*edit* typo

Last edited by Skruples (2006-04-05 15:13:11)



simple sentence structure.
Oh I guess we gotta back up to that old Clinton tactic.......sighhhhhhh ok............so what is YOUR definition of "IS"???

Skruples wrote:

What do you mean show you where that is what it means? It says that right in the quoted definition. Wheres Horseman when you need him, he seems to be reasonably intelligent...

I'll break it down for you, since your grasp of the English language seems somewhat tentative.

Here is the quote in question, again: "limitations on the power of government, wealth, and religion"

The important part: "limitations on the power of"

Now, limitations is a noun, meaning, from webster:
1 : an act or instance of limiting
2 : the quality or state of being limited
3 : something that limits : RESTRAINT

Power is also a noun, and here is the definition from webster:
1 a (1) : ability to act or produce an effect (2) : ability to get extra-base hits (3) : capacity for being acted upon or undergoing an effect b : legal or official authority, capacity, or right
2 a : possession of control, authority, or influence over others b : one having such power; specifically : a sovereign state c : a controlling group : ESTABLISHMENT -- often used in the phrase the powers that be d archaic : a force of armed men e chiefly dialect : a large number or quantity
3 a : physical might b : mental or moral efficacy c : political control or influence

So, as you can see (or maybe not), the aforementioned definition of liberal is not implying the limitation of wealth or religion itself, but on the ability for wealth and religion to influence events or people. Was that clear enough for you? Or do I need to draw it in crayon?

*edit* typo
so by using your own words restraint of wealth as to restrain someones wealth?? .....sounds the same to me dipshit. as limiting someones wealth.

Last edited by lowing (2006-04-05 15:18:55)

look bottom line is, liberals want the rich to pave the way for the poor simply because they can afford to, it has nothing to do with what is earned.
Mod Incarnate
I find it hard to read anything you post anymore without cracking a smile. How do you expect people to take you seriously?

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