I am all that is MOD!

Now, yes, they are getting their body armor.  AFTER it has been publicized for the last 2-1/2 years that they were having to buy their own armor, and outfit humvees with protective plating found in junkyards/old military vehicles.  I simply stated that GW did not send his troops properly equipped for battle, thus not supporting the troops.  So yes, after this was publicized, 2 and 1/2 years later they are getting the armor they need.
+27|6933|Atlanta, GA USA
Why is this Bush's fault?  Isn't it the military's responsibility to buy the equipment they need?  If anything, you'd have to blame congress for not giving them the funds they need to buy the stuff.
I am all that is MOD!

Like I said before, Bush sent the troops into war.  Congress gave him the authority to go to war, it did not make him.  Bush is in charge of our nation's armed forces.  That is why he is the "Commander in Chief."  $40 and $80 billion dollar war authorizations, but no body armor?  Congress approved much spending for the war efforts.  GW, being the ultimate authority when it comes to making these decisions, is the one to blame, not congress.
+27|6933|Atlanta, GA USA
Why didn't we have the body armor BEFORE we went to war?  It seems to me that that should have been a logical thing to have bought IN CASE we went to war, not something you try to get in bulk after the fact.
I am all that is MOD!

I agree completely.  Why send troops that are not properly equipped for war?  I think it is because he (GW)wanted to go to war no matter what, and some trivial issue like troop protection was not on the list of priorities.  But hey, that's just my opinion.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2006-04-04 15:19:13)

Horseman 77
Why has the level of argument dropped off in my absence? Cant I even buy a house ?


My point is that the war on terror will become a battle that cannot be won or lost, just a quagmire that results in countless deaths and ridiculous sums of money.
I believe we must have completely different views and Ideas of what costly, cheap, long and short are.
I think if handled properly this War could be short. To me this means 6 to 10 years.
As for costly I think our Casualties will top out at about 10000. In a War for our existence over ten years this is nothing.
We all must realize our enemies are clever, these people gave us many of our customs and higher mathematics etc.
They will not create a Flag, Don a uniform or build a base for us to target.
This War may well be an on going part of being an American for a long time. It may cost us year after year after year.
These people may remain our enemies forever.
That is the Hand Bush was Dealt, a hand clinton would not pick up.
Did everyone miss the part when Bush said " This will not end on my watch. "
They are prepared for that. They have been Fighting in that region since israel was created.
They have no election cycle to worry about.
We can contain them.  We can Choose where the Fight is. We can keep them off our soil. This has been done successfully so far.
2000 casualties (Trained Armed Fighting men and women on the field of battle ) in 2 years beats 3000 helpless citizens in 30 minutes.

Horseman 77 wrote:

Why not extra body armor? that means more Spending.
What group continuously attacks the military and its budgets?
What group always scoffs at military spending in favor of setting up yet another service for crack heads and criminals " one that is Really gonna work this time " What group is Continuously bitching about the cost of this war.?



I find it hard to agree with this kind of thought.  Look up for yourself how much of the US budget goes to defense, and how much goes to social programs.  Many people often attack social programs as having an economic drain on our budget, but the truth is that it is a sliver of what we (US government) spend on defense.
In my experience what money we send to social programs is wasted and squandered, with no results to show for it what so ever. Let them get their act together and spend what they already have correctly before they waste even more money. You have to see these people in action to believe the level of incompetence they an achieve.


And I am not talking just the war, or explicit defense spending.  I am talking about R&D as well as the financial aid we give to Israel and other nations who in turn buy our military machines.  If you want I can find this information for you, from as non-biased a source as I can.
In my opinion the R&D paid of ten fold. Get one more mother's Son home from battle safely and send me the bill. Don't get me started on israel. I am onboard with you on that.

Horseman 77 wrote:

What would the cost of WWII have been if we attacked Hitler When he took the Sudaten [sp] Land or Checkoslavakia [sp]?
Would it have been a World War ?
Would it have been as costly in lives material and resources.
If Hitler had been hindered before he could commit his even greater atrocities would FDR have had the support of every last " Deep Thinker " in the U.S.A.
Or would he be hounded like Bush is now? We all know the Answer.


Yes, it is always much easier to look back at what we should have done.  Hindsight is 20/20.
You missed my point, This is how we are handling this war. We are fighting it early. Though with less popular support. I guess we needed more people to die before Every last " Deep thinker" would get onboard. If we had started in 1993 when they attacked the WTC then, it would have been easier still. The past Administration had no back bone for it and turned a blind eye. He had other things on his mind no doubt. It cost us all.


Hindsight shows how unsuccessful the US military has been in fighting guerrilla fighters.
You only looked back a short way. And even then We rule if we cut loose and do it right. Every guy I know who went to Nam said " We could have won it at any time. " No matter what branch of service they were in they all had the same opinion. We practically invented this type of fighting. If it gets bad enough that we cut our guys loose. Give them the widest possible discretion, These people will see who can fight. Right now as it stands ( thanks to liberals ) a POW cant even wear a dog leash and get naked in front of an 18 year old girl. ( A $600 per hour value in Manhattan. )

Horseman 77 wrote:

Convoluted morals and ethics? Compared to who? I will go one BIG step Further. I challenge you to show be one Nation in all History who ever Carried the Weight and responsibility of being the Worlds Foremost power any better or Even as well.


I am not saying that the US is a horrible country.  I agree, I would not want to live anywhere else.  But why do we as Americans feel the need to be the worlds foremost power?  But we (the US) do not carry the weight and responsibility well.  Let's use history as a lesson, and learn from past empires not to colonize or control other countries resources, as it usually leads to bloodshed.
We need to be the worlds foremost power because we cannot trust anyone else with this responsibility.
We do carry the weight better than anyone else is or has. I do not believe we are colonizing anyplace nor are we controlling their resources.

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-04-04 16:40:55)

Horseman 77


Not necessarily responsible, but the government should take steps to help those that it (the government) and the citizens have repeatedly exploited.
Noted: but the word you did use was "Responsible " You also slipped the word exploited in. I caught it. Who did we exploit in the last 40 years?


I get the idea, and agree that the US system is full of bureaucracy that puts a drain on financial resources.
also noted: But you said school, which I have personal experience with "I should say I am speaking of NYC ONLY! maybe in Ohio for instance they kik ass "


There is no bureaucracy in the Military?  I find it hard to believe that the only arm of government that has needless spending is Public Education.  I think your statement about school spending is relevant to the Military as well.  I recommend the movie "Pentagon Wars" about the Bradley Fighting Vehicle to better illustrate this point.
I alluded to that, See >   " Give $1000 to the military They buy $600 worth of crap that works "  1000 : 600 get it ! But Still

Missiles go in windows, Burrow 300 feet down into bunkers while our fighting men strike at much safer distances. 
Our people stay Safer then ever before in a WAR.
Our enemies collapse before us and are reduced to planting a bomb at roadside and hoping they hurt "someone/anyone "
Our enemies Going full force cannot produce the same number of American casualties as the Los Angels crime element can.
The guy that makes the missile buys a new car gets his kid a pony and goes out to dinner once a month.
The money circulates and boosts the economy.
I would rather waste a couple Billion on an MX missile Program, Submarines and Space based Technology research that may never be used in the Hopes that it will prevent a Nuclear ( Nuke ya ler *) Show Down with The USSR and maybe even eventually Cause the USSR to Collapse .. ohh wait a minute.

Also, At the time they were developing it, I was against the Bradley too, however actual combat seems to have proven it to be worth while.
Look into the (Ammo for the Gun the A10 carries) or (the Switch from " Rapid ignition powder " the M16 was designed to use, to The Extruded ball Powder it ended up using ) for scandals. I am thinking of writing a book on the later.


It was not the excessive military buildup by the US that contributed to the fall of the soviet union.
Yes it was, Yes it was, Yes it was, Yes it was, Yes it was, Yes it was, Yes it was, Yes it was,


If you would like, I will explain the reasons behind the fall of the USSR.  Let me know.
Sounds a bit condescending, why ?
And Don't, I grew up in that era and watched the whole thing happen live time.
Ask Gorbachev. See what he said on the Topic.

" I will get them into an Arms Race that they Cannot Win " Ronald Reagan 1979
Horseman 77


Like I said before, Bush sent the troops into war.  Congress gave him the authority to go to war, it did not make him.  Bush is in charge of our nation's armed forces.  That is why he is the "Commander in Chief."  $40 and $80 billion dollar war authorizations, but no body armor?  Congress approved much spending for the war efforts.  GW, being the ultimate authority when it comes to making these decisions, is the one to blame, not congress.
Please read the past posts and we wont have to cover old ground as this thread evolves. With our procurement system it would be years before they got anything they had not been issued, They went to war with what was approved by the Military and what our government agreed to pay for. We all know who wants to cut the military budget and who backs it. lets move on. Agreed?
+156|6790|space command ur anus

atlvolunteer wrote:

Why is this Bush's fault?  Isn't it the military's responsibility to buy the equipment they need?  If anything, you'd have to blame congress for not giving them the funds they need to buy the stuff.
blame lack of funds lol
at 750 billion dollars it NOT a lack of funds
Horseman 77

herrr_smity wrote:

atlvolunteer wrote:

Why is this Bush's fault?  Isn't it the military's responsibility to buy the equipment they need?  If anything, you'd have to blame congress for not giving them the funds they need to buy the stuff.
blame lack of funds lol
at 750 billion dollars it NOT a lack of funds
you got to keep it in prespective, its realetive
Well the body armor issue is off topic so I will attempt to put us back on topic. I asked this question to a few liberals on this forum and it keeps getting side stepped, so I will ask again. Bottom line

What is it about Socialism or Communism that doesn't adhere to the liberal agenda??
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6856|San Francisco
Socialism and Communism are two political ideologies that stem off the liberal left line of thought, just as totalitarianism and authoritarianism stem off the conservative right line of thought.  Left and Right being defined as the Economic polar extremes here, not the Social extremes.

This is not saying that a liberal democracy would equal Socialism, but more of the programs and actions of the government would become more social, rather than more privatized.  It favors maximum individual liberty in political and social reform.  When given enough time to evolve politically, it can turn into a social democracy (which is really what all of the worldwide Socialist parties have been envisioning, as Socialism itself is a step between capitalism and communism; a system of social organization where capital is owned and regulated by society as a whole, rather than by private companies).

I am not speaking in absolutes here, mind you.  I did a little more digging into the subject and found how these ideologies are being separated by current political scientists, redveloped out of such a Black and White stance:
Pretty interesting article on it here
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6836|Canberra, AUS

Marconius wrote:

Socialism and Communism are two political ideologies that stem off the liberal left line of thought, just as totalitarianism and authoritarianism stem off the conservative right line of thought.  Left and Right being defined as the Economic polar extremes here, not the Social extremes.

This is not saying that a liberal democracy would equal Socialism, but more of the programs and actions of the government would become more social, rather than more privatized.  It favors maximum individual liberty in political and social reform.  When given enough time to evolve politically, it can turn into a social democracy (which is really what all of the worldwide Socialist parties have been envisioning, as Socialism itself is a step between capitalism and communism; a system of social organization where capital is owned and regulated by society as a whole, rather than by private companies).

I am not speaking in absolutes here, mind you.  I did a little more digging into the subject and found how these ideologies are being separated by current political scientists, redveloped out of such a Black and White stance:
Pretty interesting article on it here
I think we need to realise just how radically different communism especially is from the rest of left wing thought.

Despite the important differences from other left-wing ideologies, the Communism of the USSR and China is almost universally considered to be a part of "the left." This is somewhat parallel to the customary inclusion of fascism (and, in particular, that of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy) in "the right." Nonetheless, communism differs significantly from other politics that are usually classified as left wing, and most left-wingers (even many far left groups) reject any association with it on the grounds that communism is too totalitarian to be politically humane or egalitarian. The argument that communism should be viewed independently of the conventional left-right spectrum has perhaps been made by Karl Popper, through his development of the concept of totalitarianism. There are, however, many communists (most notably Trotskyists and council communists) who regard the totalitarianism of the former Soviet Union to be the result of Stalinism and its betrayals of genuine communist ideology. Likewise, most right-wingers (including many nationalists) reject any association with Nazism and fascism.
Why is this?

Liberalism: the government and law should recieve LESS power.

Commusim: the government and the law have TOTAL power.

Also, I think we need to dissect 'liberalism' a bit more.

There is: Political and Cultural liberalism. These are the ones that most people follow anyway, whether they are 'Liberal' or not.

The more contentious ones are: economic and social liberalism. These are the ones you hear about, as these are the radical ones. Especially social liberalism/socialism.

The main problem with socialism is that it is based on total utilitarianism. The problem with THAT is that not everybody follows it, so it don't work.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Marconius wrote:

Socialism and Communism are two political ideologies that stem off the liberal left line of thought, just as totalitarianism and authoritarianism stem off the conservative right line of thought.  Left and Right being defined as the Economic polar extremes here, not the Social extremes.

This is not saying that a liberal democracy would equal Socialism, but more of the programs and actions of the government would become more social, rather than more privatized.  It favors maximum individual liberty in political and social reform.  When given enough time to evolve politically, it can turn into a social democracy (which is really what all of the worldwide Socialist parties have been envisioning, as Socialism itself is a step between capitalism and communism; a system of social organization where capital is owned and regulated by society as a whole, rather than by private companies).

I am not speaking in absolutes here, mind you.  I did a little more digging into the subject and found how these ideologies are being separated by current political scientists, redveloped out of such a Black and White stance:
Pretty interesting article on it here
I am sorry Marconius, those 2 politcal ideas ARE NOT the extreme of conservativism.......totalitarianism/authoritarianisn is synomonous with dictatorship. And being a conservative, means smaller govt. control NOT absolute govt. control. You are trying to use this referance because I support Bush in his fight on terrorism, I DO NOT do it blindly. I also think this Republican congress and white house has spent us into oblivion. I don't agree they should be doing this.

the extreme of conservative would be liberatarian I would think.

Todays liberals want to "share the wealth" amoungst the masses with those that haven't earned it, and conservatives say, you are FREE to go build your own.

Last edited by lowing (2006-04-05 06:28:03)

And again Marconius, your definitions are anti-American I am sorry.
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|6920|MA, USA
Lowing is right.  Totalitarianism and authoritarianism are neither left nor right...totalitarianism is an absolutist regime based on a system, and authoritarianism is an absolutist regime based on a person.  By absolutist, I am referring to a state which does not accept limits on its authority over people and property.  So, one could say China is Totalitarian, and Cuba is Authoritarian.  Neither are 'conservative'.

In the traditional Liberal/Conservative spectrum:  Liberals tend to support Social Freedom, Economic Regulation, and Government solutions to problems.  Conservatives tend to support Social Regulation, Economic Freedom, and Private solutions to problems.

Given that we have a 'Conservative' in office who has seen the largest growth in government spending in over thirty years; and given that we see 'Liberals' in office who are quite happy to support the regulation of Social Freedoms (Prostituion, Drugs, Abortion and other 'self affecting' crimes), it is clear that this 'ideal' spectrum is not accurate.  The Conservatives aren't serious about small government, and the Liberals aren't serious about social freedoms.  It seems to me that both are only serious about obtaining and holding office.

To Digress:  On the subject of body armor.  The President is not responsible for ensuring that the army is properly equipped.  Neither is Congress.  THE ARMY itself is responsible for it's supply...if it isn't properly supplied it can pipe up and say it needs the funding to MAKE ITSELF properly supplied.  It then becomes the responsibility of the President and Congress to ensure this happens.  BUT, it is hard to argue that the army didn't have the funding for body armor.  Instead, they chose to spend it on creature comforts for Generals, and favorite toys of officers.  This is a sad truth, but this time the blame lies within the bureaucratic nightmare that IS the Army, not with any politician.

Last edited by whittsend (2006-04-05 08:15:56)

Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|6968|Orlando, FL - Age 43

Marconius wrote:

Socialism and Communism are two political ideologies that stem off the liberal left line of thought, just as totalitarianism and authoritarianism stem off the conservative right line of thought.
Not to mention that that statement is completely false. Are you trying to say that Soviet Russia and today's China are/were NOT totalitarian and authoritarian? These two countries were/are completely sprung from left line os thought. The Nazi's which you are also trying to insinuate are right-wing referred to themselves as "National Socialists". The acronym from which Nazi was derived was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. Their guiding philosophy was to create a "Volk" community. In theory, a "Volk" community united all social classes and regions of Germany behind Hitler. Marconious, this sounds more in line with your left wing ideals than with conservatives.

Marconious wrote:

When given enough time to evolve politically, it can turn into a social democracy (which is really what all of the worldwide Socialist parties have been envisioning, as Socialism itself is a step between capitalism and communism; a system of social organization where capital is owned and regulated by society as a whole, rather than by private companies.
Hitler also had the same goal and you are dreaming to think that such an economy can just evolve without the measures taken by all who have tried it.

Just to illustrate where else you share ideological leanings with Hitler here is a passage from his infamous book dealing with social classes and wages.

Adolph Hitler wrote:

Of course the objection will be made that in general it is difficult to differentiate between the material and ideal values of work and that the lower prestige which is attached to physical labour is due to the fact that smaller wages are paid for that kind of work. It will be said that the lower wage is in its turn the reason why the manual worker has less chance to participate in the culture of the nation; so that the ideal side of human culture is less open to him because it has nothing to do with his daily activities. It may be added that the reluctance to do physical work is justified by the fact that, on account of the small income, the cultural level of manual labourers must naturally be low, and that this in turn is a justification for the lower estimation in which manual labour is generally held.
There is quite a good deal of truth in all this. But that is the very reason why we ought to see that in the future there should not be such a wide difference in the scale of remuneration. Don't say that under such conditions poorer work would be done. It would be the saddest symptom of decadence if finer intellectual work could be obtained only through the stimulus of higher payment. If that point of view had ruled the world up to now humanity would never have acquired its greatest scientific and cultural heritage. For all the greatest inventions, the greatest discoveries, the most profoundly revolutionary scientific work, and the most magnificent monuments of human culture, were never given to the world under the impulse or compulsion of money. Quite the contrary: not rarely was their origin associated with a renunciation of the worldly pleasures that wealth can purchase.
It may be that money has become the one power that governs life today. Yet a time will come when men will again bow to higher gods. Much that we have today owes its existence to the desire for money and property; but there is very little among all this which would leave the world poorer by its lack.
It is also one of the aims before our movement to hold out the prospect of a time when the individual will be given what he needs for the purposes of his life and it will be a time in which, on the other hand, the principle will be upheld that man does not live for material enjoyment alone. This principle will find expression in a wiser scale of wages and salaries which will enable everyone, including the humblest workman who fulfils his duties conscientiously, to live an honourable and decent life both as a man and as a citizen. Let it not be said that this is merely a visionary ideal, that this world would never tolerate it in practice and that of itself it is impossible to attain.
I, as a conservative, have two uses for the government. To protect me and my family from other countries and to to protect me and mine from you (that is a collective you).

Darth_Fleder wrote:

Marconius wrote:

Socialism and Communism are two political ideologies that stem off the liberal left line of thought, just as totalitarianism and authoritarianism stem off the conservative right line of thought.
Not to mention that that statement is completely false. Are you trying to say that Soviet Russia and today's China are/were NOT totalitarian and authoritarian? These two countries were/are completely sprung from left line os thought. The Nazi's which you are also trying to insinuate are right-wing referred to themselves as "National Socialists". The acronym from which Nazi was derived was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. Their guiding philosophy was to create a "Volk" community. In theory, a "Volk" community united all social classes and regions of Germany behind Hitler. Marconious, this sounds more in line with your left wing ideals than with conservatives.
Volkswagen owners support Hitler.  : )
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6856|San Francisco
Great job Godwin'ing the thread, Fleder...only 7 pages into it.  Did you guys look at the article I posted?  Evidently not, as there is quite a difference between Social Liberalism/Conservativism and Economic Liberalism/Conservativism.

A little help on the idea to better illustrate it

Marconius wrote:

Great job Godwin'ing the thread, Fleder...only 7 pages into it.  Did you guys look at the article I posted?  Evidently not, as there is quite a difference between Social Liberalism/Conservativism and Economic Liberalism/Conservativism.

A little help on the idea to better illustrate it
yes I looked at the article, but since in is about 7 miles long I confess I didn't read the whole thing......that is why I base my arguements on YOUR statements, cuz I can only assume you read the shit you post on here as your referance material.
Junglist Massive

Horseman 77 wrote:

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

You're sarcasm detector is way out of whack there.  .?
sarcasm doesn't work well here as emoticons are absent. Also, You are creating a circular argument because you came in late, Most of your angle has been hammered out. Its getting tedious.
I came in when lowing starting saying that liberals are communists. The first use of the word facist in this thread was (you guessed it) in my post on page 4! I came in after fully reading the thread because I felt that the statement lowing made was so ridiculous I couldn't let it stand unchallenged.   Not only that he starting to make by point that it wasn't the same by discrediting my obviously inflamatory statement  , which just proved my point that what he said about liberalism=communism was completely untrue and ridiculous.   

If someone can't tell that me saying that being a conservative is the same as being a facist control freak was a sarcastic retort to the statement that being a liberal was the same as being a rob-the-rich-communist because I didn't use an emoti-fucking-con then sorry.  Maybe if there was a good working example of a non-totalitarian communist system then I would have taken less offense at his statement, but since he implied that liberalism implied communism, I made the same statement in reverse.

Geddit yet?

Last edited by UnOriginalNuttah (2006-04-05 10:06:34)


UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

You're sarcasm detector is way out of whack there.  .?
sarcasm doesn't work well here as emoticons are absent. Also, You are creating a circular argument because you came in late, Most of your angle has been hammered out. Its getting tedious.
I came in when lowing starting saying that liberals are communists. The first use of the word facist in this thread was (you guessed it) in my post on page 4! I came in after fully reading the thread because I felt that the statement lowing made was so ridiculous I couldn't let it stand unchallenged.   Not only that he starting to make by point that it wasn't the same by discrediting my obviously inflamatory statement  , which just proved my point that what he said about liberalism=communism was completely untrue and ridiculous.   

If someone can't tell that me saying that being a conservative is the same as being a facist control freak was a sarcastic retort to the statement that being a liberal was the same as being a rob-the-rich-communist because I didn't use an emoti-fucking-con then sorry.  Maybe if there was a good working example of a non-totalitarian communist system then I would have taken less offense at his statement, but since he implied that liberalism implied communism, I made the same statement in reverse.

Geddit yet?
lol the difference is........You were being sarcastic........I wasn't........I asked you many times before to tell me what ideals todays liberals hold that are any different than socialist or communist. you refused to answer the question but instead ran away with your "sarcasm".

SO once again I pose THE SAME question........tell me here and now what communism/socialism holds as a doctrine that liberals don't?
I am all that is MOD!

Horseman 77 wrote:

I believe we must have completely different views and Ideas of what costly, cheap, long and short are.
I think if handled properly this War could be short. To me this means 6 to 10 years.
So a war possibly twice as long as WWII is short?  I want to know your opinion on why terrorists are fighting against the US, and to tell me what we can do in the next 5 years (we have been fighting them since late 2001) to get them to stop.  Concrete answers, not abstract.

Horseman 77 wrote:

As for costly I think our Casualties will top out at about 10000. In a War for our existence over ten years this is nothing.
Seeing as the war in Iraq has taken around 2400 US lives in close to three years, I highly doubt 10000 over ten years is a reasonable number. 

Horseman 77 wrote:

It may cost us year after year after year.  These people may remain our enemies forever.  That is the Hand Bush was Dealt, a hand clinton would not pick up.
I agree Clinton did not take action when he could have.  Neither did Bush.  There is countless testimony and evidence in the 9/11 Commission Report that shows the administration was well aware of impending terrorist attacks.  Please do not use Clinton as an excuse.

Horseman 77 wrote:

In my experience what money we send to social programs is wasted and squandered, with no results to show for it what so ever. Let them get their act together and spend what they already have correctly before they waste even more money. You have to see these people in action to believe the level of incompetence they an achieve.
Again, how can you be so narrow minded to think that social programs are the only ones that money is wasted on?  I know you are more intelligent than that, based on some of the discussion we've been having.

Horseman 77 wrote:

You missed my point, This is how we are handling this war. We are fighting it early. Though with less popular support. I guess we needed more people to die before Every last " Deep thinker" would get onboard. If we had started in 1993 when they attacked the WTC then, it would have been easier still. The past Administration had no back bone for it and turned a blind eye. He had other things on his mind no doubt. It cost us all.
So we are fighting this war earlier and with greater efficiency than WWII, and it will still take us (the US) twice as long?

Horseman 77 wrote:

We need to be the worlds foremost power because we cannot trust anyone else with this responsibility.  We do carry the weight better than anyone else is or has. I do not believe we are colonizing anyplace nor are we controlling their resources.
Who is to say that we (U.S.A.) are more trustworthy than anyone else in this regard?  And as far as colonization and exploitation of resources, yes we have been doing it and currently are in a number of places.  Look at any oil rich country in Africa.  We (the US government) support their dictatorships because they give us cheap access to their natural resources.  The same thing we did in Afghanistan with the Taliban before 9/11.  Look at African countries rich in Coltan, an essential metal used for superconductors in all sorts of electronics.  We support their dictatorships because they give us (US companies) cheap access to their natural resources.  So maybe not colonization in the 21st century, but definitely exploitation.

Horseman 77 wrote:

Noted: but the word you did use was "Responsible " You also slipped the word exploited in. I caught it. Who did we exploit in the last 40 years?
Actually, someone else posted on this, and I was offering my opinion.  40 years is not a valid time frame in my opinion either.  Look at blacks in the U.S; persecuted and treated inhumanely for over 150 years, then we pass the Civil Rights Act outlawing discrimination, but it still was (and is in some parts of the country) socially acceptable.  We as a country have been exploiting Latinos for at least the last 40 years.

Horseman 77 wrote:


It was not the excessive military buildup by the US that contributed to the fall of the soviet union.
Yes it was, Yes it was, Yes it was, Yes it was, Yes it was, Yes it was, Yes it was, Yes it was,


If you would like, I will explain the reasons behind the fall of the USSR.  Let me know.
Sounds a bit condescending, why ?
And Don't, I grew up in that era and watched the whole thing happen live time.
Ask Gorbachev. See what he said on the Topic.

" I will get them into an Arms Race that they Cannot Win " Ronald Reagan 1979
Not trying to be condescending, but I know a good deal about the subject.  There is a difference in what you hear on the news, and what is reality.  There were a few reasons the USSR unraveled, and in the interest of not boring you to death, here are the main three: Lack of centralized control over the vast amount of land and resources; Increasing ethnic tensions between the majority Russians and minority groups; The incredible mismanagement of production and manufacturing on the part of the Russian government.  So no, despite Reagan's statements on the contrary, it was not because of an Arms Race.  But thanks Reagan and future presidents for using the military-industrial complex to put us further into debt.
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|6920|MA, USA

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Maybe if there was a good working example of a non-totalitarian communist system...
By its nature, a communist system has to be totalitiarian.  The 'haves' will not want to share, and the 'have nots' always want more than they are given.  The only way to make it work is by strong-arming everyone into place.  This is why no large nation will ever have a communist system that isn't based on the use of force and fear by the state.


Again, how can you be so narrow minded to think that social programs are the only ones that money is wasted on?
True.  Corporate welfare and farm subsidies are just as bad as social welfare.  All should be scrapped.


And as far as colonization and exploitation of resources, yes we have been doing it and currently are in a number of places.  Look at any oil rich country in Africa.  We (the US government) support their dictatorships because they give us cheap access to their natural resources.
What form are you claiming this 'support' takes?


We as a country have been exploiting Latinos for at least the last 40 years.
Interesting philosophy.  Look at the percentage of the population that is latino now as compared to 40 years ago.  Look at the number of current latino residents who are currently, or are decended from, illegal immigrants.  Consider, regardless of their current circumstances, if those circumstances are better or worse than those they are likely to experience in their native countries.  Now...who is getting exploited?


It was not the excessive military buildup by the US that contributed to the fall of the soviet union.
The vast amount of money the Soviets spent on arms, could have been spent to great effect in prolonging the lifetime of the regime, had the arms race not been an issue.  Was the arms race the ONLY cause of the Soviet decline?  Certainly not, but it absolutely was a MAJOR factor in accelerating that decline.

Last edited by whittsend (2006-04-05 11:07:04)

Junglist Massive

lowing wrote:

lol the difference is........You were being sarcastic........I wasn't........I asked you many times before to tell me what ideals todays liberals hold that are any different than socialist or communist. you refused to answer the question but instead ran away with your "sarcasm".

SO once again I pose THE SAME question........tell me here and now what communism/socialism holds as a doctrine that liberals don't?
Do I need to, really?  Fine, here's some wikipedia that clarifies the difference between liberalism and communism and socialism. 

"Socialism is a social and economic system (or the political philosophy advocating such a system) in which the economic means of production are owned and controlled collectively by the people. This control may be either direct, exercised through popular collectives such as workers' councils, or it may be indirect, exercised through a State. A primary concern of socialism (and, according to some, its defining feature) is social equality and an equitable distribution of wealth that would serve the interests of society as a whole."

Hmm, state/worker controlled production and fair distribution of wealth?  Private enterprise is a part of liberal beliefs.  And I don't think Michael Moore would argue for that, seeing as he is now quite well off.  Argues that the government should not give big tax breaks to the ultra rich, but I don't think he'd like to see the end of private enterprise that allowed him to get rich from pointing out the obvious.  Social Equality and no classes, eh?  Bit different from just wanting the basic human rights of the poor and of minorities to be guarantee, methinks.

"Communism refers to a conjectured future classless, stateless social organization based upon common ownership of the means of production, and can be classified as a multivariant branch of the broader socialist movement."

Now, let's look at Marxism:

"Ever since Marx's death in 1883, various groups around the world have appealed to Marxism as the theoretical basis for their politics and policies, which have often proved to be dramatically different and conflicting. One of the first major political splits occurred between the advocates of 'reformism', who argued that the transition to socialism could occur within existing bourgeois parliamentarian frameworks, and communists, who argued that the transition to a socialist society required a revolution and the dissolution of the capitalist state. "

So the Marxist communists want to pull the state apart completely and start over... doesn't fit my image of liberalism, sorry.  Let's try Leninism:

"Leninism holds that capitalism can only be overthrown by revolutionary means (i.e. that any attempt to reform capitalism from within is doomed to fail). According to Lenin, the revolution should be followed by a period of dictatorship of the proletariat (a system of workers' democracy, in which workers would hold political power through councils known as soviets; see also soviet democracy)."

Nope, still no good.  Let's keep going though:

"The term "Stalinism" is sometimes used to denote the brand of communist theory that dominated the Soviet Union and the countries within the Soviet sphere of influence during and after the leadership of Joseph Stalin by anti-communists and trotskyists. The term used in the Soviet Union and by most who uphold its legacy, however, is "Marxism-Leninism", reflecting that Stalin himself was not a theoretician."

Since it is a combination of Leninism and Marxism, it still doesn't quite fit, does it?  Let's try another:

"Maoism or Mao Zedong Thought (Chinese: 毛泽东思想, pinyin: Máo Zédōng Sīxiǎng), is a variant of Marxism-Leninism derived from the teachings of the Chinese communist Mao Zedong."

Still doesn't work for me, still stuck with the revolution thing.  We've almost run out now.  Let's just try one more:

"Trotskyism is the theory of Marxism as advocated by Leon Trotsky. Trotsky considered himself a Bolshevik-Leninist, arguing for the establishment of a vanguard party. He considered himself an advocate of orthodox Marxism. His politics differed greatly from those of Stalin or Mao, most importantly in declaring the need for an international "permanent revolution". Numerous groups around the world continue to describe themselves as Trotskyist and see themselves as standing in this tradition, although they have diverse interpretations of the conclusions to be drawn from this."

Damn, back to othodox Marxism again.  Guess we should take a look at liberalism in case you somehow think you can still argue this point:

"Liberalism is an ideology, philosophy, and political tradition which holds liberty as the primary political value. Broadly speaking, liberalism seeks a society characterized by freedom of thought for individuals, limitations on the power of government, wealth, and religion, the rule of law, the free exchange of ideas, a market economy that supports private enterprise, and a transparent system of government in which the rights of minorities are guaranteed. In modern society, liberals favour a liberal democracy in the form of either a republic (e.g. France, Germany and India) or a constitutional monarchy (e.g. the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the countries of the Commonwealth realm), with open and fair elections, where all citizens have equal rights by law and an equal opportunity to succeed."

Not quite the same thing really, is it?  I'm sure you won't drop the dead donkey yet though.

Last edited by UnOriginalNuttah (2006-04-05 11:03:46)

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